Ye Shenyue didn't want to look at the old man's face anymore, so she snatched the gentle Wang Yu, a treasure that was said to be able to travel through time and control time.

The treasure of the Sanqianyuan family - Wang Yu.

A legendary treasure that only the royal family can possess.

"I don't bully you either. I'll give you this fake product. In the future, you can use this fake product as the real one. Well... just use it as a proof of inheriting the Sanqianyuan in the future..."

Ye Shenyue thought about it, anyway, this Wang Yu will be broken by Xiao Sanqian with a walnut clip, so it's okay to put a fake one.

"Well... your sister, you really took it away and even used a fake one to fool me!"

The old man of Sanqianyuan is ultimately unhappy.But I still accepted it, after all, something is better than nothing.

At this point, Wang Yu got it.

Three thousand loli have already met his mother, and he has also got the Wang Yu that Miss Yuko wants, which means... he can go back, but... there is one more important thing!

That is marriage!

He had to say it casually.

It wasn't a grand wedding, because Ye Shenyue asked everything to be simple, and he didn't want to deal with so many so-called celebrities hypocritically, so in the end, only a few people knew that the eldest lady of the Sanqianyuan family, Sanqianyuan Zizi, got married. That's it.

But through these few people, it doesn't take a few days, everyone who should know will know it. After all, people's ability to gossip is very powerful.

"Goodbye. Maybe... next time I'll come back."

With the treasure in her hand, Ye Shenyue slowly got out of bed, and then kissed the eldest lady who had become his wife.

Just walked to the corridor and saw a small figure.

This little figure, Ye Shenyue, is very familiar, as if it had already been engraved in her mind.

Because this is his little three thousand... um... if that's right, it should be... his daughter?

Ye Shenyue had a very strange feeling, and glanced back, Miss Zizi still had a flat belly, but this future child had already appeared in front of him.

What a strange feeling.The father and daughter of Sanqianyuan, who are also at a loss, can accept it.

This is the first time in history that a daughter attends her mother's wedding!Ye Shenyue still remembered what Little Loli said to him, "If you dare to bother, you will be finished!"

How could such a loli speak to her father in such a tone, even his Aria and even his Chong Gong Zhenna did not say such a thing.

"Little three thousand? Why are you here?"

Ye Shenyue was a little stunned, because the little loli in front of her had drowsy dark circles under her eyes and seemed to be waiting for him.

"Woooo~~" Little Loli was obviously a little confused. "You bastard... are you going to run away? Sure enough, just like that old unscrupulous grandpa said, you want to run away after you eat it!"

"You know I don't feel like I have a father at all, you ruthless fellow!"

Little Sanqian slowly became excited, and she really remembered her past. In the big room, there were no relatives except her mother.

However, others, other children, say that there is both a father and a mother.

Why does she only have a mother?

Little Loli grabbed Ye Shenyue's arm all of a sudden.I'm not ready to let go, although I'm not very satisfied that my father is such a person, but Little Lolita is better than nothing, and this time she won't let go.

"Little Nagi..."

Ye Shenyue squatted down and hugged her little daughter in her arms, as if she wanted to integrate her little body into her own.

"I'll be back... I'll accompany you well then."

As long as he becomes a god, he can come back. Although it is a bit unkind, he can't accompany them all the time, because... there are many, many people he needs to accompany.

As he spoke, Wang Yu on Ye Shenyue's hand flickered, and then a silvery white brilliance flickered, covering his entire being.


The silver-white light flashed, but... Ye Shenyue looked at it in amazement... er... how should I put it, there was no change in the surroundings, nothing changed.But the cute little daughter he was holding suddenly became taller.

This... what's going on here?

It seems that he can't go back!

ps: Zizi's hair is indeed yellow, as evidenced by the pictures.

Chapter 0086 Do you want to come to my brother's arms?

"Well... stand up... 138... 138cm, congratulations, Xiao Nai is already so tall [what... 〓 Let the double ponytail Loli stand on the ground, and Yashenyue draws a line on the top of the little Loli's head with an oily brush The black scratches, and then measured with a tape measure, finally reported the height of his daughter at the moment.

"Really grow taller?"

The daughter looked excited. She used to like to say, "It's not that I'm not tall, but that I'm working hard to grow taller every day."

Immediately it became "I must go to Izumi...and that guy Sakuya, who is only 3 cm taller than me...let's see who gets I must be taller than them!"

Really sad Lolita Shi ah.

Listening to Sanqianyuan's shouting with tears and laughter, Ye Shenyue quickly patted her daughter's head, feeling unhappy about her height because she was thrown far behind by her companions.

"Little Nagi is really amazing..."

Standing on the side, the only person who can say such a thing is the naturally dumb Miss Zizi.

It's just that it's too exaggerated to be natural. She has a daughter before she gets married, and her daughter has grown a full 38 centimeters overnight. It's unlikely that she's taking hormones!Why don't you question me, miss?

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