It’s okay to shoot and kill, when will the soul and body be stripped?When did you become a child?And then to another world?

These are unheard of things!

And what she has now is really poor, only the soul is left.


Miss Yuko supported her chin with one hand, her eyes drooping slightly, "The price is not bad...then...the deal is done! You should pack it for my family on April [-] just so happens that he is a Lolicon. with..."

In the first half of the sentence, Miss Yuko still had the majesty of the store manager and the majesty of Yujie, but in the next second, it became a gorgeously flirtatious tone, and she was still joking about Yagami Yue.

"Tell... pack it for him?"

Miss Hirota's voice suddenly became much lower, and then... the tender and petite shoulders shrugged, and then nodded, as if she had made up her mind, | "I agree! My wish is to save my sister and make her forever. happy."

She, who is a sister, can even give up her life for her sister, so what else can't be given up?

Even giving yourself to a lolicon is the same.

Miss Hirota is determined.

"Yo Xi! So that's settled. I will let April [-] realize your wish. As for your price... just take it after it's finished."

Miss Yuko also settled down.

He even laughed softly.

"Huh... huh?"

Ye Shenyue's eyes widened, could it be... that it was decided like this?

He hasn't said anything yet.

However, at this time, Miss Yuko had something to say.

"However, before you go to fulfill Miss Miyano Akemi's wish, Yagami, you still have something to do with 913."

Miss Yuko is definitely the king of face-changing, she just calmed down and immediately became serious.

"Don't forget to find her, Baimu Guijing has been standing in the rain for 10 hours, holding the ribbon in her hand..."

It is indeed 10 hours, because the time in this world and the time in the underworld do not match, Ye Shenyue only thinks it is a few minutes, but in this world, several hours have passed.

In the beginning, Jing was just digging the soil. When Miss Yuko came over with an umbrella, she knew that she had to pull the ribbon, because Yagami had already told her to carry the ribbon, so she should already know it. In this case, Miss Yuko will not pay a lot of money for adults.

It's just that if she asks for a price, then Ye Shenyue will definitely rave about her stingy fellow.

So to sum up the above, when Jing really stretches out the ribbon, it seems that the timing of the ribbon is too late in Yashenyue's eyes.

However, it finally caught up.

"This...I know."

Ye Shenyue was silent for a while, then nodded. After he came out of the underworld, he sent Jingxian to the temple. This time, he should leave and say something.

Chapter 0018 Pack it for you (for flowers)

"No...don't look at me like that."

Miss Hirota was stared at by Shenyue's eyes, as if she was about to be melted, but her heart was churning.

In her heart, Ye Shenyue has already assigned the label of a terrible and dangerous man.

So at this time, Miss Hirota did not doubt that she was brought up by Ye Shenyue for another purpose.

Maybe it's to satisfy some kind of mind of Lolicon.

Xiao Ai's older sister, who had turned into a loli, was curled up weakly, as if she had already been violated.

Very poor look.

I really feel pity.


Three black lines appeared on Ye Shenyue's forehead instantly.When did he become an unscrupulous lolicon?Although he is a lolicon, he hasn't extended his minions to you, okay!

He clearly said more in control of Xiao Ai.

"Clap clap clap!"

At this time, Miss Yuko finally had enough to watch the play, and then gradually resumed her serious expression, "Okay, then respected guest from another world, what is your wish? I can fulfill your wish. , but you have to pay a price equal to your wishes."

Miss Yuko stood up and did not walk in front of Miss Hirota, who had become a loli, but Ling Ran's aura had already passed.

This is the aura of Mrs.

Even a loli has a corresponding momentum.

Ye Shenyue knew very well that his excellent sauce had the aura of Ling Ran who belonged to Lolita, and if she became the queen, no one in the imperial court would dare to raise her head.

However, Miss Hirota is not his excellent sauce after all, and even becoming a loli is unpredictable and unpredictable, so she can't resist at all.

Therefore, Miss Hirota could only hide behind Ye Shenyue, otherwise she would be blown away by this seemingly invisible but actually tangible momentum.Once it's blown away, nothing can be achieved.


If you ask her what she wishes, she will definitely be able to say it, but when it comes to the price...she has nothing now, how can she pay the price?

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