It has already exceeded the standard!So it's not enough for a tube fox to have nine tails!

Miss Yuko is so bad, as long as you know this kind of thing, why bother to show it?

"Wait a moment……"

Just when Yashenyue wanted to continue speaking, Miss Yuko's expression changed slightly, and then she stretched out her slender fingers to stop Yashenyue, and then she seemed to hear something, and then the corners of her mouth curled up. , "April [-]st, you have a new task... The other party... is also a person with a red thread tied to his hand.|"|Miss Yuko closed her eyes slightly, "And like you, she has a There are many, many red threads tied~”

Chapter 0062

"Is there anyone here? I'm really sorry to have come in by are?"

As Miss Yuko said, as soon as Yagami went out, she saw a woman with dark red curly hair talking. She was wearing a brown short skirt, high heels, and a small bag in her hand. Trendy look.

But Ye Shenyue frowned, because under the gentle eyes he was wearing, this woman had a very bad aura.

How can I say, I feel very uncomfortable.

"I'm a part-time worker at this store... um... what is your wish? Our shop is a store for people's wishes."

Looking back, Miss Yuko continued to keep smoking and teasing Guanhu. Yashenyue sighed slightly, this time it really had to be done by him.

Although he felt uncomfortable just seeing this curly-haired woman, but now she is his guest after all, and a guest who can restore 1% of her strength, Ye Shenyue has to bite the bullet.

"A storefront where wishes come true?"

The curly-haired woman was visibly surprised.

However, under Ye Shenyue's "please" gesture, she sat down at the table.

"Recently, the little finger of my left hand can't move for some reason. It's very stiff. I went to the hospital for examination and there is no problem, but it still can't move."

She was just in the mood to give it a try.


Ye Shenyue looked at her hand, the hand was not very beautiful, but the little finger gave him a very uncomfortable feeling.It seems that all the discomfort is caused here.

"Have you ever pulled a hook with someone before?"

Ye Shenyue added a sentence.

"Um... how did you know?"

The curly-haired woman showed a surprised look, and then smiled, "It's not because the hook can't move... After all, I've pulled the hook so many times... um... nothing..."

The curly-haired woman hurriedly shut her mouth, almost speaking her mind.

But Ye Shenyue is already certain.

He knew who this curly-haired woman was.

She really exists in the April [-]st episode. This is a woman with a heart, who always agrees with different men to be together forever.

Finally, when I went to the playground with a man who was one of my many boyfriends, I played the game of hooks. The two kept their fingers in the hook position, and a big knife slashed from the top to the bottom. As long as the love between the two is sincere The knife will stop when it is about to touch the fingers of the two.

This is a money-swindling method in the playground. The setting is to stop the big knife, but it has captured the hearts of many young men and women.Even if you know it's a lie, but the fact is in front of you, after the hook agreed to be together, the big knife didn't fall, showing the sincerity of the result is still very happy.

But this woman is different, she is a king of flowers.

The hooks were all fake, not sincere. In the end, if Guan Hu hadn't rushed out to stop the big knife from falling, her little finger would have really been cut off.

"In that case, you try this ring."

Yagami took out a silver ring that looked very beautiful from her pocket and handed it to her.

"Put this ring on your little finger and see."

Ye Shenyue said with a serious face, but she secretly rejoiced in her heart. Fortunately, Xiao Youjiang went back first, otherwise what would happen if she saw that he gave a ring to another girl.

Although his family's excellent sauce won't say it directly, but there are still some who are thinking about something.

He still remembered that when he saw Yuji's hand with the ring he got from the blood-spitting uncle, Xiaoyou's face secretly became concerned.

Well, it's gone all of a sudden.

Ye Shenyue came back to her senses, and then watched the curly-haired woman put the ring on.

She showed a surprised expression, because her fingers that had been stiff and immobile actually moved.

"April [-]st, go follow her!"

When the curly-haired woman left, Miss Yuko came out with a cigarette stick, still wearing a revealing kimono. The hem of the kimono was opened so high that as long as she walked around, her delicate white thighs would be exposed.I don't know who she is trying to seduce by dressing like this.

"Go and get her payment back. Our store is an equivalent exchange. She has already taken our ring, so she will naturally give the corresponding equivalent."

Miss Yuko lowered her eyes slightly as she spoke, her dark red eyes looking at Ye Shenyue with a smile that was not a smile.

Looking at Ye Shenyue, a cold sweat broke out behind her back.

Why did he feel that Miss Yuko was beating him?

He's not as playful as the curly-haired woman just now, okay?

He's all sincere.


"Tube fox!"

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