
He is definitely not a person who is easy to be heartless, and he is not a person who likes to reject others, but now he has understood that it is really possible to have love after a long time.

Just now, he was wholeheartedly trying to help the eldest lady find the most beautiful flowers.


The eldest lady at this moment has disappeared... Was abducted?

At this moment, Ye Shenyue is a little bit complaining about herself. If you hadn't been so focused just now, this kind of thing wouldn't have happened... If just now... If just now, if you paid more attention to Zizi, this kind of thing wouldn't have happened... If just now... …

Ye Shenyue fell into deep regret.Pictures flashed in my mind, all of them with Zizi.

This is watering flowers in the garden, but Miss Zizi, who was watching, also wanted to help, but she got wet when she took over the faucet.clumsy.But it's cute.

It's in the kitchen, and Ms. Zizi, who finally wants to make her debut, begins her terrible dinner training.

When the disheartened she appeared, she brought out the scorched dish whose name could no longer be identified, but this dish was so unpretentious that it could even be said to be unappetizing. 3.3.

And when I was in the bathroom, I stayed so long that I forgot to take a change of bath towel...and then...

However this time.

"Xiao Yejun...how did you throw the flower on the ground...did it fall? Well...what a beautiful lily...good...don't cry, I'll pick you up..."

A familiar voice came from behind Yagami.

Then I squatted down and fell to the ground, but because of the magic blessing, the lily was well preserved, and I held the flower in my chest.

Ye Shenyue's body shuddered when she heard this voice, and then she turned around immediately.

What I saw was the infinitely beautiful figure that was cast under the bright sunshine, and this pleasant smile.

At this moment, Ye Shenyue knew that he really... fell in love with her.

Chapter 0085 Can't go back!

"Huh... Miss... You really scared me... Suddenly I didn't see you and thought you were kidnapped..."

The richest person in this world is the Sanqianyuan family, and as the first heir, Sanqianyuan Zizi is a major underworld organization, a major competitive company, and a variety of people with bad intentions. The kidnapper.

Usually, he takes bodyguards and a group of maids with him, so even if Miss Zizi gets lost and abducted, she can be found quickly, but this time, he looked at her alone and then lost her. , Ye Shenyue didn't know whether to blame herself or cut her belly.

Only now, Miss Zizi is back.

It should be... not kidnapped.

Because, even if he is brave and daring, how could the daughter of the Sanqianyuan Emperor secretly send someone to protect him? I was too nervous just now, so I didn't expect it.

Now, seeing Miss Zizi, Ye Shenyue's heart suddenly relaxed, and then she finally regained her ability to think.

Sure enough, the authorities were convinced that this statement was true.

At this time, he remembered that he was looking for magic.With just a little magic, you can find her in one fell swoop.

Really care about chaos!

He probably really likes her.

Looking at Sanqianyuan Zizi, the girl who always smiled naturally, Ye Shenyue's chest burst into flames, and she put both hands on the girl's small shoulders, "Miss Zizi, please and I'm getting married!"

"Huh... huh?"

Miss Zizi raised her eyes, "What is marriage? Can you eat it?"

Well, Ye Shenyue is thinking about how to explain the meaning of "marriage" to Miss Zizi.Looking at the innocent look of the other party, Ye Shenyue always has the feeling that he is the villain and the bad guy.

No, when he suddenly appeared without his knowledge, after he gave the invading man a coin, the whole plot was messed up.

Because the man's name is Zhen Hayek, in the original book, he came to steal the treasure "Black Tsubaki" of the Sanqianyuan family, and he was the person who was likely to be the father of Xiaosanyuan in the future.

But because of one of his coins, the trajectory of his life was messed up...

The house of Emperor Sanqianyuan.

The white-haired old man continued to wipe and play with the piece of Wang Yu in front of Ye Shenyue, and then looked at him with great interest. "Have you really decided? Have you decided to give up your surname and put it on the surname of my Sanqianyuan?"

"I decided...but definitely not with your surname..."

Ye Shenyue's mouth twitched involuntarily. The phrase "put my surname in the name of my son" means asking the other party to marry him. Once the other party marries him, then even the surname must be given to him. It belongs to him completely.

This is about agreeing to get married or engaged, but... definitely not with the Emperor Sanqianyuan!

The more Ye Shenyue listened, the more creepy he felt. He didn't want to have sex with this old man!

"It's all the same... um... In other words... you can really become a god, right? You can't deceive an old man like me... If you deceive... you won't be able to get an erection in this life!"

The Sanqianyuan Emperor grinned, but then he had a serious expression, as if checking whether Ye Shenyue was lying.

Although this guy who seems to be a little girl-controlled eavesdropped on their conversations, he naturally knew the various inside stories that Little Lolita [-] exposed, and Ye Shenyue, who was helpless, also blew himself up a little, and by the way, I will satisfy Miss Zizi. The mind of "make a wish to the stars, and then the heaven will send the next man", so Ye Shenyue also pretended to be half-truth and half-truth about his path of spiritual cultivation.

Then it was eavesdropped by this old man, and then...

It became this guy who was thinking of forcing Ye Shenyue into the family again and again.Think about it too, if you have a son-in-law who becomes a god, this is not an ordinary glory.

All right.I'm afraid that's what this guy intended.

Indeed, if the gods were really involved, it would be a supreme honor.

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