Just somehow.She actually felt a little gloomy in her heart, as if she was really being targeted by something.

Is it a monster?

There was a flash of panic in the girl's eyes.

"Staying aside... It's so terrible... If you were a high-ranking monk, we would still believe those words, but you... we don't believe it!"

The passer-by girl pushed Ye Shenyue, and then left with the short-haired girl.

Ye Shenyue noticed that the short-haired girl's eyes were falling on him, and she dodged a little when he noticed it.

It seems... that it still works.

He was sealed with a lot of power by the smiling Alaya, but he could just control the atmosphere casually. The short-haired girl felt the sleepless monster just now, but he deliberately exerted pressure from the past.

That's why she felt as if she was being watched for a moment.

That's why he showed such a flustered expression.

She's... scared.

"The most unreasonable thing is women... or ignorant women..."

Ye Shenyue, who managed to save someone's life but was chased away by a passerby girl, walked aside with a dejected expression, but it was a low-level monster who seemed to have a crush on the girl before she took it away. Yes, the other party can't see this. a monster.She just wanted to make the people around her worship her and watch her under the pretext that she could see youkai.It's just a little girl's way of trying to get someone's attention.

This is a 497 morbidities.

If it continues to develop, maybe she will also go to Miss Yuko's shop.

After all, it is a magical store that appears before people know it and realizes people's wishes.

Equivalent exchange.

Where is such a store?

Now that he has brought you monsters, he should be someone who needs help to get rid of the monsters... So... where is Miss Yuko now?

Holding the plank with one hand, Ye Shenyue felt a little depressed.

"Oh? Are women unreasonable? Or ignorant? It seems that you are the same as the adult's evaluation, really... bold~~" At this moment, Ye Shenyue's ear filled with a voice full of Mature three-point smile and seven-point threat.

Ye Shenyue turned her head in surprise, and saw a girl with long dark hair rolled up in a long purple and black dress.

Tall, with a mature woman's chic and...dangerous aura.

This... what is this called?

Searching for him thousands of times, suddenly looking back, the man was in the dim light.

This...isn't this the Miss Yuko he's been looking for!

ps: Thanks for the reward of thirty-six power.

Chapter 0003 Miss Yuko

The complexion is snow-white, the skin is like frost, the body is tall, neither fat nor thin, this is the perfect mature beauty.

The woman suddenly appeared on the left side of his body, lowering his body slightly, while he was keeping one hand against the wall, and then... unfortunately, he saw a piece of snow from the side.

Ye Shenyue's line of sight shifted slightly, although the current scenery is indeed good, but this scenery is not for everyone to see, especially the owner of the other party is a guy with a super bad personality.

"Sure enough, it's the same as what the adult said..."

Miss Yuko's eyelids drooped slightly, and then she approached Yashin Yue naturally. Of course, she didn't forget to pull up the neckline of her long dress.

Can't see anything now.

All she saw was the enlarged face of Yuko-san.

"If you just watched...then...you'll be back in your original world now."

The laziness on Miss Yuko's face was drooping, but there was a terrifying expression on her face, which was threatening.

If he still has power, then he won't be so afraid, but now... Gaia... you idiot!

Knowing the current affairs as Junjie, Ye Shenyue surrendered.

However, there was a sentence in Miss Yuko's words that caught Ye Shenyue's heart.

"Return to the original world? Miss Yuko...how did you know...could it be..."

Ye Shenyue remembered that the other party seemed to say "that lord" just now. Could that lord be...

Come on Gaia!

"The matter of that lord can't be said casually in such a place, that is disrespect to the lord of God,"

Miss Yuko paused and continued, "After all, this is a desolate place..."

Desolate place?

Indeed, Ye Shenyue looked up and saw this uniquely shaped shop that specialize in fulfilling other people's wishes and then making equivalent exchanges. Most people can't see it, all they see is a desolation.

Ye Shenyue nodded and walked into the store.

It's just that Yuko-san's matter isn't over yet.

"Wait a moment……"

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