Her wish was fulfilled, and she lost sight of Yuko-san's shop, and then returned to her original world.Zombie world.

That's where she exists now.

And he, still in this world on April [-]st, is still continuing... part-time work!

There are still 197 tasks waiting for him to complete!

I don't know when I will see Xiaoyou again.Ye Shenyue suddenly became melancholy.

Miss Yuko was drinking with Mo Kena, so she picked up her red luxurious cigarette stick and started smoking because the wine was finished.

Xu Shi saw Ye Shenyue's decadent look, so he spoke in a relaxed tone.

It's just that what he said was the truth.Still have to pay!

Don't pay what will happen!

This cheapskate!

Ye Shenyue thought fiercely.

At this time, after persuading Miss Yuko, she moved the half-smoked cigarette stick to the side, "|I'm in a better mood now, since I'm in a better mood, then help me go to a warm bar... Well, don't be too hot The kind, just warm and warm, by the way, the side dishes here are almost finished, and I will go to the kitchen to get some."

The snow-white thighs that crossed Erlang's legs were slightly open, as if he didn't care.It seemed that she didn't realize that she had turned into an evil capitalist and was desperately extracting the labor force of "wagemen".

"It's just...I want a plate of fried peanuts...well, I don't want fully cooked ones...half-cooked ones are delicious..."

Mokona, whose whole black body jumped on the table, patted her bulging belly and said.

Miss Yuko!

Always be careful when you bully people and you will be bullied back fiercely in the end!

Ye Shenyue turned around gloomily, but she was very upset.

For example, let Miss Yuko do her own work, such as not letting her continue to act like a queen, but turning her into Cinderella or something.

"and many more!"

But just when Yashin Yue turned around, Miss Yuko stopped him again.

It was her who let him go to work, and now it was her who stopped him!

This... what the hell is going on!

Ye Shenyue looked at her unhappily, and then Miss Yuko took out a small box from Yuko's side and opened it. The small box contained a writing brush.



Just when Ye Shenyue was about to grab the brush, the tip of the dark brush suddenly moved, it came out of the brush, and then burrowed into Ye Shenyue's body at once!


Ye Shenyue's eyes were quick, and she grabbed the unknown object directly.

A slender body, covered with dark yellow fluff, and a pair of very beautiful small eyes.

"This is... Guanhu!"

Ye Shenyue looked at Huang who was still clinging to him even though he was caught!The colored little thing said in surprise.

"Well... it's Guanhu, this is the price Yu Girl paid for the hydrangea incident. The little thing seems to like you very much... um... I'll give it to you temporarily, it's your task anyway. "

"Give it to me?"

Ye Shenyue looked at the little tube fox that had calmed down and let it go. No wonder Miss Yuko gave it to him. The feeling is because he completed the task, so he had to receive the reward.

I didn't expect Miss Yuko to be such a principled person.

In Yagami's mind, the labels of "black belly", "likes to joke" and "a little childish" that belong to Miss Yuko seem to be moving in a good direction.

"Uh... Guanhu... you..."

It's just that Ye Shenyue let go of the little tube fox who was caught by him, but the little tube fox didn't know whether it was wrapped around Ye Shenyue's little finger with his head or his tail, and on the other side, Zeshui was entangled with Miss Yuko who was holding the cigarette stick. Little finger!

This...couldn't it be...a red thread!

Actually entangled him and Miss Yuko!

Ye Shenyue's heart would like to praise this little tube fox, how sensible she is.

Seriously, apart from her bad personality, her inability to cook, and her sarcasm, her appearance is really good, especially when she shows LouDian or something from time to time, which makes Yashenyue, a little otaku, torn apart. The blood of the beast is boiling.So much so that when she was bullied by Miss Yuko, she did not directly fight back.

That is to say... In fact, his terrifying fascination has already secretly made Miss Yuko a target, wanting to pursue her or something.

And now, his family's little tube fox actually acts as a red thread to connect them together, it's really a cute little thing!

Ye Shenyue has already praised more than one sentence in her heart, and the face of Miss Yuko on this side is not as shy or unnatural as in the script of Yashenyue, showing such a look is mostly because the other party likes him, that's why she will. behave like this.

Miss Yuko is actually showing a bad smile!

Glancing at Ye Shenyue, she smiled softly, "Could it be that April [-]st also likes this kind of red thread? But... there are too many red threads on your side, even if Guanhu grows out I'm afraid it won't be enough to help you with the tail to pull the red line!"

It is indeed not enough!

Now he not only counted on his hands and feet, but he still hasn't been able to match the number of girls who are related to him.

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