Ye Shenyue opened her eyes and saw an enchanting body lying on the wooden floor in front of the pond, half of which was a place to enjoy the shade.

Eyes closed, wide and revealing kimono ripped open, and unconscious.

Is this... raped or... heatstroke?

Chapter 0091

Who is Miss Yuko?

Beautiful and airy.

It can face all living beings with an indifferent attitude, can abuse others with a cheerful attitude, and often act as the master envoy behind the scenes.

This is a fickle person and a terrible person.

But such a person is actually half-understood, lying so weakly in his storefront and then unconscious!

Yes, Yagami admits that Miss Yuko is beautiful, and he also has a lot of feelings. He also likes the feeling that she seduces him from time to time. It's just that such a person can always control everything in his hands, and it's the world. The strongest person in the world, and also... the person who is about to enter the realm of gods, such a person, who was actually raped on the floor of his own house?

This... is this possible?

Ye Shenyue walked up quickly.'s very embarrassing.

The wide kimono is loose.Although the belt was still tied, the kimono above was loosened to the sides... Uh, it just showed a very beautiful arc, which was directly exposed to the air and then printed in Ye Shenyue's eyes.

Sure enough, there is material, this is definitely not comparable to President Gui Daidai, it is the size that she can only hope for.

Is this... seducing him?

Ye Shenyue swallowed her saliva.


At this time, Miss Yuko's originally motionless body moved slightly, and Yagami was almost startled.

After a pause, Yuko-san still didn't respond.

Shouldn't be awake.

Ye Shenyue's heart actually calmed down a bit, and then... her fingers trembled a little to the place on the left of Miss Yuko that made her nose bleed.

Now he doesn't think that Miss Yuko was raped...because it's impossible, who is this?This is Miss Yuko, there is no one who can defeat her... There should be no one in this world!

So... the reason why Miss Yuko is like this should be... heatstroke!

No!Heatstroke in spring?

Although this assumption is absurd, it is Miss Yuko who is lying here now, and Yagami can't think of why Miss Yuko is lying here except for heatstroke!

Her clothes were messy, maybe she wanted to dissipate the body's heat faster, and... Yagami looked at Miss Yuko's feet. There were several bottles filled with water.

It can be seen that she has been drinking water just now!

But still fainted.

The body is still a little hot, so it can only be... it can only be heat stroke!

"I'm sorry...Miss Yuko!"

Ye Shenyue hurriedly climbed from the ground to the wooden board, then folded her hands together, and directly pressed Miss Yuko's chest.

He is saving... well, he is saving Miss Yuko!

Because Miss Yuko has a heat stroke, she is doing CPR?

(Here's touch and chest - CPR is harmonized) Now there are two choices in front of him. The first is to leave directly and be a good working man!

Second, it is... pretend to know nothing and continue...

Continue while Miss Yuko is in a coma, because such an opportunity is too rare.If you miss it, there will be no second time!

Ye Shenyue bit her lip and finally made up her mind.

Although the first item is the most suitable, but he... is about to become a beast, and he doesn't need purity or anything.

So, don't miss this opportunity!

Ye Shenyue hugged Miss Yuko with one hand and looked at Miss Yuko's red lips.

Miss Yuko doesn't have a should be...the first kiss.

If it took away her first kiss... this... wouldn't it be a great victory in history?

Now or never!

Ye Shenyue made up her mind to kiss her no matter what.


"Why... still want to kiss me with the lips that just kissed the little girl?"

However, just when Ye Shenyue's lips were about to touch the round lips that were full of temptation and luster, a very cold voice came out from the lips.

Ye Shenyue stiffened, her body motionless.

Because, this is Miss Yuko's voice.I don't know when Miss Yuko actually opened her eyes, and there was a very lingering feeling in her eyes.

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