The rain maiden disappeared for 3 seconds...


Ye Shenyue's face was not very good, or it was Miss Yuko with a flirtatious tone, "I have already bullied others... Why don't you catch up and take responsibility for others? The fairies living in Lingshan are very simple. My dear boy, you suddenly did that kind of thing to Yu virgins, have you already thought about when to ask for marriage?"

Miss Yuko stood up from her seat, then walked step by step in front of Yagami, and said with a slender finger poking his chin.

"Begging for a kiss! And also a gift... and a gift..."

Makona is definitely Miss Yuko's most loyal subordinate, and immediately took over the conversation and continued to join in the fun.

And it's still fanning the flames.

"Uh... any of these can be..."

Now Ye Shenyue has completely confessed, no matter what he says, everyone will understand him as a lecher.

But that's fine, Ye Shenyue calmed down.

They've shown him the worst option.What could he not bear?

Ye Shenyue looked at the little girl Hirota Masami who seemed to be more than three meters away from him because of what happened just now, and said helplessly.

"Miss Yuko, the problem is that there are still new guests..."

Yagami said, pointing to the petite body of Miss Hirota who was huddled in the corner.

"A new guest? Ah... So she's a guest... I thought it was a new love that I brought back on April 3.9. September [-]st... In order to satisfy lolicon or something..."

Miss Yuko is like waking up from a big dream.

However, Ye Shenyue knew that this Miss Yuko was definitely intentional, absolutely intentional. She had always said that she could only see this store if she had a demand, but Miss Hirota was able to enter this store because it was not a guest or a customer. What?

Yagami noticed that after Miss Yuko said this, Masami Hirota quietly and quietly distanced herself from him again.

This is a big misunderstanding!

Although he is an out-and-out loli control, he never thought to control Miss Hirota, although the loli state she maintains now is indeed good and cute.

Ps: Next, I will enter the story of Conan. I hope everyone can continue to support it, and I am very grateful.

Chapter 0018 Pack it for you (for flowers)

"No...don't look at me like that."

Miss Hirota was stared at by Shenyue's eyes, as if she was about to be melted, but her heart was churning.

In her heart, Ye Shenyue has already assigned the label of a terrible and dangerous man.

So at this time, Miss Hirota did not doubt that she was brought up by Ye Shenyue for another purpose.

Maybe it's to satisfy some kind of mind of Lolicon.

Xiao Ai's older sister, who had turned into a loli, was curled up weakly, as if she had already been violated.

Very poor look.

I really feel pity.


Three black lines appeared on Ye Shenyue's forehead instantly.When did he become an unscrupulous lolicon?Although he is a lolicon, he hasn't extended his minions to you, okay!

He clearly said more in control of Xiao Ai.

"Clap clap clap!"

At this time, Miss Yuko finally had enough to watch the play, and then gradually resumed her serious expression, "Okay, then respected guest from another world, what is your wish? I can fulfill your wish. , but you have to pay a price equal to your wishes."

Miss Yuko stood up and did not walk in front of Miss Hirota, who had become a loli, but Ling Ran's aura had already passed.

This is the aura of Mrs.

Even a loli has a corresponding momentum.

Ye Shenyue knew very well that his excellent sauce had the aura of Ling Ran who belonged to Lolita, and if she became the queen, no one in the imperial court would dare to raise her head.

However, Miss Hirota is not his excellent sauce after all, and even becoming a loli is unpredictable and unpredictable, so she can't resist at all.

Therefore, Miss Hirota could only hide behind Ye Shenyue, otherwise she would be blown away by this seemingly invisible but actually tangible momentum.Once it's blown away, nothing can be achieved.


If you ask her what she wishes, she will definitely be able to say it, but when it comes to the price...she has nothing now, how can she pay the price?

"Equivalent. Our store is equivalent to help you realize your wish. You have to pay an equal price, no more and no less, only moderate."

Miss Yuko explained.

Because this is a loli who has strayed into this world, so Miss Yuko is a little more patient.After all, this is a guest from another world.

"But...but...I have nothing to give...I only have my soul...there's nothing else...well...I thought, I'm willing to give my soul!"

Miss Hirota, who emerged from behind Yashinyue, waited for Miss Yuko's momentum to dissipate a little, and then walked out a little timidly. Although her heart is an adult, what she is encountering now is not just relying on Being an adult can solve it.

Adult experience is completely useless.

When did she get shot while she was an adult?

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