This is generally the case.


The reality is always on his side.

Because Yuko-san said so.

"Well...Since it's dawn, then hurry'll be night when you get there. So...the first day of April, go with her."

That's what Yuko-san said.


With the unhappy expression of the three thousand loli hugging her small shoulders, Ye Shenyue grabbed her small body and jumped to the pool where she had already crossed once.


Ye Shenyue and Xiao Sanqian were all immersed in the water, and as long as they passed through the water, they could transfer to another world.

But for some reason, the time of this time crossing was longer than the last time, and the little loli didn't seem to be able to swim, so she suffocated in an instant.The cute little mouth kept blowing bubbles.

Ye Shenyue sighed in her heart, quickly grabbed Xiao Sanqian, kissed her little mouth, and touched the soft little lips.Pass the air to her.

Xiaosanqianyuan's eyes were about to be closed, and her reaction and resistance were extremely low, so she did not refuse. If she were more awake, she might have bit his lip directly.Instead, the dazed little Lolita clings to Ye Shenyue's lips as if she has found hope, constantly absorbing the air from his mouth.

Instinctively, sucking the fluid from his mouth every now and then.

Ye Shenyue had an illusion for a moment, it would be nice if the process of crossing was longer.

It's a night.

It was daytime there, but now it was night.

It was a starry night when Ye Shenyue appeared holding the dazed little Sanqian.

Ye Shenyue came out of the fountain with her in her arms, and looked around. It was a large manor, and they were at the junction of two woods.

Three hundred meters in front of the place is a mansion. This is a very luxurious villa. Just from the appearance, it is known that this is definitely the home of the rich!

"Beep beep..."

However, when they hadn't stood firm, there were continuous alarms all around.Seems to be found?


They came out of the fountain and shouldn't have touched any alarm switch!

Then Ye Shenyue's ears moved, and he heard a sound. It was the sound of many people, and it was the sound of well-trained team members marching in large batches.

It should be a bodyguard or a security guard.

What an idiot!Really looking for trouble!

Ye Shenyue scolded, it is impossible for them to be discovered, which means that the person who was discovered is someone else!In addition to them, other people also sneaked into the house, and then they were found!

"Why... it's here?"

Sanqinin Nagi finally woke up, but was still a little dazed.Rubbing his eyes with his little hands, he said something very speechless. "Let me sleep for another 5 minutes."

In an instant, the character "Well" appeared on Ye Shenyue's forehead.

Then she shook Sanqianyuan's little head vigorously, and when she was about to cry angrily, she woke up, "We have arrived 10 years before September 913, when you want to come back! Open your eyes and take a good look. Look!"

"What? It's already here!"

Sanqianyuan Nagi finally reacted, and the surging and ecstasy in her heart completely overshadowed her dissatisfaction with Yagami.

He jumped out of his arms at once and was ready to go to the villa.

At first, Sanqianyuan didn't tell Miss Yuko what her wish was, but when Miss Yuko sent him back with him, Sanqian only revealed her wish.

That is, I want to see my mother again.

Her mother, Sanqianyuan Zizi.

The reason why Sanqianyuan came to Miss Yuko and was able to enter Miss Yuko's shop was because her mother, Zizi Sanqianyuan, died of illness.

Little Loli doesn't have to have a father, how can she still have a mother?

She was still so small.

So, when I heard that I could go to my mother now, I immediately became impulsive, raised my feet and wanted to run to the villa directly in front.This is the house she used to live in, so there is no hesitation in laughing at Loli.Moreover, this time, when I go back, I can still see my mother.Little Loli's heart is about to fly.


Ye Shenyue grabbed Little Loli's pinkish pink arm.

"Wait a minute...there's still an intruder, if we walk in like this, it's easy to get have to let the intruder be blamed first! Let him attract the attention of those bodyguards. "

Chapter 0081 Stars, really send me a man?

Take the blame?

Hearing what Ye Shenyue said, Sanqianyuan Nagi became quiet, "Well...then do it!"

It can be said that she will see her mother immediately after knowing it. Little Loli's mood suddenly becomes happy, and it seems very interesting to let others take the blame. Xiao Sanqian, who has let go of everything, immediately raised her little head, There was an excited expression on his face.

"Just... what to do? We don't know where he is, how can we catch him?"

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