Ayumi is still a little careful.


The brown girl who gracefully put on her shoes was silent for a while, then looked at Ye Shenyue before saying, "They're still children..."

"Aren't you a child too?"

Conan rolled his eyes, he was already sure that this little girl was the new transfer student.

"My name is Ayumi, who are you?"

Not only Conan, but Ayumi and the others also understood that this lovely mature-looking girl was a new transfer student.

"Matsuhiko Tsuburaya."

Mitsuhiko was obviously going to make a good impression.He pushed Yuanta, who was still a little dumbfounded, and Yuantai immediately responded, "Ah... my name is Kojima Yuanta. That little guy with glasses is Conan, don't look at him dragging... He is my subordinate. Oh... by the way... The one with Ayumi here is Yagami, and like Conan, he lives in the Mori Detective Agency. He is lazy in class and always sleeps, but every time he is asked, he can always answer. Come up, it's an enviable guy..."

"Hey...what is it called dragging..."

Even if he is not interested in girls other than Xiaolan, he can't be introduced like that, right?

Too much!

"Cough cough..."

Compared to Conan's dissatisfaction, Ye Shenyue calmed down a lot, and he couldn't do anything about it. He went to high school, junior high school, and college, but now, he still has to be cute to go to elementary school. This kind of inner entanglement is definitely not ordinary people. understandable.How could it be possible to concentrate on attending class!

So he really has nothing else to do except sleep.

"Right... don't look at us like this, we are a very powerful young detective team... why don't you join in... um... what's your name?"

Ayumi added.

Now they are all introducing, and no one has responded yet.

Ayumi is really afraid that Yuan Tai will scare people away.

"I... Hui Yuan... Hui Yuan Ai."

The brown short-haired Loli moved her eyes, and then a little bit, she calmly said her name.

This is a name that others have imposed on her, but she is still satisfied.

Haibara Ai.

Combining the last names of two female detectives.

Chapter 0026

Haibara Ai, when Ms. Kobayashi wrote her name on the blackboard, she officially became a member of Class B in the first grade of Didan Elementary School.

That means she's going to spend six full years with a bunch of 7-year-old loli shottas doing it.Maybe more years.

Finished in Didan Primary School, Didan Junior High School and Didan High School.Really want as many years, as many years.

Of course, the premise is that she has not yet developed an antidote for APTX4869, otherwise she can only maintain this state.

Her parents were researching drugs that could bring people back to life, and the unexpected death of her parents prompted her, who inherited her parents' advantages, to continue research, and then developed APTX4869.This seemingly poison is actually a drug that moves towards the resurrected people.

But now she has also taken the APTX4869 developed by herself, and has become a brown-haired loli, who has to be careful not to be found by the people of the organization from time to time.

And sister.

Xiao Ai glanced at the pocket she had specially sewed. Inside was a small dark green porcelain bottle that felt cold to the touch. Her sister was in it now... cultivating.

"Okay... don't keep looking at it. When your sister is cultivated and formed, I will be able to meet you. You keep looking at others and think you have a fetish... Always look and see."

Haibara Ai was sitting on the left side of Ye Shenyue, so she could still do it with a light poke.


Xiao Ai was silent for a while, but when Ye Shenyue thought she was unhappy, she glanced at him, "I want you to take care of it."

"Uh...you...what are you talking about..."

Before she got in touch with this loli, Ye Shenyue's heart painted this loli as the cutest loli sauce other than his Yuu, who would have thought that the current Xiao Ai is not only arrogant, independent but also And... he's got a good temper.

Treat him like an enemy.

Protect him from a distance!

Obviously he is his savior right!But now it is being treated so unfairly.

In fact, it all stems from one thing.

That's the matter of small sorrow becoming small.

Prompted Xiao Ai to eat APTX4869, and then made her become a little loli.If it's just like that, then it's fine. Ye Shenyue can explain that the drug she's researching has this effect. As long as it gets smaller, it can escape the eyes and ears of the organization, which is very convenient.

However, he forgot one point. He used a magic circle to take her away. Using such advanced things, Haiyuan-kun couldn't believe that Yagami couldn't take her out except by turning her into a child. .

So, she must have been deliberately turned into a child.

This unpleasantness made Haiyuan-chan deeply remember, and also prevented this guy.

So Ye Shenyue has been in a state of being isolated by Xiao Ai Jiang now.

And his Mingmei little loli went to the bottle to practice again, so without Mingmei's testimony, without Mingmei's good words, he could only bite the bullet and accept the occasional glances and half-crescent eyes from Xiao Aijiang.

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