Queen Feili pushed the transparent lens on the bridge of her nose, and said with a sneer at the corner of her mouth, "It's not good to find someone, but you are really good at eating tofu from Obasan, Yuxizi..."


Yukiko, who was just about to continue to pretend to be tender, frowned, "Mi, what do you mean by that? Obasan? I seem to have misheard something, right? Xiaoye likes me more than anything else. I!"

Youxizi is completely the character of a child, of course, it is not ruled out that she is still pretending to be tender. She squatted down and hugged Ye Shenyue directly again, her slender and beautiful hands directly wrapped around Ye Shenyue's neck, As if showing her love, she kissed the boss on Ye Shenyue's side face in public.


It was so loud that everyone heard it.There was a red lip print on Ye Shenyue's face.

"Hey...this is my little night, what do you mean?"

Officer Sato frowned slightly. In her eyes, Yagami is exactly the same as her boyfriend "Shinda Matsuda". No matter how you look at Yagami, she is her boyfriend's child.

So Officer Sato was very upset when he saw his boyfriend's "posthumous son" being kissed.

"Your little night?"

Yuxizi frowned immediately, and then Queen Concubine Miles also had the same expression, and said in unison, "He is obviously our Xiaoye, our childhood sweetheart and husband's child on April [-]st!"

"April [-]st? Who is that? What a funny name... You don't have to make up such strange excuses. I'm a policeman and a criminal policeman, so I can see through any lies at a glance."

Officer Sato is definitely exaggerating his ability now, but now is the decisive juncture in the "fight for children", so he cannot admit defeat.

When she is irrational, Miwako is still very irrational.


x2 Yukiko and Fei Mile looked at each other, and then.

"What did you say? Your Matsuda Jinpei is a liar... such a strange name..."

Concubine Miles and Yukiko said one after another, "And we have evidence, we have his photo!"

"Photos, I have them too!"

Officer Sato also looked for the photos in the wallet, and Yukiko and Concubine Miles here had prepared the photos on the table.

Three photos, one facing!

Different clothes, one of which is still undressed, but only shows the upper body, and there is not much dew point, but it makes people suspect the relationship between the person in the photo and Yukiko.

Because there is a small head behind the naked upper body, that is Yukiko.

Maybe it's a photo of what the two of them are doing.

"How shameless!"

Fei Miles blushed and immediately replied, "It's better for me."

The photo that Fei Mile took out was quite satisfactory, wearing a very handsome tuxedo.But the man's appearance is exactly the same as Yukiko's.

It's not quite the same.because.The third photo that Officer Sato took out at this moment.

Still the same look!

"How... how does it feel the same!"

Sato Miwako cried out in horror.

In an instant, her face turned pale.

Because she seemed to think of something.Such as being deceived or something, being cheated on or something!

"Because you were deceived by that man, and that man was very attentive, using various pseudonyms and identities to deceive girls, so you should forget about that guy."

Fei Mile said with a light pouting of red lips, and resumed the attitude of a barrister, as if she was not talking about a philandering man at this moment, but was taking over the case.Then say something, please rest assured, I will definitely help you get alimony, compensation and mental damage.

She has fallen into lawyer mode.

"Mom, don't say that to Dad..."

Xiaolan pushed her mother's arm and comforted her.

"But you can't deny that, maybe he is that kind of person, because...now Xiaoye is the representative!"

Sister Bei, who had been drinking coffee and showing Sharon's appearance, chuckled lightly.

I don't know how much she and Yuxizi have paid. Now Sister Bei is both Sharon and a big star in front of them, or Belmod.

Sister Bei suddenly hung up Yeshenyue who didn't know where to hide, and her coquettish nails dyed red lightly touched Yeshenyue's face.

"Look at this appearance, it is definitely that guy's child, but his mother is not any of us, so...that guy can't have other lovers!"

Sister Bei's voice was cadenced, everyone shut up, and then focused their eyes again.

Everyone agreed that Yagami at the moment was the child of Yukiko's husband.There was no doubt that Ye Shenyue was the "husband" herself.

Obviously, there is a small example of Xiao Ai here.

Xiao Ai lowered her head slightly in deep thought.

Ye Shenyue felt a chill in her heart when she saw it.

Conan kept his mouth shut.Now he has a lot of problems, such as his background, Yukiko didn't tell him directly, but he always felt that he really didn't seem to be the child of Kudo Yusaku.

Because he hadn't seen his father since he was born, Kudo Yusaku was also busy with work so he was abroad, and left him and his mother in Japan.And then childhood sweethearts with Xiaolan.

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