This is a very beautiful woman.

Flavour and maturity go hand in hand.

At the same time, this is not a woman he can afford!

Ye Shenyue immediately wanted to break away from the chain and run away, because this woman, this woman was none other than his Belmod who was stunned with a handkerchief in the Cuphu Hotel!

Or Sharon.

Who is Sharon?

That is Kudo Yukiko's good friend.But she is definitely not just this identity, she is Criswynyard, who is her mother in the eyes of outsiders, but Yagami knows that this Crisvinyard is actually Belmod!

She's all pretending!

This is a character that is not easy to provoke. Although he is very loving, Ye Shenyue just looks at it from a distance and waits until he is familiar with it before molesting. Heels come to play with him!

He was wearing high heels and black tights, with a leather whip in both hands and a suspiciously burning candle.

Seeing this, Ye Shenyue felt a bad feeling in her heart.Contact his current situation again, the next development no matter how you look at it, it will be Her Lady Queen's **!

"Twist...twist, why don't you twist your sexy little ass? Don't you like being abused very much?"

The whip in his hand flicked on the ground, and a crackling sound resounded in the room.It was very shocking.

I'm going!

Who is a masochist!

Also, who is twisting his ass!

Ye Shenyue was torn apart by Belmod's words.If it's not absolutely sure that this one must be Belmod now, or Yagami will associate her with Silas, butt, that's Silas's favorite.


"If you're not obedient, I'll tell Jinjiu to grab your son directly!"

Just when Ye Shenyue couldn't help but want to break free, Belmod continued to talk, causing Ye Shenyue's movements to stagnate and then stay in place.

Ye Shenyue was about to be frightened.


Where did his son come from!

He is at most a Wannian loli daughter with a double ponytail, okay?

Who is the holy son of this sudden appearance?And it has something to do with gin!

Seemingly enjoying Ye Shenyue's shocked expression, Belmod's smooth little loach-like hand had already attached to Ye Shenyue's face, pinching his cheek.

"You don't know yet... Edogawa Conan, who is currently competing with Gin, is your son, the original Kudo Shinichi."

As if addicted, Belmod continued to ravage Yagami's face and then told the terrible truth.

"Now your son is playing hot with gin outside..."

As he spoke, Belmod finally gave up and continued to ravage the stunned Yagami, and started to unbutton his shirt.

The smooth little hands invaded from the neckline and slid over his upper body like a loach, which was very cool.

It's just that Ye Shenyue didn't feel anything at this time, because he was already petrified.

" shouldn't be...couldn't you be lying to me!"

Ye Shenyue's voice trembled a little.

"I lied to you, will you let me whip me?"

The one-handed red whip dedicated to the queen threw the boss, and Sister Bei squinted slightly.


Indeed, Belmod didn't need to lie to him.but……

Ye Shenyue was still a little unwilling.

"But isn't Conan's father Yusaku Kudo? Or..."

Even if he really crossed over before, he still hasn't got that memory.

Now in this world, Yusaku Kudo is still married to Yukiko. If Conan is his son, then... that means he gave Yusaku Kudo a cuckold?

This...what development is this!

Ye Shenyue almost fainted.

"You are stupid..."

The mature girl rolled her eyes at Ye Shenyue, as if she was doubting his IQ, "It's not that you jerk got on her and ran away, but he was famous and he had a big belly. What a negative impact!"

"Uh...that means..."

Ye Shenyue thought about it a little bit, if this is really the case, if he got her before Yukiko got married, and then as a famous actress, she has a big belly. Find a legitimate identity.

such as.


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