Ye Shenyue shrugged and showed an apologetic expression, as if she had done something wrong.

Did something that shouldn't be done.

If you know you shouldn't do it, then don't do it!

The mention of "kiss" Mingmei's classmate would get angry. This happened in the night when Ye Shenyue was trapped in a small porcelain vase.

"Maybe staying here tonight."

Ye Shenyue said so at the time, but then she didn't do it!

At that time, classmate Mingmei didn't know that this guy had a beastly face. When she reacted, he was actually restrained by him, and then she was kissed forcibly.

He simply didn't kiss directly, just kissed the face.

Well, if it's to save my sister then it's okay to pay such a small price, but this 0.3 guy actually hugged her and kissed her all night!

This is not acceptable!


When classmate Mingmei was going crazy, Ye Shenyue made a soft shush, Mingmei ignored it, because she was in a ghost state now, but the three words that Ye Shenyue said made her have to. stop.

That's what Ye Shenyue said, "It's already here, your sister should be next door!"

My sister is next door!

Even if my sister is surging in her heart, it is better to see her surging!

Mingming... Mingming thought I would never see him again.

In an instant, under the stunned expression on Ye Shenyue's face, Miyano's little Lori was about to cry.Tears flowed.

ps: I found that a lot of people voted for Skyfall and Kempfa. Are all the otakus falling?

Chapter 0023 Hurry up and get smaller

What is her life like?

She didn't even know it herself, she was trained by the organization since she was a child, and the higher education finally worked for the organization, researching the medicine of immortality for the organization.

She simply didn't have time to think about it in her busy post-graduate studies and in her parent's drug research.

But now, she knows what her life is. Maybe she was still confused before, but now she fully understands what she is going to do and what her goal is. Just half a year ago, her sister was killed by She was shot and killed. Since her parents died because of the explosion in the laboratory, she has only one relative left, and that is her sister who is not a few years older than her.

Although they are sisters, because of the reasons for the organization and the reasons she wants to study, the time the two sisters can really spend together is not much, but this cannot affect the relationship between her and her sister.

It was an emotion that went deep into the bone marrow, and it couldn't be cut off no matter what.

Just half a year ago, my sister met with her and drank coffee in a cafe, but today, half a year later, she finally found out that her sister was killed.

Moreover, 06 was killed by people in the organization.

She asked the organization many times, but there was no official response.Out of anger, she terminated her research on the drug but angered the organization, and was imprisoned here, waiting for punishment from her superiors.

One hand was handcuffed, and she had neither a pistol nor a silencer on her hand, so she couldn't open the handcuffs without noticing.

But just staying here, it would be even less able to investigate the cause of her sister's death.

Biting her lip slightly, "sherry", one of the main persons in charge of drug research, seemed to make up her mind. She had the rest of the research drug in her pocket, and there might be a chance to eat it.

She thought of Kudo Shinichi.

This is a victim of Gin and their unauthorized use of unresearched drugs on the human body.

This is a young detective, about her age.

The other victims have been confirmed dead, but he is not, the current status is "|Unknown" As a researcher of the drug, she went to investigate the exception's home twice.

The first time, there was no harvest, but the second time, he found that all his childhood clothes were gone.

This is notable information.

There was a terrible guess in her mind at that time.

Could it be that this Kudo Shinichi came back and took his own clothes.Why take back the kid's clothes?

There is only one possibility, and that is that he needs |!he needs!


It's just maybe, maybe he's turned into a kid because of the drugs, so he'll come back to get his clothes.

She also investigated, and suddenly a very good child detective Edogawa Conan appeared, and that Kudo Shinichi was also a detective.

In this way, the correctness of this conjecture has been improved.

Just not quite sure yet.

But in any case, there is not much road ahead of her now.

It's just a fight.

Eat the APTX4869 in your pocket and see if you can turn back into a child!

According to the development of things, it should be like this.


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