Then they passed Ye Shenyue and Xiao Ai directly and ran towards the doctor's house, which is less than a kilometer away from the doctor's house. It's better to confirm it yourself instead of waiting for the news here!

Conan took a step forward and rushed towards the doctor's house.At this moment, my heart almost stopped beating.

In just a few seconds, Conan's figure has turned into a small black spot.

And Ye Shenyue took Xiao Ai's hand and walked forward little by little. Conan was in a hurry, but he was not in a hurry.

"Xiao Ai, do you need to play with him like this?"

Ye Shenyue shrugged her shoulders and quietly approached Ai Loli who was in high spirits at the moment.

"I want to avenge him!"

Xiao Ai's tone was full of firmness.

"Vengeance? What do you say?"

"At that time, he didn't save my sister... He was obviously capable, but he still let my sister be killed by Gin..."

Xiao Ai's tone was a little lost, but this loss was only temporary, "Fortunately, my sister has not completely disappeared, she is still... by my side..."

Xiao Ai touched the small bag that was specially sewn. Inside was a small porcelain bottle named Miyano Akemi.

Mingmei's little loli is still practicing hard in the bottle at the moment, waiting for the moment when she can shake hands with her sister face to face.

"This...he is helpless..."

Of course it is helpless.At that time, the child Conan was beaten with a knife by Hirota Masami, and your sister was automatically sent to death.

It's just that Ye Shenyue can't say that, because how can a younger sister like to hear "Actually, your sister went to death by herself"?

Xiao Ai will definitely stare at her fiercely several times.

And now the handshake is gone.

Xiao Ai is a very self-reliant person, and Yami is the only one who has been held since she was a child, but now, it is rare for him to secretly squeeze her little hand.

After all, his family's Xiao Ai is still a little arrogant and wicked.

Like now.

"Of course I know that he is helpless, otherwise I wouldn't just scare him like this. If my sister is gone, I will definitely beat him hard. It seems too light to scare him now..."

Ai Jiang rolled her half-crescent eyes and said indifferently.

At first glance, it speaks from the heart.

Well, women are always unreasonable.

Ye Shenyue once again mourned for Conan-kun.This time Conan-kun must have been frightened.

Terrified indeed.

"You two big liars!"

Running all the way, my heart almost stopped, Conan-kun angrily stared at Yashenyue and Xiaoai who walked in.

How can Conan not be angry?

He ran back in a panic, thinking that the doctor had been caught by accident, how could he have thought that it would be a scam!

Both Ye Shenyue and Xiao Ai are big liars, liars!

"Cough...let me tell you..."

Looking at Ye Shenyue and Xiao Ai who came in, Dr. Li coughed twice and began to explain the identity of "Xiao Ai" to Conan...

And Ye Shenyue and Xiao Ai entered the door, Xiao Ai didn't bother, but sat on the sofa naturally, just like the master, Ye Shenyue also followed.

After all, this loli has not yet started and needs a lot of work from him.

Originally, Ye Shenyue would not let Xiao Ai live here with Dr. A Li, because it would be exactly the same as the original book, but after thinking about it, Dr. A Li is still a top scientist, and Xiao Ai likes to do research. People, sometimes really have to ask a doctor for advice.And the doctor has a lot of equipment, just for Xiao Ai to use.

So, to sum up, in the end, Ye Shenyue came to the doctor after she rescued Xiao Ai from the pharmaceutical factory.

Of course, it has to be confessed.

For example, Xiao Ai's identity, as for his own identity...

Ye Shenyue only said that he was a person from another world. At first, it was difficult for Dr. A Li to believe it. After all, he was a scientist who believed in science.

It's just that when Yagami Yue showed a little magic or something, Dr. A Li immediately shut up.

Facts speak louder than words.

"That's the way it"

Dr. A Li is really not a human inside or outside. He was completely unaware of the fact that Ye Shenyue and Xiao Ai colluded to scare Conan, and he was just kept in the dark.

As for Conan's call and no one answered, it was because he turned on the TV too loudly and went to the toilet again, so Conan misunderstood.

It can be said that Xiao Ai lied to Conan that she was helping her every day.

She calmly took the coffee that night Shenyue had just brewed, and Xiao Ai seemed quite natural.

No sense of deceit at all.

And Ye Shenyue, he's only focused on his Ai Loli now, so everything else doesn't matter.

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