Let Ye Shenyue take a few steps into the store first, but Miss Yuko frowned slightly and stopped, her eyes filled with incomprehensible colors.

Then he turned around and said to the one-eyed youkai who was very close to Yagami Yue.

"Everything has its own law of growth. If you really want to get closer, the only option is to disappear, but if you stay here and wait for him to come out..."

The corners of Miss Yuko's mouth twitched slightly, "Maybe you can eat him completely... A huge golden pill that has no resistance... Anyone will be tempted... Just, you are sure that you will be invincible after eating him. Is it? After all, there are many more powerful than you, and it is a sin. "

Ye Shenyue felt that Miss Yuko's tone became much heavier when she uttered the words "feeling guilty", as if she was emphasizing the danger.

Even his eyes became more severe.


The one-eyed youkai floating in mid-air widened his eyes, and then he just left little by little.

"Miss Yuko..."

Yagami didn't understand, because no matter how she looked at it now, Miss Yuko was trying to persuade that low-level monster not to act rashly.Letting it go away by itself, he didn't even care about letting such a weak monster go, let alone Miss Yuko, Yagami can guarantee that she is the most powerful in this world.

That kind of little monster can just be driven away or let it disappear, why do you need to spend so much time?

"Every creature has its own reason as long as it is born in this world. When you become strong, if you just obliterate them willfully, then their reason for existence is to be obliterated by you, they will be obliterated, and you will also ...the more I fell, the deeper I was bound by the power."

The confused Miss Yuko, who seemed to see Yagami, explained.

"You acted quite well just now. From the outsiders' point of view, you may be nosy, but that's because your mood is improving. It's a good thing to remind the brown short-haired girl when you know there is no reward. , no matter what the other party chooses in the end, but you have already achieved a clear conscience. I want you to know that no one exists in isolation in this world, everyone has a meaning of existence, and his life is also related to those around him. The fates of people who know or don't know are drawn together. If you didn't pay attention to that girl, then I wouldn't have met you. I was standing at the door before, and then I heard the sound before I saw you, so I said, It's fate that guided you here."

Miss Yuko continued to speak like a god, making it impossible to tell the truth from the fake.

Could it be that... just now Miss Yuko was watching him?

Ye Shenyue was silent.

"Don't forget that you came to fuse your powers..."

Miss Yuko's eyes suddenly became serious, she moved her steps, patted Ye Shenyue on the shoulder and walked inside.

"For the fusion of power?"

Of course, in order to fuse the power, he was dragged by Gaia while Kurumi was preparing to stop the appearance of the first elf Murasame Reine. The reason was that his lack of strength could not completely stop Murasame Reine. He was dragged here by Gaia to hone his mood and increase his strength.

Now that Miss Yuko knows...then the adult in her mouth should be Gaia, the little girl of Gaia who knows the bottom line.

Maybe there is also the sinister Alaya.

"Strength is not the most important, but more important is the state of mind. Without a strong state of mind, a peaceful state of mind, even if the strength is strong, it will not help."

Miss Yuko ignored Yagami, who had been stunned, and walked forward on her own.

The slender fingers have been placed on the doorknob that looks very rich.

With a slender hand, he opened the door, and Yagami saw the scene inside.

ps: Ask for subscription, ask for collection.

Chapter 0004 Good man at home

welcome.Welcome back.Ye Shenyue's gaze followed the heavy door opened by Miss Yuko, and then she saw two twin loli, one pink and one blue, kneeling at the entrance.

The two loli immediately stood up when they saw someone coming in, and went up to welcome Miss Yuko, but the two loli would still work together, one went to welcome Ms. Yuko, while the other left. On this side of Ye Shenyue.

Some jerky glanced at him, and then rushed over.

"You are Ye Shenyue, right?"

The little blue loli asked.

"They are twin dolls I made... They don't have souls, so they can only move in the store. The blue-haired one is Xiao Duo, and the pink one is Xiao Quan."

Miss Yuko explained. "You all wait in the room first, and prepare the tea. Well... it would be better if there was wine..."

The former sentence is still so serious, the latter sentence is quite different all of a sudden.

Still an alcoholic!

Ye Shenyue expressed her concern.However, Yuko-san, who suddenly showed a longing expression when talking about drinking, seemed a little... cute.

At this time, Miss Yuko had brought him into the room, sitting high, and Xiao Duo Xiaoquan and the two loli were very obedient, one holding a cigarette stick and the other holding a lighter to light it, and then obediently retreated to the door.

I don't know what brand the tobacco is, but the smell doesn't smell bad, but it has a fragrant smell.

"Okay...that's the way it is...that lord said something about you...so you can work in the shop...well...complete 100 commissions."

Gently exhaling a breath of smoke, Miss Yuko said calmly.

Seeing Ye Shenyue's still a little confused expression, Miss Yuko continued, "Don't think this is just toying with you, when you complete the task, you will improve your heart, work hard, help others, and learn to control your expression and control yourself. , Knowing what to do and what not to do, you have to know when you complete the task. That's why she said that after completing 100 tasks, your mood will be improved all of a sudden."

Miss Yuko's expression became much more serious, and her face became more convinced.As if what she said was the truth.

Emotional Gaia's loli really thinks about him?

It's just...this...is it possible?

But Ye Shenyue still remembered Gaia Loli's terrible words "I just want to watch you suffer".Such a loli, such a loli who killed him with a meteor shower... a loli like that... would she really be so kind?

Really didn't mean to see him suffer?

Yagami was always unable to fully believe Gaia and the smiling Alaya.

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