2.4 Miss Yuko looked at Yagami and thought deeply, then shook the luxurious long smoking gun, "I will tell you what to do when the time is right."


Miss Yuko stood up slowly, "Returning to the topic, this is your first task... You have to complete it yourself, of course you are too weak now, you can only see monsters, and you go again. It's the kind of place with a bad breath, and you can't be carried away by monsters on the way, so you also need a person to accompany you, someone who has the ability to ward off evil spirits. And she is just outside the store."

"So...we're going together."

Slightly awkward, Ye Shenyue walked out of the store and said to classmate Jing, who continued to show her face paralyzed.

ps: I stumbled across the flower list on the homepage by accident. Thank you.

Chapter 0009 The so-called "angel" (one more for collection)

The angel in Xiaokui's mouth is actually a pen fairy.

According to Miss Yuko, this fairy is actually a kind of seance, but it is rarely successful for ordinary people to do it.

But there are a lot of people playing, so what will happen?

Those who played but didn't see any miracles, vaguely had the idea that "it would be nice if something happened" or "it would be nice if someone suddenly died" is not a malicious idea.

Over time, these ideas take shape and eventually become weird.

Generally speaking, it takes a long time from the birth of a monster to its maturity. After all, which monster is not formed every few hundred years old?

But evil monsters are different, they improve themselves not by themselves but by the power of others.The malevolent thoughts of these students are their growing power.

Therefore, the strange force currently entrenched in the school has become very strong.

As soon as I walked to the gate of the school, I smelled that terrible gloomy smell, which was worse than the musty smell.

"Hey... quiet... you really don't feel anything... don't you smell anything?"

Ye Shenyue, who knew this was the case for a long time, had already bought several masks, but now that she walked into the campus, it was of no use at all.

Still stinks.

If he regained his strength, such a disgusting monster would have been dealt with immediately, why would he need to suffer a little bit like this now?

Ye Shenyue looked at the person beside her, put the bow and arrow behind her back and continued to deal with Jing Jing with a paralyzed face.Could it be that the physique is really that powerful?

She lived quietly in the shrine, and she was the priest of the shrine for generations, but she was cut off in her generation. He did not know any magic, but the blood was still there, so he had the power to ward off evil spirits.

When standing with her, Ye Shenyue really found that the low-level monsters who looked at him with bad intentions really retreated.That is the power of warding off evil spirits.

And now, he was about to vomit because of the smell, but classmate Jing was still so calm, and Ye Shenyue suddenly envied her.

It's just that he is the one who wants to regain his strength, and he is the one who agreed with Kurumi to fulfill her wish, so how could he fall on the road to regain his strength?

Therefore, Ye Shenyue must complete this mission no matter what!

According to the original plot, Jing came here on April [-] without any preparations, but he knew that there would be some kind of weird Ye Shenyue, so he didn't want to come to die in vain, so he deliberately let Baimu Gui Jing come back. Go to the shrine to get the magic-busting bow and arrow that her grandfather used.

Jing has the power to destroy demons, and it will be up to her to destroy that monster later.

Of course, the helpless ears in the original work are still missing. Although if they are worn, they are very suitable for Miss Yuko, but after thinking about it, Jing Jing will make fun of them. Yashenyue immediately refused. The way to solve the monster named "Angel" is actually just a monster created by the malice of the students.

Compared to this, Miss Yuko didn't disagree, but showed a somewhat regretful expression, as if she had lost a good opportunity.

In fact, she was the one who really wanted to make fun of her.

Yuko is really a big devil.

"It's here... wait... um... forget it..."

Thinking wildly, Ye Shenyue and the others have already started going up the stairs, preparing to go to the roof where the stench is the strongest, where the monsters appear.Originally, I wanted to say "You have to protect me no matter what", but when the words came to her mouth, Ye Shenyue immediately swallowed it. What kind of skill would it be for a girl to protect him?

He is a man, and a man should come forward.

Then, when she came to the roof of the school, Ye Shenyue only felt that the sky was dark.

The unpleasant smell from the monster, and several figures in the darkest part of the roof.

These are three girls, still wearing school uniforms, with their three hands together, everyone's face is full of fear and fear, and from time to time they are shouting "Who will save us" | "Jing...I didn't see anything. Haven't heard anything yet?"

Ye Shenyue did not walk over rashly, but said with a slight frown.


Still the same expression as an iceberg.

"Then don't worry..."

Since Jing can't see it, it means that the three girls are not real people, they should be incarnations of monsters.He wouldn't just rush over stupidly.

"Prepare your bows and arrows...then you will shoot wherever I point...uh...your sister...what a fool!"

Ye Shenyue was sure, just as he was about to give an order, a scene that made him angry appeared. The three girls who were holding their palms together and drawing together on the table with a pen suddenly smiled at him. a bit.

It was a sinister smile.

Seeing this smile, Ye Shenyue felt sensitively that something was wrong, but at this moment the three girls had already appeared in front of him.

Then, the three of them and their six hands actually pushed them towards his chest like this...It's a huge push.

He fell!

Because he is standing beside the railing now and the railing is only half the height of a person, so if the center of gravity is unstable, he just falls off!

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