"That's natural... I'm my mother's child..."

Although Miss Zizi is not tall enough, at least in Xiao Sanqian's eyes, her mother is much taller than her.Children always like to regard their parents as their idols, although Xiao Sanqian has no expectation of being as high as Ye Shenyue.

"Grow taller in one day? What's going on? Did a miracle happen to the children of my Sanqianyuan family?"

He said it carelessly, and then the Sanqianyuan Emperor directly described it as a miracle, but no, he has a man who is a candidate for God as his son-in-law, so it is very possible for his granddaughter to have more miracles. .

In fact, Emperor Sanqianyuan and Miss Zizi didn't live together, but after hearing about "Miss Nagi instantly grows 38cm tall" in the house, they flew over by private jet within 5 minutes.

Let Ye Shenyue once again marvel at the power of this daughter's control and granddaughter's control.

It's just that he didn't think that he was also a kind of control, fifty paces laughter.

Although everyone thought it was a miracle, Ye Shenyue was a little dejected.At first, he was going to leave with Wang Yu in his hand, but he didn't expect that it would be fine if he couldn't go back. In the end, he made his own little loli instantly taller.

This is the power of time.Ye Shenyue could feel it. After all, he has a Kuang San that controls time. Although he doesn't have the power of Kuang San, he has been fighting against her for so long, and he has some insight into Ye Shenyue.

The power that was supposed to go back to the future was not enough, so it was passed on to Sanqian.It caused Xiao Sanqian to grow up several years in an instant, um... Probably her final height. Height at age 13.

Now the treasure of the Sanqianyuan family, Wang Yuke, is still in his arms.He has exchanged for the real Wang Yu according to Miss Yuko's request. Whether it was Xiao Sanqian's wish to see his mother or the price, it was fulfilled, but he couldn't go back.Then there is only one reason.

Then the time has not come.

When he was holding Xiaosanqian to cross, Miss Yuko warned him.

That is cause and effect.

There are no coincidences in this world, there are only inevitables.According to Miss Yuko's concept, it is inevitable that he will come to the world of whirlwind butler, and he will definitely come.

According to the current development, if he hadn't come, there would have been no three thousand, let alone three thousand who came to find Miss Yuko and then came back through time.

Everything is doomed, this is the time refutation.It's impossible for people in the future to change the world of the past, unless... it's not the same world, because anyway it happened first and then there is the future.

In other words, he must be the father of Xiaosanqianyuan.

And the reason why he can't go back now is because... he still has tasks and other tasks.There are other things to do.

Maybe...the days are still long.

It's just... He can continue to accompany his grown daughter, the light source's plan is considered to be bankrupt because of the sudden growth of Xiao Sanqian, but the plan of "listening to father's words" can still be implemented.

When he was about to leave last night, Xiao Sanqian's cry still softened Ye Shenyue's heart. He had no choice but to deal with the girl's tears, because those tears were still shed for him.

"No...don't hold me...don't...others see...you will be embarrassed..."

With the intention of making up for it, and some kind of shameful thought, Ye Shenyue is not only with her own loli all day long, but also with Miss Zizi. Because the eldest lady is pregnant, she needs to cultivate in the house, but Xiao Sanqian is not a pregnant child, Ye Shenyue knows that her daughter is a little introverted and a little arrogant, and she is trying to change her mind, at least... and have a few more friends.

So, at this moment, Yagami Yue, who was holding the three thousand Loli princesses in her arms, was preparing to go to Miss Icheng, the future president of Daisy Kwai, and Aizawa Sakuya's house.

It's just that the little loli is thin-skinned. If she is a little smaller, she can bear it, but now... the smiling eyes of the aunts and uncles along the way make this eldest lady too embarrassed to lift her face up. When Ye Shenyue hugged her and finally walked into the alley, the three thousand loli couldn't bear it any longer, she said anxiously, wanting to jump down.

"It's okay... This is Dad's embrace, haven't you always wanted it?"

Ye Shenyue looked at Xiao Sanqian with a smile, her really cute little face, people couldn't help it... I wanted to make fun of her.

Lolicon is Lolicon, not only like the "soft voice and soft body and easy to push down" of little loli, but also like their cute expressions being teased.Rather than talking about red and ripe apples, Ye Shenyue prefers cyan apples with a bit of sourness, because such tender apples are hand-tuned into ripe apples full of charm.There is a sense of satisfaction.

... "Now... not now... at... at home... hold whatever you want!"

Sanqianyuan blushed, and finally turned her head away with a little embarrassment, as if she was defeated.

"So... how about we hold hands?"

Ye Shenyue hadn't let go of her daughter, so she acquiesced not to hold her, but made a new request. Loli's heart eased slightly, and just as she nodded, Ye Shenyue added, "Then first Kiss me... I've been walking with you for so long, there is no hard work or hard work!"

It's obviously what you want to hold!

Three thousand loli suddenly widened her eyes and glared at him, but she still wanted to kiss her, it was... it was too much!

It's just that Loli suddenly felt that the altitude was a little higher, and Ye Shenyue actually wanted to drive her around her neck!

This... this is the power of a three- or four-year-old child!

Obviously... she is already 8 years old now, okay? Although she is proud of her height, she feels ashamed... If she is seen in such a pose... It will be very embarrassing!

Obviously... she said it was 138cm.


Sanqianyuan struggled to get down, and then looked around, there was no one.

Lolita clenched her fists, and then directly pressed Ye Shenyue's shoulders, "You...you are not allowed to think too much...don't think too much in one place..."

Then, the blushing Loli directly touched it with her thin lips... lightly, just kissing the cheek.But still blushing.

"It's not the first time I've kissed... it's so... so... um..."

Ye Shenyue was thinking about how to make fun of the three thousand loli, but the three thousand loli suddenly covered his mouth, "You beast! How can you kiss your daughter casually!"

It's just that this is just talk, Loli's face is red and is about to bleed.

Let Ye Shenyue want to tease her again.


However, at this moment, a very childish but very cute voice emerged from the corner.Big beautiful eyes, delicate pink hair, wearing a plaid skirt.

It was this loli who said the "shameless" words that hit the bull's-eye. She was very small, only about one meter tall, which was the height of Sanqianyuan, who had not yet grown.

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