The same mature body makes people eager to get in touch, the coveted turbulent waves, beautiful face, and similar height.Sure enough, they are all charming.

Ye Shenyue suddenly looked forward to Sera's appearance when she put on cat ears, it must be very charming.

"Who... who would be interested in this!"

Sera actually thinks this pile of gray-black cat ears is very cute. She really wanted to try them on, but when Ye Shenyue suddenly appeared, she wanted to throw the cat ears down.

It's just that the pretty face seems to be a bit too red.

"Sera... take it and give it a try, I really like you! It will definitely double the charm!"

Sierra will be shy!

Ye Shenyue smiled and bewitched, with a look of anticipation on her face.

"Really double the charm?"

Sierra was a little moved.Dark green eyes swept to the soft cat ears inadvertently.

Really moved.

"Of course... Sera is very attractive. If you wear cat ears... Well, as it is now, as expected, so cute!"

Sera stretched out her little hand for a long time, hesitating that Hao was ashamed and didn't get the cat ear for a long time, Ye Shenyue held the great idea of ​​caring for people, and directly reached out and grabbed the cat ear, and then put it on Sera's head .

If Sera let down the hair around her ears, the ears on her head really looked like real ears, and the soft cat ears looked really cute.


Sera's face was very red, Ye Shenyue had already put the cat ear on her head, and it was useless for her to take it off, because the other party had already seen her appearance at this time.

It's just that the other party said it was cute, which made Sera a little moved.

"That's right, Sera, come and cry out obediently~~ Raise your hands like this and grab it lightly."

The current Sera is so cute. If you follow Yagami's actions, she is really a catwoman who makes people yearn for it. She is still a mature and very good catwoman.

"Really... Really want to be like this... Meow... ah..."

Ye Shenyue looked so eager, Sera couldn't bear to refuse.Or she blushed quickly, and raised her hands stiffly, following Ye Shenyue's request.

A soft meow almost made the blood in Ye Shenyue's whole body boil, and Ye Shenyue even wanted to push Sera right now.

"Leaves girl? Did you find something interesting?"

Haruna stuck her head out of nowhere and looked suspiciously at Sera who had hurriedly removed her cat ears.She always felt that there seemed to be an abnormal flush on Ye Zinu's face.

"No... nothing... By the way, Abu said it was so late, so he invited us to dinner. Yes, it was dinner."

Serra quickly removed the cat ears from her head with unprecedented speed, then hid it behind her back, and changed the subject with her own composure.

How could such an obvious method of changing the subject confuse others?As long as ordinary people will not be deceived, okay?

Ye Shenyue covered her face helplessly.

"Really... Then I want to eat sushi! Hey, everyone, Abu asked us to eat sushi!"

With a look of excitement on her face, Haruna went to notify the others while shouting.

"Uh... well, Haruna can't be measured by normal IQ."

Ye Shenyue looked at Xiao Haruna, who was simply bewitched by Sera.

Chapter 0050 The King of the Night Reappears

"I want sushi with tuna."

"Then I want puffer fish."

"It's better to have it all."

"Actually, I prefer to eat pork ribs ramen."


In the sushi restaurant, Yagami looked at the stacks of sushi bowls that were already laid out on the table and on the floor, and sighed in her heart how many thousands of yen it would cost. It really shouldn't be. come to this place.He had forgotten that no matter which girl he knew, it was the attribute that could make him poor.

Haruna needs to fill her stomach to restore her magic power. If Ye Shenyue has any dissatisfaction, she will say, "Idiot step, do you want me to appear naked every time I transform because of insufficient magic power?"

Well, Ye Shenyue, an out-and-out lolicon, absolutely cannot allow Haruna to be seen by others. It is only him who sees it and enjoys it to the fullest.

"Sir, this is the bill, a total of one million yen, this is the VIP card, welcome next time."

The manager in the sushi restaurant had countless smiles on his face. It was sweet, and he was a big customer. He definitely made a lot of money from this meal of Yashenyue and the others.

"one million?"

Ye Shenyue remembers that the first time the publishing house gave him the manuscript fee was only [-] million yuan, and this meal was taken away by one tenth. Sure enough, opening the Crystal Palace is not so easy. All right.

"Yes, it's actually a million million, but the gentleman is a big customer, so we took away the fraction."

The manager's face was still like a flower.


Ye Shenyue sighed slightly.

"Do you want to use that card?"

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