As for Xiao Duo and Xiao Quan's craftsmanship, Ye Shenyue was desperate last night. When they were in the kitchen, the two loli would only make trouble, and they couldn't even tell the difference between salt and sugar.

So, now Miss Yuko is purely treating him as a servant, a servant who can play casually.

Is she the same as Yuu?

Do you like to treat people as slaves and then possess them?

He is not a housewife man!

Ye Shenyue is already thinking about whether to find a girl to cook full-time, but the cook can't be an ordinary person, because this store can only be seen and entered by people in need and powerful people.

Once you find it, you can really only find those monsters and monsters.

It's just that according to the power he has now sealed by Alaya, it seems that he will be eaten by the monsters before he can find the monsters.

During dinner yesterday, Miss Yuko also conformed to the characteristics of being soft-handed and soft-mouthed, so she revealed some news under his side-talking.

Like his physique.

It was not accidental that he was haunted by monsters, nor did he inherit the body of the original protagonist, but because his body had been nourished by several forces, as if it had been transformed and optimized, and it was an excellent food for monsters.

Although it is incomparable to the Tang monk meat, which can be immortal by eating one bite, it is still possible to cultivate for hundreds of years.

It's just that although his power has been sealed, the powerful aura from the source of power is still there, making ordinary little monsters not dare to move lightly, as if they had been affixed with a protective spell.But once you meet a big monster... that's the perfect meal.

But what makes Ye Shenyue a little comforted is that there are really not many big monsters, as long as their characters are not too bad, they will not encounter them.

"|April [-]st... hurry up... and soju... you can't eat without wine..."

It's just that Miss Yuko ignored the many dissatisfactions in Ye Shenyue's heart, | "It's good to call it April [-]st... Ordinary people will think of your birthday when they hear this name. Knowing the name and date of birth would be a big mistake... It's like my name... Yuko Ichihara, but it has nothing to do with her real name and birthday..."

Miss Yuko raised her slender thighs high, crossed Erlang's legs, and slowly opened her slightly closed eyes, speaking little by little, with a serious look on her face.

It made Ye Shenyue a little suspicious of herself. It was Miss Yuko who was teaching him emotionally... His birthday was indeed not April [-], and being called by such a name would indeed not reveal himself.


The next second, Miss Yuko laughed, "Since you understand...then April [-]st... why don't you bring the shochu quickly? I want hot shochu... shochu..."

"April [-]st..."

x2 seems to be cooperating with a great master, and Xiaoduo and Xiaoquan are also cute.

It's just how the name of April [-] can it be depressing?


The corners of the present Yuko-san's mouth twitched up...that was a proud smile.

Just looking at the girl's smile can't really react, but this smile, the curvature of the corner of the mouth, Yagami Yue, is the most familiar.

He has seen it on the face of the three-free loli in Yokoliwood, on the face of Ariel-chan, on the face of Jeanne... This smile... this smile is not the legendary one But the black-bellied smile closest to him?

And now Miss Yuko's expression seems to overlap with their black-bellied representatives, which means...

Miss Yuko did it on purpose!

She called him April [-]st on purpose! What day is April [-]st?Stupid Day!

It's playing with him!

April [-]st, your whole family is April [-]st! , Ye Shenyue is getting more and more anger, this is Miss Yuko, but she slightly opened her eyes and stared at him, the terrifying momentum came, and she couldn't help shedding sweat behind her.

It's like being targeted by a beautiful snake!

Glancing at Yuko-san's cute, relaxed face as if she had been stroked because of the shochu, Yagami was a little uncomfortable.

Don't mess with this woman!

A kind of Ling Ran tremor appeared in Ye Shenyue's heart. Years of experience in contacting girls told him that some women... really couldn't touch them directly.

Ichihara Yuko is probably the most difficult woman he has ever encountered along the way.

Yagami Yue, who has nothing at the moment, expressed her defeat.

April [-]st is April [-]st, anyway, it's only Miss Yuko who recites that, so it shouldn't be a big problem.

She comforted herself silently in her heart, but Ye Shenyue still had a lot of discomfort in her heart... After all, who would feel better after being nicknamed suddenly?

Yagami's gaze slowly shifted, and then landed on Miss Yuko's thigh.

Erlang's legs are crossed, and he is wearing a kimono.

There is only one such result... that is LouDian!


Miss Yuko's LouDian!

The general situation is this.But Yagami still underestimated Miss Yuko's precision.

She raised Erlang's legs, but only showed a little of the snow-white clarity of her thighs.

what a pity.

Ye Shenyue had a feeling of beating her chest and feet.

And Miss Yuko's eyes also fell, and she moved her brows, but said nothing.

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