Is this... murderous?

"That...haha...Miss are you..."

After being stunned by Miss Yuko in the manner of a queen, Yagami quickly changed the subject.At the same time, she stood up from Yuko-san sensibly, and silently moved several steps away.

Only the corner of her eye fell on Yuko-san, who had already begun to tighten her loose kimono and cover her perfect body full of charm.

Sure enough, she is a witch who has been immersed for an unknown number of years. Even the movement of cleaning up is still so beautiful.

Seeing Miss Yuko's eyes swept over again, Ye Shenyue quickly lowered her head. After all, he was guilty of being a thief. If Miss Yuko didn't wake up suddenly...

Didn't he just kiss him directly?

If I knew it earlier, I would kiss it earlier, if I knew it earlier, I would not hesitate!

However, if you kissed her earlier, maybe Miss Yuko would wake up faster, maybe she was awake, how could she wake up when she was about to kiss her?

Or...she did it on purpose?

Just when Ye Shenyue didn't know what to say to complete the scene, he was a little surprised that Miss Yuko actually helped him... "It's so hot... The most annoying thing is the heat... April [-]st, Hurry up and help me get a bottle of frozen sweet potatoes from the refrigerator to burn... um... I want sweet sweet potatoes instead of ordinary water!" "Ah... good!"

Ye Shenyue, who had received the order, fled as if running away.


This... what does Miss Yuko mean?

Ye Shenyue, who hurried to the kitchen to help her get the wine, was tumbling in her heart.

And the sentence just now, "Why... do you still want to kiss me with the lips that just kissed the little girl?"

The words have been lingering in Ye Shenyue's head.

It seems that Miss Yuko saw everything that he deliberately went around to Daisy when he came back, and he knew it.And still rejecting his kiss.


If you refuse, you should have refused earlier!He remembers... his hand.

Ye Shenyue suddenly took out her left hand, which was small just now... er... playing with her chest, according to Miss Yuko's endurance, it is impossible to bear it obediently, and she will definitely show it. With a sinister smile, he asked, "It was fun just now, wasn't it? It's cool 1.0, isn't it?"

Such terrible words.

But she didn't say anything, as if she didn't know anything.

Could it be that she really only woke up when she was about to kiss her.

Is it really that coincidental?

Ye Shenyue rubbed her head, completely incomprehensible.

"That idiot! If you are firmer, you can continue..."

Miss Yuko leaned against the pillar, and then a black, round Mokona jumped out of the room.Mokona said with a smile.

Then she jumped onto the sleeves that Yuko-san had already arranged, and sat on it.

This is what Yuko-san one of the masters who created it.


"Who knows..."

Miss Yuko picked up the long cigarette rod full of long history that she had put aside, and slowly began to smoke it, as if... what she was smoking was not a cigarette but... a loneliness?

Chapter 0092 Spider's Resentment

ps: The voting area of ​​the chapter directory is very deserted. There are only 12 people voting. Let's vote.


This is a place full of tranquility. There are rows of beautiful cherry blossom trees in the yard. This is a spring day. The cherry blossoms are in full bloom.

It landed on the roof of the house, on the ground, and then on the hands of people.

Ye Shenyue stretched out her hand and immediately received several petals.

The petals are very light and have an intoxicating breath, but when she saw this beautiful scene, what Ye Shenyue thought was not to enjoy the flowers in time, but to be thankful, fortunate that Miss Yuko did not see such a picture, otherwise she would definitely propose Come to see the flowers and let him do some cooking, hot wine or something.

He didn't want to be a royal chef!

Now Ye Shenyue is somewhat nostalgic about the days when she was in the whirlwind housekeeper. Although he has a lot of things as a housekeeper, he doesn't need to cook or anything, because Sanqianyuan is equipped with one or two ...At least a hundred chefs, but now, no matter how you look at it, the only person to be enslaved is him 07!


It's just at this time that a nice and heroic voice came over. This was the silence that was sweeping the cherry blossoms right behind him.

And Ye Shenyue also found something wrong. His right hand and back... were actually entangled. Although this strength is very weak, it is worth boasting that he has only discovered this hidden skill now.

Ye Shenyue turned her head and looked at the thing wrapped around him. It was spider silk. It looked very fragile, and it was indeed very fragile, but that was how it was wrapped around him.

Jing frowned slightly, and then in Ye Shenyue's words "Wait a minute", she used a broom to pierce the spider web wrapped around Ye Shenyue's body, and then her body suddenly jumped forward.

"Hey! Quiet! Are you alright!"

Ye Shenyue hurriedly hugged Jing's slender body who was about to fall.

But Jing, who was still sweeping the floor with a blank face just now, closed her left eye and covered her left eye with her left hand involuntarily.

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