There is absolutely nothing good about being entangled with this woman!

"Of course I'll let you go, but you have to promise to go home with me! And you have to stay there! Otherwise, my sister really doesn't mind killing flowers!"

Koizumi Hongko resisted the friction that Yagami had caused to her because of her struggle, and deliberately made a bad expression, "We are a kind of person... so your magic... uh... you bastard... bastard! "

... Hongko, who was still calm at first, was immediately stunned, but stunned is the feeling of stunned body, but it can't deceive her.

She actually... was actually bitten by this little guy!

Even if she is a witch, even if her family is very respectful to her, even if she is known for her bad character in school, but now, she can't object to one point, that is... she is still a girl!

Hongzi immediately became angry, but this anger could not catch up, Ye Shenyue immediately jumped down with her shocked expression after the sneak attack, and then ran towards the front.

The speed is still fast, and there is only a small point left.

"If Sister Hongzi is going to send the other side, I will agree to go to your place to study and study something together..."

The figure was about to disappear, but the voice reached the witch's ears along the wind.

"Bastard! I will never spare you!"

Hongzi was in a hurry and took out the phone from his pocket, "Yes... it's that kid... um... send me his address... um... I'm going to find his guardian, and he will definitely be under control! "…


And the other end, finally hit the chest... Oh no, Ye Shenyue, who was finally struggling, ran a few steps and stopped, showing a relaxed expression.But from his side came a hearty and capable voice.

Wearing a lavender OL suit, with long curly hair, and a pair of glasses on the bridge of her nose, she is a very intellectual beauty.

"Your behavior just now constitutes a crime of indecency, and based on the speed and strength of your shot, you should be a repeat offender!"

It was a very serious voice, which seemed to have no emotion, very much like the lines spoken by the judge during the trial.

But Ye Shenyue's heart was shattered.Because of the person who spoke, the woman holding her shoulders.

I'm going!

It will be Concubine Miles!

Ye Shenyue was a little messy.

Ps: Conan volume will end soon, please subscribe.

Chapter 0054 Why are they all gathered together! (middle)


This was the sound of high-heeled shoes kicking, and Ms. Feili was staring at Yashenyue with her hands on her shoulders while kicking and kicking her high-heeled shoes.

The calm lens seemed to refract a terrifying brilliance in an instant.

It's like something... watching the prisoner.


Ye Shenyue retreating is neither advancing nor advancing, he cannot retreat, because in this world, Concubine Miles seems to regard him as a "son". into the opponent's hands!

What a tough choice.

Ye Shenyue started to run away, but because of Queen Concubine Mile's aura, she was finally hung up obediently by her.

"Sure enough, I have been with that guy Maori for a long time, and then I also learned these nonsense..."

Grabbing him with one hand and hanging him up, the other hand squeezed Ye Shenyue's left cheek and said with some discomfort.

"This... It is indeed for Uncle Kogoro..."

Ye Shenyue thought that he would be defeated by Fei Miles, how should he deal with her when he made his brain cells run fast just now.

Unexpectedly, in the eyes of Fei Miles, he is still a child, so there are many things that he did not know by himself but learned from others.

From the tinted glasses of a concubine lawyer who used to be a high school classmate with Kogoro Mouri, of course he taught Yagami.

It really took advantage of the children.

Ye Shenyue mourned for Uncle Maori for a second in her heart. However, Ye Shenyue sniffed the breath on Concubine Miles, and it smelled really good. There is still a difference between Yujie and Loli.

"Okay... I finally got out of work, so... let's go to Xiaolan to eat together..."

The concubine's lawyer hugged Ye Shenyue, "I heard from Sharon that a guy who deserves to kill a thousand knives may have returned, and maybe he will meet him again."

Frowning slightly, Fei Mi hugged Ye Shenyue tightly. One second he was looking at the soft and gentle township with some expectation, and the next second he touched the gentle township, but in the last second, Yeshenyue But it ran down all of a sudden.

"I...I still have something to do...I...I'm going first!"

Almost breathed out!

"Eh... this kid..."

Fei Mi was a little surprised to see Ye Shenyue's super-fast speed, but subconsciously touched her soft chest and smiled. "This action really looks like him... Forget it, I heard Xiaolan said that he has a little girlfriend, so let's call his little girlfriend at that time..."

With a gentle expression on his face, he walked away, but at the moment when the high heels sounded, he frowned slightly, girlfriend?

He actually had a girlfriend too. He was really just like the unscrupulous person who started making girlfriends at such a young age!

"Huh... I finally escaped..."

On this side, Ye Shenyue, who was running out of sight, finally escaped from the gentle township that men envied. He was a little afraid of the rough waves. Of course, if it is a grown body... Well, it seems that the scale of Concubine Miles has grown up. He can also be blinded, so if you keep sticking it'll be bored...

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