Some people always encounter miracles. Miyano Shiho, who has not encountered miracles for [-] years, encountered miracles.

On the ground, a six-pointed star appeared in a light golden magic circle that made people feel comfortable.

"Follow your call, my princess."

The ground seemed to be torn apart, and a small figure emerged little by little from the glowing magic circle.

The tiny hand held her only free-moving palm.

Then grabbed the capsule she was holding in her hand.

Remove the capsule.

Seems to be blocking the other party's behavior.

"Are you a soul?"

If an ordinary person suddenly sees a person appearing on the ground, no matter what, they will be surprised at first, and if it fails, their heart will suddenly shrink a few times, that is to be scared.

But the current Miyano Jiho-san frowned slightly and said so.

She believes in science, but what appears in front of her doesn't look like a fake, and there is no projector or equipment around, so it can only be true.

The thin lips moved, and Shiho spoke in a slightly doubtful but somewhat confirmed tone.


Ye Shenyue's outstretched hand almost froze.


Is he like that kind of thing that floats and floats?

On the other hand, Yami, the little girl beside her, couldn't help laughing when she cried with joy when she saw her sister.

"Cough cough..."

Ye Shenyue pretended to cough a few times, eh, the good atmosphere was ruined.

But Ye Shenyue still cheered up, "Actually, I was commissioned by your sister. I want to save you. And I'm not a soul, I'm a higher-level person... Uh, you can treat me as It's good to be a demigod."

"Demigod? said elder said elder sister called you here!"

Shiho-san, who had continued to trust science, was still slightly stunned when he heard the word "demi-god", but when he heard the word "sister", Doze said nothing.

Originally, Ye Shenyue was still a little distance away from her, but now she is pulling Ye Shenyue over.

Meet her beautiful eyes.

"It's your sister...but she's dead, but her soul hasn't ask me to help you..."

"Dead... dead... I knew... the people in the organization are all bastards!"

640 At this moment, the seventeen-year-old girl named Shiho Miyano cried for the first time, and the big tears fell from her face as if she couldn't stop it, and finally landed on his hand. superior.

the first time.For the first time, Ye Shenyue saw the girl cry so miserably in front of her.

Moving her lips, Ye Shenyue continued, "Actually, your sister's soul is by my side, it's just that you can't see it..."

He doesn't like tragedy, and has the ability to turn tragedy into comedy, so why not do it?

And more importantly, it can also leave a good impression on Zhi.

For the past six months, she has been immersed in the killing of her sister, and she is about to collapse.

"elder sister?"

Shiho-san went from crying to excitement in an instant.It's just that no matter how wide her eyes are, she can't see it.

"I didn't lie to you, she is by your side, she was killed by Gin, and now it's just her soul."

Ye Shenyue shook her head and said.

"But don't worry... your sister won't disappear, and now we have more important things."

"More important things?"

"Well... come... hurry up... hurry up and eat this small medicine... hurry up and become a loli!"

The last second, Yagami was still holding the APTX4869 capsule that she got from Shibao, but this second, she directly shoved it into the other's lips.

Chapter 0024 Sisters have become smaller?


Screaming in pain, this is the pain that seems to tear the body completely apart, every cell in the body is in pain, no matter whose heart, skin, or even muscle nerves are about to be torn apart. .

The girl who was able to sit up was already in pain and was about to lie down.

But in the pain, the girl's body was shrinking little by little, her head, neck, torso, limbs, chest, forehead, well, her chest didn't shrink much.

Because the key to Shiho-san's victory is not in the chest.

And in physique!

Even so, Ye Shenyue didn't know what it was like watching the suffering girl shrink little by little.

When Ye Shenyue was still an ordinary house, he would never have imagined that one day he would really see the scene of rejuvenation.

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