Shiho, who was illuminated by Koto's brilliance, was still tired, but this time he stabilized.Fatigue and pain are gone.

"It's nothing... It's just that your sister's soul can't seem to endure the bad atmosphere here, so I went back to the bottle to cultivate..."

Yegami, who finally turned Mingmei into a little loli, breathed a sigh of relief, and while speaking, took out a small dark green porcelain bottle from Miss Yuko's large gift from her dimensional pocket.

"Cultivation in a bottle? Could it be that... my sister is here?"

Shiho was stunned, and then his small hand immediately hugged the small porcelain bottle.

Although I couldn't see my sister's soul, it was a strange feeling that my hand had just touched this slightly icy cold.As if the bottle was calling her.

This is... my sister's feeling.

The delicate little loli with short brown hair actually had a feeling of crying with joy for a while.

Chapter 0025

Didan Elementary School.

Carrying the same schoolbags as the elementary school students on her shoulders, Ye Shenyue yawned and came to Class B of Year One.

Conan next to him was looking at him uncomfortable with his flat glasses. If he was depressed, he was depressed, okay? Even though he was already in high school, he had no choice but to be a first-year student, okay?

And you, who should have come to school in the first place, are helpless?

Poor Conan-kun still doesn't know Ye Shenyue's true identity, so he just treats the other party as an authentic little guy, although this little guy often gets very close to the little Lan he likes.

"Good morning, Xiaoye..."

When changing shoes, Ye Shenyue was lightly tapped on the shoulder. This is a short-haired little loli wearing a pure white headband.

She has big eyes and always has a smile on her face.

This is a very cute little loli, although it is a little weaker than his family's Xiao Ai, but there is no way, his family's Xiao Ai is the cutest.

" cute again."

Ye Shenyue is very good at dealing with children, after all, he has the experience of dealing with a certain twin-tailed arrogant daughter.

"But... cute?"

The simple Loli blushed immediately.

Although Ye Shenyue would compliment her from time to time, but every time it made her little heart beat non-stop.

This is the girl Huaichun, although this girl is still a little small.

"Where... where is there..."

Little Loli blushed slightly, although she really wanted to continue this atmosphere, but now there are Conan, Mitsuhiko, and Yuanta watching her, so when Loli's feelings moved, Ye Shenyue's tried and tested topic changed. , "Have you heard? We're going to have another transfer student in our class!"


This is definitely Yuan Tai who took over the conversation with an empty head, but Yuan Tai is also real, as long as he has something to eat, he can be tricked away.

Ye Shenyue really ate the eel rice that Yuan Tai liked once. To be honest... I still can't understand what Yuan Tai was thinking. There are so many delicious things, but she likes eel rice.

As long as you give him eel rice, he will betray immediately.

This is the nature of children.

"Really? This is another transfer student after Conan and Xiaoye... I just don't know if it's a girl or a boy..."

Mitsuhiko is a little more mature than Yuan Tai, he has given up, no matter how he looks at Ayumi, he likes others, so he can only turn his hope to the other side.

Like a cute girl or something.

"Hey... Conan... what kind of person do you think he is?"

Yawning again, Ye Shenyue didn't sleep well last night, so she was still a little sleepy, but she poked Conan and asked him to join the conversation.

"I think? Forget it... It should be a nerd who can only study... Or someone like Xiaoye who only sleeps in class..."

The current Conan is Kudo Shinichi. He is not interested in transfer students. He has already felt deeply emotionally in crisis, but he only wants to find the man in black as soon as possible, and then find his antidote and become an adult again. Lan confessed.

The one time I went to the amusement park was to make a confession, but I met a man in black and was injected with drugs to reduce the size, which turned into a miserable appearance now.

Well, the miserable Conan is still complaining about Yagami.Hit hard.


Well, Ye Shenyue touched her head, and Conan-kun is really not good with him.Don't you just rub Xiaolan a little more.Is it necessary?

Ye Shenyue rolled her eyes and snapped her fingers.

As if to respond to his snap of fingers, a small figure came over at this time, put the shoes in the shoe cabinet very quietly, and said, "This girl... I don't seem to have seen it before..."

Mitsuhiko said dumbly.After all, the girl who appeared now is really too cute.Do not.

It can't be said to be cute, with neat short brown hair, big bright but mysterious eyes, but being swept away by her eyes is like seeing through everything.

What's more, she carried an aura that no one was close to, like an iceberg.

"Shouldn't she be...she's the transfer student..."

Ayumi showed an excited look, although it doesn't matter if the transfer student is a boy, as a classmate, it should be treated the same.But if it's a girl, that's fine. Now that she is a girl playing with so many boys, she can be considered a companion.

But...if it's a rival in love, that's fine.

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