Believe these two loli, then he can climb the tree.

It's just that Miss Yuko at this time has already started talking to herself.

That's it... That's why... Now you'll be a free part-time worker in our shop... Please have dinner or something... I hope I can drink shochu tonight... Miss Yuko poked her lips with one hand and smiled, An unscrupulous expression was completely different from the extremely serious expression just now.

Miss Yuko is now obviously happy because she has found a free good wife and boy.

Really unscrupulous shop owner.

Ye Shenyue wanted to complain too much, obviously he only came to complete the task, not to be a housewife and man.

"If you don't do it...then you can only sleep on the street tonight...Are you sure you want to do this? Even though you are a boy, if you live on the street, then there are still many uncles who like you, a young boy with thin skin and tender flesh. of……"

Miss Yuko's eyes lit up for a moment, as if she had seen some kind of scene.

This is a threat... a naked threat!

Ye Shenyue didn't have any thoughts of being gay or being oppressed, but now she couldn't help but bow her head.

Strength...he is really too weak without his strength.

Alaya...I hate you!

Yagami's anger at Alaya who had deprived him of his power increased by another point.

Dinner and dinner... shochu and shochu... At this time, there are only two little loli laughing. Xiao Duo and Xiao Quan are also very happy because of the new members in this family. They are really good children.

Not to mention the happy loli is still quite cute, Ye Shenyue's heart also became a little itchy.

If I live here, I might be able to be with Little Loli, it should be... not too boring to say.

Yashenyue, you can't do anything to these two children... Just when Yashenyue was still thinking about it, Miss Yuko's originally unscrupulous smile immediately subsided, and her eyes were sharper than Yashenyue when she saw Alai. Ye's evil smile is even more terrifying.

These two children are still good children... and then... you know... Ye Shenyue felt a lingering in her heart.

Miss much do you know about me?Even Huaxin, Huaxin, etc., did Gaia reveal a lot of things to her?

Shouldn't he even know what color underwear he is wearing now?

"I don't know much...but I still know the color of your underwear..."

Miss Yuko showed an unscrupulous smile, and this smile magnified in Yashinyuki's eyes.

The color of the panties?

Could it be that this Miss Yuko can also read minds?

Ye Shenyue secretly decided not to think about anything. He was so young that he had no chance of winning against such a goblin who didn't know how long he had lived.

"Any objection?"

Miss Yuko's expression suddenly became serious, and she felt that if you dared to object, it would kill you directly.

This is... the aura of a strong woman!

Ye Shenyue was a little timid.

"But...because it's your first time here...let's let Xiaoduo and Xiaoquan help have no complaints with them, right?"

Yuko-san suddenly changed her color as if she changed her face and said.

"Let them accompany you too?"

After thinking for a while, Ye Shenyue finally nodded.

No matter what, that scumbag Gaia threw him into this world. If he didn't stay with Miss Yuko, if he couldn't complete 100 tasks, then he wouldn't be able to go back.It's even more impossible to fulfill Kurumi's promise to stop the first elf.

And, more importantly, if you don't agree now, you'll be kicked out tonight!

What a tragic experience it was!

Eh... People are under the eaves and have to bow their heads.

She found a legitimate reason for herself, and Yashenyue surrendered. Well, Yashenyue, the lolicon, is unruly again.

He didn't say that he just wanted to be with Loli.

In this way, with the help of Xiao Duo and Xiao Quan, Ye Shenyue picked up the apron that had been put on hold for a long time, and became a good wife and man.

ps: The power of pig's feet will be restored soon.

Chapter 0005 April [-]st

The next day, early in the morning.

"April [-]st...Is breakfast ready? I'm so hungry..."

Miss Yuko, who was already sitting on the reclining chair early in the morning, cried out weakly after washing, while Xiao Duo Xiaoquan waited one in front of the other, and repeated the name "April [-]st" from time to time. .

April [-]st April [-]st, your whole family is April [-]st!

"Don't call me April [-]st... Yeshenyue... or Ye can be..."

Depressed, she brought up the breakfast prepared early in the morning from the kitchen, Ye Shenyue was indignant.

Miss Yuko is really picky. She doesn't want to cook the breakfast she buys on the street. Is it really deceiving or torture?

But Ye Shenyue knew that Xiao Duo and Xiao Quan were just dolls made by Miss Yuko, so they had no soul, so they couldn't leave the store. This is an indisputable fact.But before he came, the only person who could leave the store was Miss Yuko. How could she cook by herself according to her queen's temperament?So that breakfast was definitely bought by her rather than made by herself.

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