At this time, Xiao Ai, who should have continued to fake crying, turned her small body and turned to face Conan, "Do you know what this is?"


Conan said he was confused.Ye Shenyue was a little strange, and now even this Haibara Ai has become strange.

"It's the kind of drug you've been given."

Without waiting for Conan to answer Xiao Ai, he said it himself.

"what the hell……"

Conan showed a harmless expression on his face, but his heart was tight. "I wasn't given that kind of drug." "It's a very mysterious poison that can turn a person into a child in an instant, back to a child's state, whether it's nerves, skin, tissue or fat. Become a childish state!"

"You... what are you talking about... Ye Shenyue, she must be crying so badly..."

Conan inevitably took two steps back, and then said to the helpless Ye Shenyue.

"I don't know if she's wrong, but I do know...she's the researcher on the drug you were given."

However, Ye Shenyue shrugged and stood on Xiao Ai's side to help.

Went to Xiao Ai's side and stood at an angle with her, "Xiao Ai is not her original name, this is the name I gave her, her original name is..."

Ye Shenyue lengthened her voice.

On the other hand, Xiao Ai turned around cooperatively, put one hand on the side of her short brown hair, and lifted her hair.

"People in the organization call me...sherry!"

"The people in the organization already know your identity, Conan Edogawa... oh no, Kudo Shinichi!"

Xiao Ai showed a sarcastic smile, then stared at Conan.

Kudo Shinichi!

It's his name!

It was known that he became smaller!

For a moment, Conan's heart was numb.

Chapter 0030 Scare Conan (Part [-])

"Xinyi, don't hide it any more, although you are good at acting as a child and tricking Xiaolan around, but you still can't hide it from me... I also live with you all the time, so how could I find out? How about you?"

Now that Xiao Ai has revealed her identity, Ye Shenyue also came to make up for it, breaking Conan's inner defense line at once.

The organization, the black-clothed organization, the black-clothed organization that made his body smaller actually already knew his identity!

So aren't the people around him known to the organization, and everyone is in danger?

"This... this... you all know... wait... Ye Shenyue, you are standing with her, do you mean that you are... a gang! You are also a member of the organization!"

Conan's heart was up and down, but as soon as he looked up at Ye Shenyue, he immediately woke up.

"Guess for yourself!"

He is not a member of some black organization. He is dressed in black. How can people stand it?

However, his Xiao Ai was indeed a member of the Black Organization, but instead of wearing black, he was wearing a white coat.

All white.

And he was wearing a white school uniform in the world on April [-]st... Could it be that this is also a couple's outfit?

Ye Shenyue is inevitably a little lost.

Xiao Ai rolled her eyes at Ye Shenyue, God knows where he thought of going?

Just straightening her face, Xiao Ai put on a proud expression, "I live in Rice Flower Town, No. 2, 22nd Street!"

Seeing that Conan's expression changed again, Xiao Ai continued, "Yes, it's right next door to your house, that is, next door to your real home, in Dr. Li's house!"

"how is this possible!"

Conan showed a horrified expression for a moment.

"Xiao Ai is a member of the organization, and she still lives in the doctor's house, so... Conan, I think the doctor should be given by someone in the organization..."

Ye Shenyue didn't finish speaking, but Conan already understood.

The black organization is the kind of person who has lost his conscience. How could it be possible for the doctor to live well?

So the fate of the Doctor is only...

Conan quickly took out the earring mobile phone from his pocket and started to call the doctor.

"Doctor! Be sure to answer the phone!"

Conan's face turned blue.

"Beep beep..."

However, the phone has been busy tone.

"why is it like this!"

After two full minutes, Conan gave up the call.

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