
Ye Shenyue, who continued to watch, finally woke up.

"Hey... stop! That's my shirt!"

Ye Shenyue finally woke up, the shirt collar was the shirt he was familiar with!The shirt that Little Loli put on the skeleton is his favorite one!

Ye Shenyue rushed out directly, and then grabbed Little Loli's small, fleshy arm.

"Yeah... it's you a commoner again! Don't touch me!"

Little Lolita ducked, "Humph! You, a commoner, are finally willing to come out..."

The little loli threw the clothes on the skeleton to Ye Shenyue, "I actually want to use this kind of thing to scare me... hum hum... You know I grew up watching horror movies! How can such a thing be afraid!"

Three thousand loli stood with a small body, and then stood directly in front of him, showing a domineering look, as if... very proud...

I was about to say a word, "I've already seen through your little eyes!"


Ye Shenyue suddenly found out, why is this [-] so smart, who did she inherit so smart?

As far as he knows, her mother is more exaggerated than she is, a little confused and a lunatic!

" can't speak!"

The three thousand loli are very confident, but slowly they showed a little sad expression, "That's good... I'll punish you for talking to me!"

"You said... that Miss Yuko of yours can really fulfill my wish?"

Little Loli is still concentrating on being a little lady, so even if she sits down, she is still very ladylike, and even if she is still small, she has the temperament of an aristocrat, or the temperament of a nouveau riche.

People who can spend tens of millions, millions, hundreds of millions to buy Mocona are not upstarts?A problem that can be solved with money is not a problem!

It's just, I don't know if it's Ye Shenyue's illusion, the little loli at this moment has a bit of sadness.It seemed that some great crisis was pressing on her body, making her breathless.

Perhaps, this is the reason why the little loli will gradually become mature.

"Of course...Miss Yuko 1.0 is the most powerful person in the world...As long as she pays the equivalent price, she will definitely fulfill your wish..."

Ye Shenyue gently patted the little loli on the shoulder, but the little loli didn't dodge, maybe it was because she was hugged many times, so the little loli already had immunity, so the little loli was accepted. .

This is a good phenomenon, but Ye Shenyue likes this little loli very much.Although there is still a big gap between this little loli and the arrogant three thousand in his impression, but no matter what, this is a small three thousand, and if you cultivate it well, you can always develop into a proud loli.

This... Maybe it's called the development of Lolita?

For a time, Ye Shenyue looked at Xiao Sanqian, which made Xiao Sanqian very uncomfortable, as if she was being stared at fiercely.

Chapter 0080 Invasion (two more subscriptions)

"You... this lecher!"

In the early morning, in the silent room, there was a panicked scream from a little girl.

The terrified Loli bit Ye Shenyue's arm all at once, then jumped up, her eyes were red and her eyes widened, and she shouted, "You pervert...what do you want to do to me!"

The petite Loli screamed angrily, and at the same time kept her distance from Yagami as if she was running away.

"Cough cough...that's just a hand error...the hand slipped accidentally!"

If possible he would definitely not be so obvious.Because of the chat with the little loli yesterday, although Sanqianyuan Nagi is a very smart loli, but because she is still a little loli, she will soon be sleepy, and Yagami is enslaved by Miss Yuko. It's been a day, I'm tired, and that's it...

Ye Shenyue slept with the little loli together.

It would be fine if she just hugged her, but Ye Shenyue habitually touched her from time to time.

Because he felt that he was holding a small body in his arms, he thought he was holding Xiaoyou and the others, so he didn't have any scruples. He touched and scratched from time to time. , but 07 was three thousand loli but woke up earlier than him. At first glance, the little loli found that she was being hugged, and it was okay to hold it. Three thousand loli could be tough enough to endure, after all, this hug is not So cold isn't it?

Little Loli was a child who lacked fatherly love since childhood, so it felt a little comfortable to be hugged warmly, and she wanted to close her eyes and continue to fall asleep.

Little Loli forgives "this rude behavior of the common people" just.

At this moment, the other party's salty pig hand attacked at once, it would be fine if he just hugged her, but the other party placed it on her unresponsive little chest!

This is……

Why are you bullying her for not developing yet?

She hasn't reached the age of development at all, okay?

This... perverted sex demon!

Sanzenin Nagi Loli stared at Yagami in shame and indignation.She would definitely turn her head away if she could!But she still has her wish come true!

She wants to make her wish come true!

"How could it be slippery! You're used to it at first sight! You are a vulgar lecher!"

Sanqianyuan suddenly packed up the small pajamas tightly, and didn't want to show even the slightest bit of flesh.This is extremely vigilant behavior!

"'s like this!"

In the state of three thousand loli at the moment, I am afraid that no matter how he explains it, he will ignore him.

Ye Shenyue felt a little annoyed in her heart, as it seemed that the plan of Genji that was cultivated by Tsundere Lolita was just stranded.

Because at this moment, Loli has regarded him as a dangerous person, and she is unwilling to pay attention to him no matter what.

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