His mouth was wide open, and Conan Jun was stunned for a while. He really could not have imagined that a primary school student would say "Hui... Huiyuan classmate..." after picking up a gun.

If Ayumi still poked her nose at Yagami Yue's words in the last second, it would be unbelievable, then this scene completely broke her concept.

This Haiyuan classmate is really different.

It is absolutely impossible to understand with the idea of ​​​​a child, although she herself is still a purebred little loli.


When a shot was fired, Xiao Ai didn't seem to be quiet, but continued to hold the pistol.Then the muzzle turned towards Yashin Yue as if it had gone off.

Ye Shenyue secretly wiped a cold sweat.

Is Xiao Ai trying to scare him?

See if he's scared?

He was really not afraid, but the only thing that was depressed was that this classmate Xiao Ai was not trying to scare him. If she really gave her enough reasons, she would really shoot without hesitation.

I don't know if she has been trained or not, whether this marksmanship is accurate.

"Haihara-san...it's really amazing!"

"I want to touch this pistol too... I haven't fired it!"

In the end, Hai Yuanai didn't shoot, because the juvenile detective team seemed to have recovered at this time, and Xiao Ai was very uncomfortable watching Hai Yuan's heat-clearing.

So he quickly abandoned the pistol and walked towards Yagami and Ayumi little by little.

They now have another mission.

That is to wait.

Soon, after [-] minutes, the police officer Mumu, whom Conan invited using the bow-knot voice changer at the beginning, finally arrived.

Arrested, imprisoned.

Everything has been resolved, Officer Mumu just needs to clean up this time.

I just frowned when I saw the pistol thrown by Xiao Ai on the ground, "I actually fired this time... It seems that you are going to be squatting for a long time this time..."

"I didn't shoot this time, I just frightened them... It was the girl with short brown hair who actually shot!"

Although carrying a pistol is already a crime, she is really wronged to say that she was shot.

The woman in black is wrong.Obviously she is the victim.

"What? She shot?"

Officer Mumu's face changed quickly like a magic trick, then opened his eyes wide and stared at Xiao Ai with an angry expression.


Xiao Ai's originally casual expression suddenly changed, her two thin arms were raised, and she kept rubbing her face with her fingers.

Then Ye Shenyue opened her eyes wide and saw Lord Xiao Ai's fake cry.

It was like crying, without using eye drops to forcefully squeeze out a few drops of tears from the sockets.

"Okay... It's all uncle's bad..."

Officer Mumu, who wanted to say a few words that children can't play with pistols, turned his anger into comfort.

He's the last thing he can do with children.

It's just that he didn't know that this fake cry was not a child, but that someone was so hardened into a child... Xiao Ai's fake cry dividing line...

"Eh...that's really bad luck!"

Kicking the pebble under his feet, Conan clasped his hands behind his head with a very depressed expression, and then looked at a man and a woman in front of him.

It's not a mature young man, just a little Zhengtai and a little loli.

"Hey... Ye Shenyue, where does her family live?"

Conan was a little depressed. He originally thought that the woman in black was also a member of the organization in black. As long as he caught her, he might be able to get the antidote to becoming smaller.

As long as it gets bigger, then he can restore Kudo Shinichi's appearance, and then he and Xiaolan have improved.

Where is it like now...


Conan glanced at Ye Shenyue jealously.

Even when he was Kudo Shinichi, Yashenyue, a little brat, lived at Xiaolan's house, and his relationship with Xiaolan was still so good.

"It's obvious that you have a better relationship with her, so it's better for you to take her home..."

Conan again "Oh..."

Ye Shenyue stretched her voice, "Are you sure? Without you, maybe you would miss a good show!"

"A good show?"

Conan frowned.


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