In the same way, there are still very few people in this park, and it is still dangerous to a little loli like her. If the uncle around him has a lustful heart and pushes it directly into the grass, no one will pay attention to it.

It wasn't until Ye Shenyue put her down that Little Daisy had a chance to speak. She couldn't help the other party's speed too fast. It only took a few seconds to get from her house to the park, and she didn't even have time to react.

"Little Daisy...I...may be leaving this world..."

Ye Shenyue looked at the increasingly cute little girl, how could the impulse in her heart be two o'clock?

"Hmph...this...what does this have to do with me!"

The little president clasped his hands and turned his body slightly.

One second, two seconds.

Ye Shenyue didn't say a word, but the little girl turned around suddenly, her eyes widened in surprise, and she said with some hindsight, "Could it be were dismembered because you were too careless? A gift?"

"Or is it too beastly, someone sent the photo to the police, and then became a prisoner to be shot by the police?"

"Still... uuuu..."

Originally, she continued to say what she thought was feasible, but Ye Shenyue suddenly covered her mouth.

It's just that Yagami at this time is not using her accustomed hands but her mouth.

Little Loli's eyes widened.The whole body seemed to be stunned, even if a thunder struck at this time, she couldn't escape.

What... was she done?

Actually... was kissed!

Although it is only a loli, it is not counted to be kissed, but the little president turned from sudden stiffness to trembling.

"Suddenly...what are you doing all of a sudden...people...people are obviously not ready...not pervert...super lecher!"

Five minutes later, the little Loli who was released rubbed her mouth vigorously, as if she was completely stained in an instant.

"I can't help it for you to say that... After all, time is too tight... The plan that only belongs to my proud president has not been fully implemented, so... little president... Now you can only forget it. not me..."

Ye Shenyue hugged the little loli hard, and the natural milky fragrance belonging to loli suddenly floated into her nose.

But the little loli turned around.

Seems to be angry.

Ye Shenyue wanted to continue teasing her again, but the brilliance of Wang Yu in her arms swallowed him all at once, leaving only the last sentence, "Little Daisy...wait for me..."

Drifting in the park.

The voice was so loud that the little loli covered her ears.Then wait for the following.

One second, two seconds... 10 seconds!

Still no sound.

Loli was a little anxious.

Stupid...why didn't you say anything suddenly?

Daisy Lolita deliberately turned her head in other directions, just because she didn't want the other party to see her face that was red and hot. She was considered a little wise and could already think about a lot of things.Of course, I also learned to play tricks or something.

It's just that when Loli turned around, she found that... there was no one left.

No one on the chair, no one in the park!


After kicking the stones on the ground, Loli felt uncomfortable in her heart. Could it be that... she was deceived?

Even the kiss just now was a lie?Although it's still in the Lolita era, the girls remember the first time very

Violently kicked the stones away from his feet, "Hmph... run away after a strong kiss... I really think I'm the kind of loli who is easy to be deceived!"

"But... you should learn some powerful tricks, or you really won't be able to take revenge..."

For a moment, Gui Daidai made a gesture of clenching her fists and made up her mind.

Next... go to learn kendo!

That kind of method that can be hacked is the most suitable for revenge.

Young girls are ambitious.

And Ye Shenyue would never have imagined that the reason why the little president would go to learn kendo... is because of this reason...


And Ye Shenyue, who was swallowed up by Wang Yu's brilliance, was under a dazzling light, and in the touch of the icy cold water, this is... Miss Yuko's pool!

Ye Shenyue suddenly jumped out of the water, and then put one hand in front of her face, ready to block Miss Yuko's various words.

Every time he travels back from another world, Miss Yuko will always be sneered, and this time... it's the same.


Ye Shenyue held her hand for a long time, but it was not Miss Yuko's voice, nor Mokona's voice, nor Xiao Duo Xiaoquan's voice, but Sunshine.

Very warm sunshine. Of course, the temperature of this sunshine is for "ordinary" people like Yagami, and for a certain queen Yuko who is most afraid of the heat... Sunshine... is a black heart. .


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