In her wild thoughts, Ye Shenyue finally went to the supermarket to buy the ingredients for breakfast, but while walking and thinking about her thoughts, she bumped into someone again.

Ye Shenyue jumped back subconsciously, thinking it was someone like Hongzi again.

Looking at his little 0.4 height, he could just see the attractive short skirt the other party was wearing.

This is a woman.

Ye Shenyue quickly apologized, "Auntie, I'm sorry..."

Ps: The number of words in this chapter is a bit short. We will continue tomorrow.It's a bit sad to be said, but it may also be that the author has dug too deep, and tomorrow's update may be later.But this book is written, and the author will finish it.Even if it is said to be sprayed, it can be tolerated.The original plot remains unchanged.

Keep asking for support.

Chapter 0055 Why are they all gathered in a pile (below)

Bowing his head, he was only a dozen centimeters away from the other party, and he could smell the strange, intoxicating breath of the other party's body fragrance mixed with Chanel perfume.If what I smelled on Fei Miles was the smell of a complete mature woman, what I smelled now is full of youthful vitality and charm.


The sudden thought made Ye Shenyue secretly smile to herself, how could the person she bumped into be young, although the skirt was very good, the dark black skirt showed tight and smooth calves.

But he is a Zhengtai now, so as long as he is an adult, he is an uncle and aunt.

This sound should not be called wrong.


Ye Shenyue couldn't help but take two steps back, because this "Obasan" frowned and squatted down, and her eyes seemed to be level with him. She was wearing dark sunglasses, so that people couldn't see what was behind the lenses. Eyes, but Ye Shenyue suddenly grabbed his arm from the other hand, and felt it with a very hard hand.

He seems to have said the wrong thing.

"**... What are you talking about? What aunt? My sister didn't see any aunt here!"

He pronounced the word "Auntie" very heavily, and the corners of his mouth were raised, as if he was smiling.

"Uh... aunt... I mean aunt... um..."

Just as Ye Shenyue was about to continue her explanation, she glanced at her arm from the corner of her eyes. The little arm was probably pinched blue, so she immediately shut up.

He can still tell the difference by looking at words and expressions.

"**, what do you want to say to my sister?"

07 The woman's voice is very pleasant, it seems to be said with a smile.Read the word "sister" very lightly.

"Big sister...I'm sorry..."

Ye Shenyue finally understood and lowered her head.This elder sister (Obasan) is really scary, how much does she want to be old.

Her heart was sweating secretly, but Ye Shenyue found that the other party's face suddenly burst into brilliance. It wasn't a fake smile or a contrived smile, but a real smile from the heart!

All she wanted was the title of "sister".

"Is that right..."

"Big sister" patted Ye Shenyue's head, "First meeting, Xiaoye Shenyue, have you heard about the big sister from Fei Mile? My family's Conan is about the same size as you."

Touching Ye Shenyue's head and pinching his face along the way, Ye Shenyue hurriedly struggled away. He likes pinching girls' faces, but the most annoying thing is being pinched by girls!

And it is still pinched by "Obasan".

Ye Shenyue, who just struggled away, showed a ghostly expression.And also called out.

" are...Yukiko!"


"Obasan" with short hair did not continue pinching Ye Shenyue's face, but took off the large black sunglasses on the bridge of his nose.A pair of bright eyes were revealed, and the bright eyes swayed from time to time. He was definitely a difficult and cunning person to deal with.

Of course, this is not the most surprising, the most surprising thing is that her slender and slender fingers are bent directly to the upper forehead, and then she pulls down sharply, and the short hair dyed black is just taken off!

This is a wig!

If there is a bald head under the wig, it would be easy to say, but there is still hair under the wig!

Very beautiful hair with brown slightly curly hair.

The temperament and appearance suddenly improved to the extreme.

The fluttering long hair fell on his face along the wind, and it was itchy.

This Obasan... is definitely a beauty!

But he is definitely not the kind of person who sees beautiful women with weak legs. What really surprises him is that the person who is shown in front of him now is none other than Yukiko!

I'm going!

Let's just say, who cares so much about her age and always forces people to call her "eldest sister" who could be other than Yukiko!Ye Shenyue felt strange in her heart. After all, this "eldest sister" who is now called Yukiko is Conan-kun's mother, which means... she is also someone who has an affair with him.He didn't even know how to deal with Fei Mi, but now another Yukiko jumped out. What do you want him to do today?

Ye Shenyue suddenly remembered the Koizumi Hongzi she had met before. Hongzi said that he would encounter terrible things today. Did he mean now?

"I'm stunned... What a little pervert... However, the appearance of this little boy really makes people want to be ravaged,"

Taking advantage of Ye Shenyue's depressed heart, Yukiko "It's just like your father's appearance that makes you want to be ravaged ruthlessly... Scream... Scream... No one will come to save you!"

Without waiting for Yagami to refuse or beg for mercy, Yukiko started playing tricks on the street.

And still venting.

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