At this moment, Yu was sitting next to Yashenyue, tugging at his sleeve, and handed him the card he stole from Yashenyue earlier.

"As expected, Yu is the cutest, but this card has already been given to you, you can use it whatever you want. Um... Manager, can you swipe the card here?"

Ye Shenyue touched Yu's head, and was instantly healed by Xiaoyou. As expected, unlike Haruna who continued to destroy the sushi in front of her, Yu was the most empathetic.Ye Shenyue picked it from her wallet, took out a bank card and handed it to the manager.

"Of course, please wait."

The chrysanthemum-flower smile on the manager's face was even brighter, and he carefully took the card in Ye Shenyue's hand. As expected, he didn't miss out. This is the hidden gold master!

"Swipe the card? When did Abu get a new card? Did the publishing house send money again?"

Haruna finished off another plate of tuna sushi, watching the manager's joyful actions, her big eyes revealed a deep scrutiny.

"Is it private money?"

Sera also turned to look at Yashin Yue.

"Aikawa is really rich! I don't know what's going on, but it seems like I should be staring at Aikawa like Seraphim."

Even the unknowing Yuuki did the same thing with Sera. In her world, Serafim is Yagami's wife at home, and she is a campus wife, so she should follow her at home, so, All actions are like Serra.

"Step is already pitiful."

"Don't bully him."

"Just let him hand over the private money."

In the end, even You Jiang stood up and wrote three sentences. The first two sentences made Ye Shenyue feel very relieved. His You still cared about him very much, but the last sentence made people speechless. What kind of group is this? The cute and lively MiShaov is just that blood-sucking demon... well, it seems that Sera is blood-sucking...

In the end, Ye Shenyue still didn't hand over the "private money" but agreed to spend the money, such as everyone going to take a photo with you or something.

"Serious steps... How can you steal your relatives!"

Undoubtedly, this is Chunnai-chan. When taking the photo, Ye Shenyue suddenly lowered her head and kissed her while Chunnai was standing in front of him. Seeing the cute Chunnai-chan's white and tender face turn red quickly .


The sound of the camera sounded, and this scene of love was captured.

"Aikawa is really bold!"

Yuuki blushed a little after a photo was completed, apparently seeing the scene of Yagami Yue stealing her kiss from Haruna just now.

"Unchaste bugs! . . . um..."

Sera was just about to speak, but Ye Shenyue quickly blocked her lips with her mouth.


Another photo done.

"Step, lascivious."

You quickly wrote, but before she handed the note to Ye Shenyue and condemned Ye Shenyue, she found that her little face was touched, or was kissed, she raised her head slightly, and even her lips were kissed , the touch of lip to lip contact.

"Ai... Aikawa..."

Yuuki was a little nervous, four girls came together, and now she is the only one left who has not been kissed.

"Yuji just... wait for our emotions to deepen, and then go deeper. Now let's kiss the face first."

In Yuuki's blushing face, Ye Shenyue just lightly printed it on her forehead.


Another lovely photo.

It was only after she got these loving photos that Yashenyue really felt that even tens of millions of yen could not compare to being able to kiss all the loving members of the Crystal Palace openly.

There is a saying that is not good, winter has come, spring will be far behind?

And on Ye Shenyue's body, since all of them are willing to kiss, or all of them are kissed, is it still far from the love activity of pushing down or the more charming sleeping with the big quilt?

"Huh? What's wrong with You? Are you going to the toilet?"

The next activity was to go to the playground, everyone scattered and played, Yashin Yue noticed that Yu was walking towards the corner, feeling a little nervous, and hurriedly followed.


Yu didn't speak, but was silent for a while, then nodded slightly.

"Go early, come back early..."...

"'re finally here..."

A arrogant man leaned lazily against the railing on the top floor, looking lazily at the expressionless Yu.Although it is a harmless appearance of lazy people and animals, it exudes a chilling atmosphere.


You didn't speak, and didn't even bother to write to the man. The pen in his right hand pressed abruptly, and then, a surprising scene appeared. The small brown pen was seen just as You pressed it down. , suddenly swayed, and then, in the faint golden light, it turned into a long brown death scythe.

Beautiful arc, chilling color.

Sharp and dangerous.

Holding the scythe that had been held again after an unknown period of time, he lightly tapped his little foot and slashed towards the lazy but terrifying man.

"Yo...I haven't done anything yet, Yokoliwood, so you want to kill me?"

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