Expressed in real action.

Let Xiaoduo take her cigarette stick, and she herself put her slender fingers painted with crimson and noble nail polish on the hem of the kimono at the thigh, and then slid up little by little, as if On purpose LouDian did the same.

Deliberately LouDian?

Regardless of whether Miss Yuko did it on purpose or not, Ye Shenyue quietly turned her gaze over in a gentlemanly manner, and then saw the delicate, snow-white thighs that were constantly improving and exquisite.

This is the flavor of the royal lady.

Ye Shenyue's hand trembled while holding the food, that's because her hands are cheap... ah, it's not because her hands are itchy.

It seemed that there was a voice in his heart urging him, urging him to go and touch it, since Miss Yuko was so active, if he didn't take the initiative, he would not be a man!

Not a man anymore!

How can this work?

Ye Shenyue gritted her teeth and stopped in place.

The hand did not stretch out.



This is the sound of the skirt sliding down the leg.

However, Miss Yuko suddenly put down her open skirt and covered her fair and transparent thighs again. This time, she couldn't see anything.

If you just don't show it, that's fine, but the other party added at the end, "It's really an innocent little boy... He actually thought I would show it to you in vain..."

Pure love?Your whole family is pure love!

It's just that Ye Shenyue didn't get angry, but Miss Yuko's own expression was faintly serious, "If you really read really can't pay the price right now."

Does this cost too?

At most, let me show you back!

By the way, it also comes with you to touch it!

If you could, Ye Shenyue would definitely say so, but the other party is Queen Yuko, who can laugh one second and kill you mercilessly the next, how can you easily flirt!

Mocking is not the opposite of being molested.

Miss Yuko is definitely such a person!

Ye Shenyue was defeated again, and Queen Yuko was not only black-bellied but also dissolute.

Ps: There are not many plots in April, but the sub-period will try to write the characters' characters well.

I hope you can continue to support it, this is really a good anime.

Chapter 0006 Calamity's Physique

Put on a pure white school uniform shirt, pushed the glasses on the bridge of the nose purely to pretend to be gentle, and took the schoolbags handed over by two loli.

In the voices of two cute loli's "Okay", Yagami finally walked out of Miss Yuko's store.Gui Jing, okay, to outsiders, he looks like he came out of the Yellow Emperor suddenly, but I don't know if the glasses have the function of covering up the breath, Ye Shenyue found that his own sense of existence seems to be reduced.

At least a few middle-aged aunts and young girls passed by him without any change.

You must know that he was transformed into a little Zhengta by Queen Lilith when he was in the zombie world, but he was very popular with aunts, and then he moved into Mihara Kanami's house smoothly.

But now, Ye Shenyue has a feeling of a cold world.

Because the aunt doesn't matter, after all, it is not in the scope of his appreciation, but those high school girls who are average-looking also walk past him calmly, as if they didn't notice him.

It's really...a feeling of being ignored.

Sometimes it's really weird. When I don't want to be bothered by those nymphos, I wish they all disappeared, but now that the nymphos are gone, I miss the moment when I was surrounded. Maybe he felt it. Lonely.

Because now is different from then, there is only one Miss Yuko who can only watch from a distance and is not allowed to even molest, and two loli Xiaoquan who can't help but sell cuteness.

Now he is alone.

Very heavy yin...

Just when Ye Shenyue was thinking about whether she had to find a girlfriend first, she saw a strong aura. That was not a good thing, but it was the smell on the quilt when he woke up yesterday.

It was the aura of the gathering of low-level monsters.It's also a bad breath.

He could not only see but also smell the breath that the low-level monsters couldn't hide.

If it's just breath, that's fine. With his current strength close to 5, he doesn't want to go to the muddy waters. At least he has to complete a task to recover a little strength and then teach these low-level monsters a lesson.

But this is only limited to monsters.

Because Ye Shenyue saw a figure, a girl came from the side of the crossroads, with a relaxed and gentle smile on the corner of the girl's mouth.

It's just that this smile is just an appearance, Ye Shenyue saw the loneliness and... desolation in her eyes.

, Those monsters gathered not far behind her.With an ominous breath.

"Xiao Kui?"

, Ye Shenyue looked at her appearance, her lips moved, and she finally called out her name.

Nine Xuankui.

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