It doesn't feel good to be stared at.

So after glaring at Conan fiercely, he didn't dare to move.

Yes, he has magic, but every time, his magic is to land on his feet, or touch objects with his hands, and then he can draw a magic circle, and then he can move to other places.But now, on the hands and feet, there is no way to reach the ground or objects.

Although Yukiko, who is under the windbreaker now, is also wearing clothes, but as soon as his hands touch, he will be distracted, and he can't concentrate on using magic at all!

bad bad!

Ye Shenyue was depressed.

So now all I can do is stare at Conan-kun, because there is still a windproof windbreaker that seems to be quite thick, so Conan-kun, who is being trained innocently, just feels a sudden coolness on his back, but he can't find it. to the source being watched.Because he often feels stared at recently.Every time I can't find the source.

10 minutes later.

It seems that he really took care of Ye Shenyue once.Things are going well.

The people chatting finally felt hungry, and then went straight to cook at Dr. Agasa's house.

People are also ready to be divided.

Ye Shenyue breathed a sigh of relief.Then just wait for Yukiko to go to a place where no one else is and put him down.

It's just a little bit puzzled that this Koizumi Hongzi didn't continue to say where he was, and everyone seemed to have forgotten him.

Everything quieted down.

"Dong dong dong..."

the third time.

the third time.

Someone knocked on the door.

"That's can't cook...Everyone has to look at her a little bit, if Miles is allowed to cook, we will all have nothing to eat..."

Yukiko's "eldest sister" seemed to like opening the door, and took the initiative to open the door while talking.

" can you say that? Humph! Yukiko, since you said that, I must make a good dish for you to see!"

Barrister Fei Mile Fei is a new star in the legal world who has entered the hall, entered the kitchen, and has a big bed. How can people look down on her like this?

Whether it is bearable or unbearable, she can't bear it!

Pulling the sleeves on his hands to his elbows, he made a big move.


Chapter 0057 Whose child is (one more)


Ye Shenyue suddenly let go of her hands and feet, and slipped off Yukiko's "eldest sister". The wide windbreaker bulged and quickly slipped down, as if giving birth to a child.

Only now, no one laughed.

Everyone looked at him more or less in various poses and expressions.

Sister Bei drank her coffee very plainly, with the style of a big star, but the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, but there was a little bit of coldness.

As for Xiao Ai and the others, they turned their heads and didn't look at him, even his family's You Jiang.

As a prospective guest, Koizumi Hongzi continued to sip coffee, but she did not have the same style as Sister Bei, but she looked at Ye Shenyue with a pair of witch eyes, and there seemed to be a smile hidden in it, as if... sitting Watch his jokes!

It's just their attitude, this kind of behavior makes Ye Shenyue feel a chill in her heart.

I'm afraid, I'm afraid they have already seen him hiding in Yukiko's windbreaker!

No wonder, no wonder Koizumi Koizumi didn't respond after Conan failed!

Maybe.Maybe he was hiding in your trench coat before Conan acted!

So Xiaolan quickly stopped Conan when he deliberately wanted to touch him.

Maybe she was just thinking about how to remind him!

Xiaolan, you are really an angel!

just now.

Xiaolan couldn't help him.

"That...cough...I also went to the kitchen to help out. Although I don't like cooking very much, it's still pretty good."

She knew for a long time that the moment he slid down would attract everyone's attention, but Ye Shenyue said it bravely, and then she didn't care whether it was Xiao Lan or Hui Yuan who was staring at him now, or even him. Xiaoyou can't care anymore.

All he had in mind now was the word "escape".

Being seen by the girls who had one leg, two legs, or even three legs with him, he actually hugged Yukiko in that posture for so long... This is the consequence.

Ye Shenyue didn't dare to think about it, or even looked at it. Among so many girls, Officer Sato, the former Princess Didan Yukiko, and the former Queen Concubine Mile of Didan High School, on the bright side, they are good friends. My friend's sister Bei, as well as Xiao Ai, Mingmei Loli, Xiao Lan, Conan... um, Conan is not a boy, so let's exclude it first.

Ye Shenyue didn't have to turn her head to see the surprised expression on Conan's deliberately widened eyes.Conan that bastard!

Ye Shenyue scolded Ye Shenyue with a fake smile that couldn't be more fake.

"What? Stop playing?"

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