"Hey...you're fouling!"

Ye Shenyue shouted, he didn't do anything superfluous, why did these girls who turned into monsters pushed him?

It's not fair!

Looking down, well, more than ten meters at most... It should not die.

Miss Yuko said that although his power has been sealed, the strength of Tamsui's body is still preserved, so at most it will be a pain and nothing will happen.

However, what made people stunned was that Jing, who had already taken out the bow and arrow to shoot, unexpectedly threw the bow and arrow aside and held him back.

"Why did you suddenly commit suicide?"

He frowned slightly, holding the railing with one hand, while the other hand was struggling to hold Ye Shenyue. Ye Shenyue was not fat, but she was a boy after all, and now Jing's one arm bears all his burdens. weight.

Effortless is impossible.

It stands to reason that Ye Shenyue was really moved by Jing Neng who suddenly came to save him.

It was just this sentence that made him want to scold him. Her eyes saw that he wanted to commit suicide and jump off the building?

He was obviously pushed down, okay?Even in front of Jing, who couldn't see any monsters, Ye Shenyue really jumped off the building suddenly.

Isn't that what suicide is?

It's just that Ye Shenyue, who was being held back, hadn't decided whether to let Jing pull him up or jump straight down. When she raised her eyes, she saw an astonishing scene.

Ps: Three shifts today, ask for flowers, ask for subscription, ask for comments.

Chapter 0010 Double Arrows of Breaking Demons (two more for collection)

Ye Shenyue's eyes widened, because a terrible scene was being staged in front of him.The huge black shadow that suddenly appeared out of nowhere slammed its mouth wide open, and swallowed the monster that had turned into the prototype of the three girls after pushing him downstairs.

Yagami saw the eyes of this huge shadow, as well as its teeth.

This is a huge black python!Snake!


In the end all the words came together into one sentence.

Ye Shenyue didn't know where the power came from, but she just carried the wall with one foot and ran up, not only did not fall, but instead pulled Jing aside.

Then the area where they used to be immediately lost a corner.

It was bitten off by a black giant python.

This is also a monster.

It appeared immediately after the "angel" appeared, and then swallowed the "angel" behind them when Jing went to save Yagami.It's not enough to swallow the "angel", then... ready to swallow Ye Shenyue and them!

That's why Ye Shenyue became nervous.That's why the power exploded in an instant and pulled Jing to the other side.

"What happened?"

Even though he couldn't see it, Jing still felt a sense of oppression.The feeling of being watched.And the little corner where they stood just now is still empty, no matter how you look at it, it looks like something has happened.That's why he asked this question.

"A black giant python, and now we are being targeted..."

Ye Shenyue clenched her fists while turning back, feeling that her strength seemed to have recovered... um... about 1%.


and many more.

Isn't that the 100 things Gaia Loli asked for?Because Xiaokui asked to eliminate the monster in the school, and just now that monster was swallowed by the black giant python, so... his task has been completed?

In other words, his power is restored!

It is indeed a good feeling, even if it is only 1%, but Ye Shenyue still feels that her power seems to have been tempered, and it is really much purer.The power in the body belongs to Yoshino, Tohka and the others are also merging little by little. The degree of fusion... is really 1%!

Sure enough, although Gaia is pitted, the key things are still unambiguous.

And now, his task is complete, but there is another thing to do.

1,.Take Jing and run away quickly, ignoring the black giant python.Of course, the premise is that the other party will let them go.

2. Use the power now recovered to deal with this giant python, to try the feeling.

The first is conservative, while the second is irritating.

It's just that no matter which one you choose, someone has to cooperate, so Ye Shenyue asked Jing's opinion, after all, she is also one of the parties.

"Whatever you like, whichever one you like."

It was an indifferent answer, but it still moved Ye Shenyue, because the other party said so, it really means that no matter which one he chooses, he will always follow him.

Really believe him.

"I want a fight!"

Ye Shenyue handed Jing the bow and arrow that had been thrown on the ground, and he stood up, "Hey... big boa constrictor... you wanted to eat us just now, didn't you... Then now I will give it back... "

Let Jing unfold the bow and arrow and wait for his signal, but Ye Shenyue herself used her current fastest speed to attack the python's seven inches.

Of course the big snake had to hit seven inches.

Of course Ye Shenyue knew, so of course the place he attacked was the weakest place for the python.

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