
Ye Shenyue was startled.Then he shut up, he still ignored the grudge between teachers and students, a hundred thousand times... Well, if it was him, I'm afraid he'd be crazy now, it seems that Ariel's endurance is still very strong .

"That...then Ariel-chan...let's untie me...I will never run away, and with you around, what can I do to run away? I like you the most..."

Ye Shenyue is completely shameless. Although it is currently being recorded, there is already a precedent for Silas, and he doesn't care.


He seems to have underestimated Ariel sauce, Ariel sauce will not be so easily bewitched.

She stretched out her small hand and pointed to a corner, "Are you sure it's okay to say something like this?... Where is there a camera..."


Didn't you make the camera yourself?

In fact, you are the culprit!

Ye Shenyue was very depressed.Ariel doesn't even eat soft food!

What does this want from him!

However, what was unexpected was that Ariel was slowly lying on top of him, forcibly taking the pose of a woman on top of a man, "But your favorite sentence makes people like it very much. ...Since you've given up everything, then let me tell you two good news..."

Seeing that Ye Shenyue was completely quiet, Ariel also held her breath.

Ye Shenyue listened attentively, and Ariel got a little closer, her body's aura that belonged to Lolita penetrated into her nose again, and now her actions will make her student Haruna-chan even more attractive.

Almost half of the small body is attached to his body, which belongs to the delicate skin of Loli, "Just kidding. There are no cameras, those are all I lied to them... So... you can say something. Say whatever you want~" Uh.

Ye Shenyue's eyes widened, his previous worries were all in vain, and there were no cameras installed in this room at all!Everything Ariel said casually, she's a big liar!Super big liar!

Just now, he was worried that Xiaoyou would see something, and his Taeko-chan won't untie the rope for him, and even Haruna-chan won't untie him!

Then, without giving Ye Shenyue a chance to complain at all, Ariel delivered an even more surprising news.

"And then...Yishenyue...Congratulations...Happy birthday."

ps: Ahem, about which one to write first after April, please vote, whichever option reaches 100 first, which one will be written first.

Chapter 0071 Happy Birthday (three more for collection)


Just when Ariel laughed softly, Yagami Yue showed a surprised expression.

Did he hear it right?

At this time, Ariel-chan stood up from him, and then walked off the bed in a fluttering manner, her petite and delicate fingers quickly pressed on the bed where he was lying with only a thin sheet, A beautiful purple magic circle appeared under him, and then a dazzling silver light flickered in front of his eyes. Ye Shenyue, who had long been accustomed to short-distance travel, did not feel any discomfort, but after the golden light dissipated, his His eyes widened again, and... how should I put it, my whole heart was shaken.

Because after the light dissipated, he found that there were a whole row of girls standing in front of him, and it could not be said that they were standing in a row. The girls themselves were divided into small piles, and Yuuki and unilateral hair were not seen for a long time. Haruna is in a pile, Chris and Nini are in a pile, but even if they are standing, they are each holding a big wine glass. The two good friends Mihara and Taeko will naturally stand together. , while Hui Luo Luo and Yu are standing together.

Yu still had a calm expression, while Hui Luoluo did not change the color of the star, wearing the black and red costume she liked for the performance, and also put on the head he gave him to her. shiny headdress.

But Serra was the only one missing.

It's just that I don't have time to think about these things right now, because now these girls, even Chris, who is holding a wine glass, are holding flowers one by one. When he opened his eyes, the girls seemed to agree. Okay, at the same time, I pulled the pull flower in my hand.

"Bang bang bang!"

Immediately, a piece of paper just used to celebrate the festival and various colors of paper that symbolizes festivity flew up.

And just at this moment, when Ye Shenyue was still a little surprised by the scene in front of her, the girls seemed to have already rehearsed it, and at the same time, "Happy Birthday! Step! (Ye Shenyue)"

The girls said at the same time, even though everyone's tones are different, there is a strange match when they blend together.


Facing a flowery smile, it is impossible not to be moved.Ye Shenyue really trembled.

It turned out that the girls were not going to besiege him, but to celebrate his birthday!

Indeed, today... well, it is indeed his birthday. Even if he replaces the protagonist of the original work in the world of zombies, he is still him, the complete Yashenyue, whether it is his whole person or his various information. It is based on himself, so the date is the same.

But he remembered that when he was just at home, he asked Yujiang when their birthdays were. He casually said the date of his own birthday, but he didn't expect...they already remembered it, and now...it's like this birthday party!The previous bundling behavior should have been suppressed first and then raised. Fortunately, he was worried that he would be dismembered.It's nothing to worry about!

Ye Shenyue looked at the big cake behind the girls, and was really moved.

At this time, the girls also completely relaxed, and after everyone was ready, they brought Ye Shenyue to the big cake they made.

Because he is still tied up now, he needs the help of the girls.It is Ariel sauce who is helping him now. Don't look at Ariel's figure as a loli, but she is definitely among the girls... well... except for Xiaoyou, the most powerful person, just holding him with one hand is still very good. Easy.

Ariel-chan floated in the air with his rope, and smiled softly, "How... do you like this birthday party? This is what Haruna thought... Haruna is working harder and harder, and she can almost be on her own. ~~" "That can't be helped, after all, Haruna-chan is a genius..."

The cute, petite, chestnut-colored, short-haired Loli said Paipa, still with her undeveloped small breasts, and she was not afraid if the pat was heavy, "Okay... Then let's start with Haruna-chan's greeting card..."

Haruna-chan pushed away Chris and the others who were standing in front of her, and directly pulled Yagami, who was also floating in mid-air by Ariel, to the huge eighteenth-tier cake.

Only when she got to the front, Ye Shenyue realized that there were so many layers of cake, but in addition to the beautiful candles, there was a beautiful greeting card on each layer.

Now at the bottom, En is a greeting card with a pudding pattern.The card had a whole row of words written in a somewhat crooked way.

It really has the temperament of Chunnai-chan.

"I wish there was an oversized pudding...well...the size of a house."


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