Bai Jing's pretending to be mature little face suddenly turned pink.

There is no other reason.

Because Ye Shenyue had already moved her lips over at this time, and directly kissed her pink lips.

The other's lips were like fire, almost burning her. "

"You...what do you mean?"

Although she didn't want to cooperate at first, but kissing Xiao Ai herself also found that she seemed to have become a little more active, and her face was a little red as she said.

"Of course it's to prove that you are mine..."

Generally speaking, after kissing, you have to touch a few hands, but Ye Shenyue's bracelet passed over Xiao Ai's waist.This is a pure loli, but she doesn't have the figure of Yujie.

Ye Shenyue's movements were done without leaving any traces, otherwise, if Xiao Ai found out that she might not be able to write it down, it would be impossible to say.

After coughing twice, facing the unhappy expression on Ai Loli's pink face, she continued, "Since you are mine... so... even if I fight my life, I will protect you! "


If Kuangsan and the others hear that they are not sure, what will they say to him? His life is really worthless. .

Too cheap.

But it is very useful here in Xiao Ai, "Really risking your life?"

Ye Shenyue nodded quickly.

"But I'm not the kind of rich family daughter who needs your life to protect..."


Is this a rejection or a rejection?

Ye Shenyue was a little depressed, and Xiao Ai's expression was very positive, making it impossible to see whether she was lying or lying.After all, this is a guy who has done fake crying, and her expressions are fake.


In the end, Xiao Ai still smiled softly, "If you can't protect me... I will really let you fulfill the promise you just made."

"Don't worry... don't worry... it doesn't matter if you hand over your life..."

Ye Shenyue slapped his chest and chest with a thud, but he still had a treasured saber, so he was quite calm.

This question was over, Ye Shenyue took Xiao Ai and continued to look at the scenery from the small door, but this time, it was not the two of them who were foolishly watching from the door. Ye Shenyue sat directly on the threshold of the door, and then He patted his thigh and let Xiao Ai sit up.

Xiao Ai gave him a white look and sat up, lest the other person say something sweet again, although she sometimes likes to hear such words when she is bored.

If only you could grow bigger... um... just restore Shiho's appearance.Although there is really nothing to touch on Loli's body, Ye Shenyue holding Ai Loli is quite satisfied, Xiao Ai's body has a unique breath, it smells very good, Ye Shenyue is almost sticking As she spoke by the side of her neck, the hot air spurted Xiao Ai thinking that he was afraid that his center of gravity would become unstable and he would fall off. At that time, he really risked his life.

Ai Loli looked around, they were above the castle, and they were dozens of meters away from the ground.

This is no joke.

Of course, if Xiao Ai remembered that someone had a little magic at this time, she wouldn't be so concerned about the future.

At this moment, Xiao Ai was touched by Ye Shenyue's sensitive words.

She is an adult herself, and she was turned into a child by this guy.Even though it was her medicine.

What do you mean?Xiao Ai gave him a white look.She felt that Ye Shenyue's eyes were not quite right, it seemed that... she fell in love with her?

Of course it got bigger... and then... kiss again... so... even Shibao's chubby kiss... Ye Shenyue hugged Xiao Ai and said with a smile, Xiao Ai has already nodded, then it's time to leave the harvest The time of this loli is not long.

Ye Shenyue is not in a hurry at all, so now she is starting to be heartless. They all say that there are no secrets between husband and wife, and he and Xiao Ai are not husband and wife yet, but they have a further relationship, so some words Don't be afraid, I said it all at once.

"Sex demon!"

Ai Jiang turned her head and glared at him, but her pretty little brows were slightly raised, "'re going to be disappointed this time...the kiss as Zhibao has already been sent out."

Sent out?

Ye Shenyue was almost petrified.He hadn't heard that Xiao Ai had a boyfriend, then... that kiss or something...

what is the problem?

"Just kidding... I kissed my sister when I was seventeen... The kisses at that time were long gone..."

Xiao Ai looked at Ye Shenyue's stunned expression with satisfaction, and then revealed the mystery.

"It really startled me...but it's okay...if you kissed Yami, then I've kissed her too, so in this indirect way, your kiss is still mine...uh..."

Ye Shenyue wanted to continue talking triumphantly, but Xiao Ai's expression changed in an instant.

"What did you say?"

For a moment, Xiao Ai's eyes widened, as if she was going to eat him. "What did you do to my sister! You actually kissed her!"

This is what Ai Loli said fiercely, word by word.It seems that what happened to Ye Shenyue is not her sister but her.

Listening to Ye Shenyue's heart sweating profusely, this Lolita's provocation is terrifying enough.Isn't it just a kiss?

Yami and Lolita are not that good.

It's just that he didn't think about what happened to Xiao Ai's kiss just now.

At this moment, Ye Shenyue is very single, and he suddenly misses his excellent sauce, at least his excellent won't stare at him like this.That's how you want to kiss.

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