

Ye Shenyue and Miaozi Jiang shouted at the same time, Miaozi is a kind and good boy, so let her good friend quiet down, while Ye Shenyue is anxious, this arrogant girl is really as arrogant as ever.

He actually said that he was trained... hum hum hum!Waiting for him to be unlocked, then he will definitely get it back a hundred times a thousand times!Then let's see who is laughing at who!

Ye Shenyue gritted her teeth and thought.He hurriedly stopped Hiramatsu Taeko, and suppressed the idea of ​​​​implementing a super high-strength training on Mihara, trying to make a gentle gesture.

"Taeko...help me untie the rope."

"Ah...well...please wait..."

Taeko paused for a while, then put her hands on the rope that Ye Shenyue was tied to. Her hands were very soft, even when they fell on her body, they were soft, which made one's heart sway.

"Miaozi...Wait a minute!"

But at this time, Mihara grabbed Taeko-chan's little hand, "Ariel said just now that there is a camera in the room, and she installed it herself, if you let him go, he will run away, then we will be I'm going to be punished~~" "But..."

The pure Taeko-chan was still a little hesitant.

"There is no but... I think he can understand it, after all, he is the kind of person who takes the blame for himself."

Mihara-san, who stopped laughing, finally got serious, but this serious but annoying teeth tickled.

What does it mean that he is self-inflicted?

Obviously, Ariel sauce 0.5 installed a bug on Xiaoyou's body, okay?And now, it's the camera!

Depend on!

It's all the camera's fault!

Ye Shenyue was completely helpless.I could only watch Taeko and Mihara leave little by little.

Great teacher!

As soon as he remembered that this camera was put in place by Haruna-chan's big teacher, Ariel-chan, Ye Shenyue was full of excitement. If it wasn't for the camera, he would have been relieved!

"Ariel-chan... the most annoying... uh... you really showed up..."

Just when Ye Shenyue was about to speak ill of her with self-pity, a little girl appeared on her stomach, with both hands on his stomach.

Wearing very attractive stockings!

The girls in the zombie world will wear stockings, except for Nini, who will wear them when they are in some sex scenes, so... um... very black-bellied Ariel-chan!

Chapter 0070 Big teacher = big liar (two more for collection)

Ye Shenyue raised her head and followed the little feet in black stockings, going up little by little and then working hard to go up, following the route of black silk, um...

"Is it beautiful?"

Sure enough, it was the tone and voice that belonged to Loli but was unusually charming.

The girl with long silver combs and double ponytails said softly, blinking and blinking as if she was constantly winking, and the corners of her lovely mouth also evoked a beautiful arc.

Delicate face, beautiful eyes, and always smiling softly but with a black belly, this... is indeed the Ariel sauce he is familiar with!

She arrived just when she wanted to speak ill of her, and she was indeed very responsive, and Ye Shenyue immediately smothered the words "I hate Ariel the most".

After all, she has already found the memory of being with this big teacher who looks like Loli is actually a big teacher with hundreds of millions of students, so Ye Shenyue has a thorough understanding of this guy's temperament.

The more charming she smiles, the more she wants to piss her off.

Especially now, when he was still tied up and her power was sealed by her, Ye Shenyue could only bow her head unyieldingly, but the fist that was retracted was for the purpose of punching out more powerfully, so now he first Bowing his head is also for a greater revenge later.

Ye Shenyue comforted herself, then raised her head to look at Ariel-chan, who had been sitting slowly beside him. "Ariel, there's no point in tying me all the time... Help me untie it... After all, we've been together for hundreds of years..."

It is absolutely impossible for him to be tough, even if he recovers all his strength, he has not yet reached the realm of Ariel stepping into the realm of gods with half a foot, so he can only play the family card.

He knew that Ariel was the most nostalgic.


Ariel, who had already sat down, touched his face, as if she was nostalgic, and her tone softened a little, "A hundred years... Speaking of a hundred years of getting along... It's really nostalgic... It's just that …”

Ariel raised her voice slightly, "You haven't just been with me for over a hundred years... Why in my memory, you are the one I summoned, but you are always with Chris? ?"

Ariel's eyes have become serious, if there is one thing she hates about her teacher, Chris, it must be this.The man who robbed her.

Every time she used the excuse of drinking together and then drunk her with carbonated drinks and then the person who summoned her was pulled away!

How can it be repaired!

At this moment, Ariel's eyes were filled with uncontrollable anger.Even Ye Shenyue felt that the current Loli teacher was about to become a flame.


The other party actually remembered this incident!

Ye Shenyue suddenly felt that he played the wrong piece!

It's just that Ariel and Chris are both members of his Crystal Palace after all, so why do they always hold grudges against each other?Ye Shenyue coughed twice and comforted her. "Chrissy is wrong, but she didn't mean it...just once or twice...forgive her..."

"Once or twice?"

Suddenly, Ariel stood up and suddenly became angry, "If it's once or twice, that's fine... But if you count, it's a hundred thousand times! How can anyone accidentally get someone else drunk. A hundred thousand times!"

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