Ye Shenyue was stunned for a while, and then, in her daughter's puffed expression, she said something to the loli who seemed to have a righteous temperament, which made her daughter very upset, "Little Daisy... Come... do you want to come to the arms of big brother..."

Chapter 0087


Ye Shenyue suddenly let go of the double ponytail loli, but the little loli on the opposite side turned away with an aversion to the cold, and didn't speak, as if she was so scared that she couldn't speak.

Is that really the case?

When Ye Shenyue also thought this was the case, the pink little girl let out a very startling cry from her cute little mouth, and her lung capacity was so high that the whole path could be heard clearly.

"Pervert... Come and catch the pervert... woo woo..."

The little girl clenched her little fist, it wasn't to run away, it was puffed up and shouted.

"Pervert? Where's the pervert?"

The voice of solidarity came from not far away, Ye Shenyue hurriedly one by one, grabbed Xiao Sanqian and shouted, "Perverted... Perverted... going to be kidnapped!"

The little loli of words.This little daisy is really bad. He wants to take revenge on him like this. If he is caught, won't he be completely destroyed?

"If you talk again, I'll do you! It's the kind of rip-off!"

Because it was because of her and Xiao Sanqian, Ye Shenyue didn't have a third hand to cover her small mouth, and in the end she could only threaten her with a majesty and deliberately made a very fierce expression.Maybe it was really frightened by Ye Shenyue, or even though she was a little precocious, Lolita was a Lolita after all, and after all, she obediently stopped talking.

Tear up tickets or something, even if she is young, she can still understand.

Because...that was killed.

5 minutes later, Ye Shenyue went to the nearest park with two loli in her hands.

The scenery of the park is good. There are fountains, chairs and many lawns. You can sit wherever you go. Maybe it's because Yagami and the others came earlier, so there are not many people in the park, so even if it is a small daisy I couldn't find many people even if I kept calling.

Therefore, Daisy Lolita shouted several times, but no one came over, and then she shut up obediently, but her slightly glowing eyes were constantly turning, needless to say, she must be thinking about how to escape this danger situation.

God knows how to be kidnapped while walking on the street. If I knew it earlier, I would have taken another path.

"Listen, if you don't answer honestly, then you will just tear up the vote!"

The environment of the park is quite good, and there are no people around, so even if the little loli is pressed into the flowers, no one will come.

Of course, Ye Shenyue is still a person with a conscience and justice. He doesn't bother to do such lewd and low-level things. Of course, if this loli is so many years older... um... as long as he is like the three of his family. It seems that Qianyuan is so big... It can be considered.Those who attack young girls are sinners!

Ye Shenyue put down Sanqianyuan Nagi and Xiaogui Daisy, but there is a difference in how they are put down. For example, the loli in his family is sitting on a chair, and he is also sitting on a chair, while the little daisy It was his armpits on both sides that he clamped with his hands, and he lifted it up like a child.

"If you don't say...hehe...I'll take a picture of you now and show it to the world in 10'll have a cute face then."


x2 voices in unison.The two loli looked at each other.Because the voice was spoken by them together, as if they had a heart-to-heart connection.

"Cough cough..."

It would be fine if it was only the little president Gui Daiju who said so. I didn’t expect that even his Loli would say so. If Miss Zi was carrying this daughter in her stomach, then he would have guessed that this guy who actually called his biological father a pervert must have been raised by his own stepmother.

There is no tacit understanding between father and daughter.

"Okay... Since my Sanqianyuan also said so... then forget it... re-introduce..."

Ye Shenyue finally put down the little laurel daisy that she held up, and let her sit on the chair too.

"This very cute girl here is Sanshenin Nagi, with a height of 138... um... a little arrogant and arrogant but still a very cute and kind guy..."

Ye Shenyue touched her own loli and then introduced it like Sanqianyuan Nagi, "And this pink loli here is Gui Daisy...with a sense of justice...well, she is very sensible. It's easy to be shy...well...maybe a little arrogant..."

"Why do you know my name? You stalker!"

Daisy blinked her eyes and said instantly... "I can agree with being sensible, but shyness shouldn't be mine..."

Don't look at people's young age, but their brains are still very bright.

"Yeah... how did you know her name? Did you investigate it secretly? You voyeur!"

At this time, even the double ponytail loli joined the ranks of adding terrible charges to Yagami.

Ye Shenyue doesn't know if this is his daughter, why is she always helping others?

It is said that the daughter is the sweet little padded jacket of the father?

This padded jacket is hollow!

Ye Shenyue was sweating secretly in her heart, he was really unsuitable to deal with little girls, Ye Shenyue almost wanted to find girls instead of Lolita, because Lolita is too hard to provoke.

But this 4.8 must be the real president of the future.

Girls' Generation's president is cute when he's shy, but this one... for the time being, he doesn't even have a sense of shame.

Ye Shenyue's eyes widened, and a mentality called cultivating practical training kept rolling in her heart.

Since the progress of Xiaosanqian is not very good... then this will only last... It seems that it can be included in the goal.


Being stared at by Ye Shenyue, Gui Daiju felt very cold on her body. Is this... just being stared at by a pervert?

Since then, the scope of the term perversion of the president has been expanded again.

ps: It means that if you want to mess with the clever girl, you won't get hurt. Everyone vote.

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