Little Loli frowned slightly, her cute little eyebrows, Ye Shenyue touched the other's fleshy little face, and when Little Three Thousand Lolita was about to stare at him with her cheeks puffed up, she picked her up again. .

"Of course... to cause some trouble for that intruder..."

Ye Shenyue took out a coin from her pocket, put it in the palm of her hand, and while holding three thousand loli, she ran towards the place where the sound was heard by his ears at a speed that could not be detected by the naked eye.

"Okay... so fast!"

Little Lolita is still Lolita, she actually has a playful heart, as if giving orders, "Hurry up! Hurry up...speed up!"

"Hey hey hey...I'm not a horse...don't order me like that..."

Ye Shenyue hugged Sanqianyuan Nagi and ran about [-] meters to the little Loli in his arms and said depressedly, but she didn't wait for the little Loli to reply, but suddenly stopped, and then slipped into the woods, lying on the ground. down.

It would be fine if he just lay down, but how ambiguous his position is now!

Little Loli was pressed down, and she almost touched Ye Shenyue's face when she raised her head.Loli's face turned red all of a sudden. If it was only a little red when she was hugged just now, it's all red now.

"You...what do you want to do...I...I warn must, a commoner, are not allowed to do to me...even if you really want have to do it step by step...not right away. So... um..."

The voices of the three thousand loli had a trembling tone, and their faces became more and more red.

Because both of them got up from the water, their clothes were still wet, and the wet clothes were as if they were not wearing. I didn't feel anything just now, but now they are pressed down tightly, little loli The already sensitive body completely transmits the touch of the other party's body to the brain.

Is this a man's breath?

I have to say that although the little loli is a little loli, she is still very precocious.

It's a pity that Ye Shenyue just pressed the lips of Little Loli at the moment, "Don't talk yet, the intruder is here..."

Ye Shenyue pointed to the front, it was a sneaky figure, according to the bright moonlight, it could be seen that it was a man, a young man, and some handsome.


Little Loli blushed and nodded, "Then what do we... do?"

"Of course, let him continue to take the blame and draw all the guard's attention, and then we can walk into the villa in an open and fair manner."

"Look...he's right there, he's very agile, and if he doesn't stop him, he can get close to the villa...and then he can get rid of the now..."

Ye Shenyue threw the coin she had prepared earlier at the young man's left leg.


This was the sound of a coin falling to the ground, but it slipped over the man's left leg on the way, and the man's movements stagnated abruptly, and then suddenly slowed down.

Then there is a sound.

"found it!"

"Where is he!"

"Running in the direction of the forest!"

" the target has entered the forest, ask for support!"

10 minute later.

Large groups of guards rushed into the forest.Noisy.

At this moment, Ye Shenyue was walking towards the villa with Xiao Sanqian in her arms.

As for the intruder... just play slowly with the guards in the forest, Ye Shenyue smiled innocently, anyway, the other party is the enemy who invaded the territory of Sanqianyuan, so he is not a good person.He should have done a good deed for the loli in his arms.

It's just that he doesn't think about it, his current identity is also an intruder.

"Mom should be on the second floor. She likes to stay on the second floor. According to her, it seems that something good will happen, so let's go there and see!"

The Sanqianyuan who has arrived at the destination is also the mansion villa of Xiao Luoli's mother Sanqianyuan Zizi, but Xiaoluoli pulled Yeshenyue aside, looked up from the bottom, pointed at Speaking to Ye Shenyue on the second floor.

"The balcony on the second floor?"

Ye Shenyue took a look, the second floor was not too high from here, just a jump away, she nodded immediately, and then let Sanqianyuan hold his stomach and slammed upwards.


Ye Shenyue clambered on the railing on the second floor with one hand, but when he was about to get his whole body up, he heard a surprised cry.


It's a girl's voice.Then a pistol was pointed at his face.

The girl's voice was very fast, and she quickly said the next sentence, but this sentence was neither calling nor scolding, but... "Could it be that the stars are really effective, and they really gave me a man?"

Chapter 0082

When the man with beautiful long blond hair in front of him pointed at him with a pistol and looked like a young lady with a very serious expression, Ye Shenyue was also taken aback by her, because the other party was the same golden color as Sanqianyuan. With long hair, and a beautiful face that is six points similar to Sanqian Lolita, he can already be sure that this lavender dress is Sanqianyuan Zizi.


yo girl!

In Ye Shenyue's memory, Sanqianyuan Zizi is a natural girl, how could she have such a serious expression like a general?And he actually made such a quick response to point the pistol directly at him!

Is this something that a natural lady would do?

She should be screaming at this time, right?

Ye Shenyue almost felt that he had mistaken the person.

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