So, naturally, Kudo Yusakuki became a father.And it's still a fake marriage, and now Yukiko can't be separated from him.

"Yes, Yusaku Kudo is a good man."

Belmod sighed slightly, "If only I met a good man too."

Although he was sighing, he suddenly repeated his previous actions, pinching Ye Shenyue's face hard, as if he was venting.


Ye Shenyue really wanted to deny it because he said it without knowing anything.

How did he have that kind of relationship with Conan?

However, at this time, Sister Bei stretched out her hand to the bedside table.

She is looking for something.

Yagami also fell into the terrifying shadow of learning the news, but when she saw what Belmod had finally found after searching for a long time, she wanted to run away.

Because what Belmod is holding at the moment is nothing else, but an oversized bottle of liquor.

White dry!

I'm going!

No matter how you look at it, Belmod doesn't seem to be able to use this kind of ordinary wine to self-drink, and he also plugs the bottle cap as soon as it is opened. what!


Ye Shenyue choked and poured the wine into her stomach like water, her body was warm.Even the sight is deflected.

Ps: The first update of the fifth update, please comment, please subscribe, all kinds of requests.

Chapter 0041 Under that terrible secret (two more)


Ye Shenyue was about to faint, and on the bed were several empty wine bottles. These wine bottles had a common feature, that is, they were all white wine, and they were all of the same brand.

White dry!

"How come there is no response?"

The big American star frowned slightly, then picked up the last bottle of white dry, opened the cap, and poured it hard.

Needless to say, looking at the twisted wine bottles on the bed of this skilled movement can only be her masterpiece.

" reaction do you want!"

Ye Shenyue only felt soft, and her body was not hot. This was due to excessive drinking.

"It's really not right... Do you have a fever on your body?"

Sister Bei frowned slightly and said, her hands turning back and forth on Ye Shenyue's body, saying something wrong over and over again.

Then he undid the iron chain on Ye Shenyue's body, and said to himself, "Could it be that there is not enough liquor?"

"Uh...what the hell are you doing!"

Ye Shenyue was so dizzy and dizzy that she saw that the other party was going to continue to open the bottle again, and immediately broke free. 07 But this drunk Ye Shenyue couldn't find the direction at all, and if she stepped back, if not Belmod caught him, and he was definitely about to fall to the ground.

"Of course it made you bigger. You should have eaten the secret medicine in the tissue like Sherry, and then your body has shrunk, just like your Conan."

After a while, Belmod squeezed Ye Shenyue's face, "But as long as you pour a few bottles of Baigan, you can temporarily restore the form of an adult. Although this Zhengtai's appearance is not bad, but I'm more used to growing up. You, just looking at you so small, always feel like this is your son."


Ye Shenyue stretched her voice, " do you know that drinking dry powder can make it bigger?"

Ye Shenyue shook her head to wake herself up a bit, showing a strange look, because this is something that even Xiao Ai doesn't know, how exactly does Belmod know him?

"It's not because of your youngest son. After Conan was drugged by Jinjiu, he returned to a normal state in a case. I helped him cover it up for a long time, otherwise it would have spread to Jinjiu and theirs. ear."

Belmod said angrily.Said words that made Ye Shenyue unhappy.

Similar to the title of "son".

Obviously, he only likes his daughter, okay?

Fortunately, Sister Bei was in a good mood today, so Ye Shenyue answered her question a little bit.For example, the limit that Sister Bei knows now, but fortunately only she knows that he has shrunk.The other girls who are related to him don't know.

To Ye Shenyue's relief, from Sister Bei, he really knew that he was Officer Sato's first love.

However, the incident of being blown up by a bomb still left him speechless. Does it mean that he is so useless?

It's just a bomb, as long as he regains his full strength, he can make a magic circle.It doesn't have to disappear at all.Therefore, being blown up by a bomb may also have been directed and acted by him.

It was only when she asked about Xiaolan that Ye Shenyue was truly astonished.


He originally wanted to ask who Xiaolan's boyfriend was, but Sister Bei told him an extremely terrifying fact.

That is.

In fact, although Xiaolan's surname is Maori, she is not the daughter of Maori Kogoro.Also his daughter!

The heavy news almost stunned him.

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