Ps: In the next chapter, Sister Bei, sign Zhang.

Chapter 0039 Sister Bei, sign Zhang

It has been a whole week since the last castle expedition. This week, Shenyue finally calmed Xiao Ai, if not because this world is really not suitable for ghosts to survive, if it is not because the current Yami Lolita is still There is no ability to show the original shape, otherwise Ye Shenyue will definitely take Yami Loli to testify. He really never forcibly kissed her, and it was obviously her willingness.

And the last castle expedition ended because of the arrest of the murderer.At the beginning, Ye Shenyue asked Mitsuhiko to find Conan. Conan found the body of the old woman in the castle in the secret passage, and then judged that the current old woman was actually a fake, and she was a murderer. And let the old woman see the so-called treasure.

That is the sunrise that Ye Shenyue took Ai Loli to watch together, but this treasure is not only the scenery of this morning but also the entire castle.The murderer who learned that he had made plastic surgery for a long time to become an old woman finally lost his soul. He lost his appearance and killed so many people for such a thing.

In this regard, Ye Shenyue and the others could only sigh.

However, this is only a small step in their journey. After all, with Conan, a primary school student of death, they have encountered a lot of cases.Seeing that as long as there is a case of Conan, Ye Shenyue wants to complain that if Xiaokui is the heir of the Goddess of Calamity, then Conan is the heir of Death.

Of course, Ye Shenyue wasn't interested in the case, she just kept up with her so as not to get out of touch, and from time to time, she would develop a relationship with his loli or something.

And now, tonight, Ye Shenyue was a little excited.

Because tonight is going to be very lively.

Because there will be two people at the Shujuaki memorial meeting held at the Cupido Hotel tonight, people who are very familiar to Conan and Xiaoai.

Gin and Walker.

Walker can ignore it for now, but not Gin.

Gin was the one who made Conan smaller with his own hands, and even killed Masami Hirota directly.

Ai and Conan's enemy.

In this regard, Conan decided to play against them no matter what, and for this reason, he used it to act like a spoiled child, and asked the doctor to make him a belt that could make a football casually.

This way you don't have to find something to kick when you kick someone.

And Xiao Ai... said that he would at least shoot the gin with his own hands.

real gun.

Xiao Ai hates gin and wine, of course, if she's the only one, then... only fear is itchy.

But now, when someone said that they would use their lives to protect her, she was naturally not afraid.

So tonight, Xiao Ai also came.

Inside the Cuphu City Hotel.

"Conan, help me watch Xiao Ai, I'll find someone."

When we arrived at the Cuphu Hotel, there were already quite a few celebrities, and there were people everywhere. Ye Shenyue looked at the crowd, then took aim at a beautiful figure and was about to walk over, but only took two steps and then backed back. .Some worriedly asked Conan to say.

"I still have to look at the mouth-swallowing Congressman. I don't have time to watch for you."

Conan held his head and showed some uncomfortable expressions. Either the black-clothed organization would not appear, and there would definitely be a case when it appeared. This time, Yagami said that the news was that they were going to let Pisk murder Senator Yamaguchi, although it is now It was important to find Gin and Walker, but he couldn't let the black-clothed organization go so wildly to find someone to shoot at random.

"I don't need you to watch."

Xiao Ai gave these two guys a white look, and it seemed that she had become an item, and she still needed people to watch, and they pushed each other away.

"You can leave if you want!"

Xiao Ai turned around and turned her back to Ye Shenyue, "If Qin Jiu comes, if he is taken, he will be taken away."

"Uh... Xiao Ai... What you said..."

Isn't that just tying him up?

He will let Gin take her away? But this time because they didn't meet Gin's Porsche, Gin didn't recognize it as Xiao Ai by the hair that fell on his car, and let Gin Pisk came to catch Xiao Ai.

So this time Xiao Ai is safe.

So Ye Shenyue was relieved.

"I'm really looking for someone... I'll be back later..."

Ye Shenyue held Xiao Ai's shoulder and said, watching the figure in the crowd finally come to the corner, her heart moved but she could only comfort Xiao Ai.

If he doesn't get rid of Xiao Ai, he won't be able to contact Sister Bei.

Yes, this time, apart from the appearance of the gin meeting of the dark organization that Xiao Ai hates, this is the first appearance of Belmod.Appears as a big star.

How could Yashenyue, who has long been interested in a certain star, let go of such a good chance to meet?

So he was determined to find her.

"'s that woman...she's a big star in the underworld...I went to her and asked for an autograph and came back..."

As if to enhance the persuasiveness of her words, Ye Shenyue deliberately took out a paper and pen from her pocket.

well prepared.


Xiaoai's eyes moved in the direction of Ye Shenyue's fingers, and then she saw a woman standing alone against the wall.

That is a woman full of mature charm.There is no heavy makeup, but it has a charm that makes people's minds be affected.

Very beautiful, with a beautiful face.

There is always a touch of melancholy in his eyes, exuding a feeling of loneliness.

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