Originally, I wanted to continue to touch this little head that seems to never get tired of touching it, but at this moment, the little loli suddenly avoided, "You pervert... stay away from me... and grandpa that old man is wrong. As the saying goes, people who like children are lolicons! You million-year lolicons!"

"Cough...you...what are you talking about..."

Ye Shenyue pretended not to understand, why did the little loli actually understand this kind of thing!That guy from the Sanqianyuan Emperor, what the hell is he teaching little Loli!

"Isn't it? Isn't it?"

Loli with her double ponytail has raised her head, revealing a unique wit.

"Otherwise, why would you refuse to enter my house?"

Sanqinin Nagi showed the expression "I saw your true face long ago". "Is it because my mother is not a loli?"


Is not it?

Ye Shenyue suddenly wanted to ask herself.

Chapter 0084 I like you!

A steward is someone who is used by others. A steward is someone who serves the master. A steward is the official guardian who takes care of the master's life.In short, the role of stewards is very big.And it is closely related to the owner.It can be said that he lives for his master.Because they want to do things like this for their masters, they can be babysitters or bodyguards.


now.Wearing a standard black tuxedo, Yagami, who was picking flowers in the park, was deeply speechless.

Now his job is not a housekeeper or a nanny no matter how you look at it, but rather a maid!

Where did the housekeeper ask a dignified man to pick flowers?If it is to pick "flowers", it is acceptable, but it is to pick ordinary flowers!Such a request can only be made by such a young lady!

Holding a beautiful purple umbrella, the whole person is cast under the mild sunlight, very beautiful, when she smiles and smiles, she gives a feeling that her soul has been washed.

The park is not the exclusive park of Sanqianyuan, but an ordinary park that the eldest lady asked him to take him to find after a long circle.According to her words, if you want to have a picnic, you have to find a place with a lot of people.Knowing people in her own park is not fun at all, so... Yagami Yue, who is quite confident in her own strength, volunteered to take the daughter out.

And then here.

Then...the flower picking started.

It really wasn't what he wanted to pick, it was the eldest lady who wanted to go to pick it with a cheerful look, and then he took the initiative to pick it after falling three times in a row.If you can't really know what is natural without real contact, then Yashenyue, who is by her side, watching her "fall on the ground" continuously, can understand... Sanqianyuan Zizi is a complete eldest lady, It is absolutely impossible without a servant.

It's just that such a eldest lady is also very cute, and it is because of this that it is even less reassuring, and you must be by her side to feel at ease.

When picking flowers, Ye Shenyue looked back at her from time to time.

Well, she was very good. She was half-squatting with an umbrella. She saw Ye Shenyue looking at her, then she waved at him and flashed her big eyes, "I want to choose the most beautiful one..."

I don't know which one is the most beautiful of hers.

Looking at the boyish movements of the other party, Ye Shenyue's heart unexpectedly raised a pleasant feeling, as if she was caring for the other party.

After all, he was a body that was used to being enslaved.Ye Shenyue almost lost her temper.

It's just the most beautiful flower...well...there is!

Ye Shenyue looked at the pure blooming lilies in a large cosmos [-] meters away, and immediately walked to the center among the flowers.

"Finally found!"

In fact, there are many flowers in the flowers, but since they were picked for Miss Zizi, they must have some taste and be a little more beautiful. This pure and beautiful lily with dewdrops is just suitable for natural stay... Well, or simple her.

Ye Shenyue did not rudely tore off the root of the lily, but pulled it up by the root, and modified it with magic, and then was about to turn around, but when she turned around, she was dumbfounded.

The umbrella, the beautiful purple dress, and the eldest lady who always smiles as warm as the sun... Where did you go?There was only a purple flower umbrella where she was crouching just now.

Umbrella is not there!


The lilies, which were picked with great difficulty and carefully decorated with small decorations, fell to the ground like this.Ye Shenyue has no time to pick up the lily.



If it was normal, it must be called "Miss" according to the habit, but now, he doesn't care what level or status, the girl who smiled and smiled like sunshine just now... Where did he go?

Now he... just wants to find her!

She is obviously so natural, shouldn't she just be kidnapped like this!

How can it be allowed!

Ye Shenyue looked around, just some pedestrians coming and going, all strangers!There are no clues.

Ye Shenyue squeezed her palm.

For a moment, his heart was disturbed.

Then, he recalled the question that Little Loli Sanqian asked him not long ago.

The reason for rejecting Miss Zizi is because of Lolicon?

It's true that he is loli control, but he is also full control. Since he is full control, he will naturally control girls.

It's just that the reason why he rejected the Sanqianyuan Emperor at that time was not only because of the man's self-esteem, but also... At that time, he felt that he was very unfamiliar with Miss Zizi, and he couldn't accept the marriage contract without emotional basis... So he refused. , and you can spend some more time to properly train and train Sanqianyuan loli or something.

As for Miss Zizi from Sanqianyuan.

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