Very painful look.

Ye Shenyue quickly moved her into the house.

Quickly take out the quilt and let her lie down.

"Don't move! Let me take a look!"

Seeing that Jing had been covering her eyes with all her might, Ye Shenyue suddenly showed a fierce expression, and then she broke off the other party's smooth left hand with her hand.

"I'm fine... just go ahead and do what you want..."

Jing wanted to turn her head away, but Ye Shenyue had already held her down, preventing her from moving.

Ye Shenyue's brows furrowed because he saw a very unusual scene.

Jing's left eye looked very lifeless.It's like losing God.

It should be... the "god" of the left eye was taken away, according to Miss Yuko, that is the left eye was taken away.

Then I heard Jing's voice pretending not to care, ρ suddenly felt uncomfortable, "Please don't think about everything for me! You have to take care of yourself too!"

Ye Shenyue yelled at her, and she obediently shut up.

It's not a good thing to beat someone like this, scold... Ye Shenyue also feels distressed.

After all, it was all because the other party put themselves first, and then this happened.

Ye Shenyue looked from the house to the yard just now, and the spider web had disappeared.Clean, only the broom fell on the ground and a petal of cherry blossoms that had not had time to clean.

Yes, it just disappeared. The cobwebs that could trap a person as big as him seem to have never appeared.

And the person that the spider web was looking for at first was him.


You did it!

Ye Shenyue scolded the monster who created the spider web in her heart. Could such a monster also want to capture him?Really when he is so weak?

Yes, the person who can create a spider web at such a fast speed and still want to capture him is a monster!

As for Jing, it should be because he helped him open the spider web and was revenge by the spider.

And then... the left eye was taken away by the spider!

How can it be repaired!

The feeling of being despised and bullied came up.

The corner of Ye Shenyue's mouth curled into a sneer. It seemed that these monsters looked down on him. They were trying their best to entangle him before he regained his strength, and now he still doesn't know if he wants to continue to entangle him!

Although Ye Shenyue, who already has 17% of his strength, is not even half of his strongest, his current 17% of his strength is the tempered strength after fusion, and he doesn't believe how weak it will be.

He...should make a big fuss in the monster world, and let these monsters weigh up who they can't mess with!

"You stay here first...I'll be right back when I go...En...get your eyes back."

Ye Shenyue, who had already decided, hurriedly said to Jing, who had already climbed up from the quilt.

He just stood up and wanted to take a few steps, but when he looked back, Jing still maintained the motion of sitting up just now. "kindness."

This is her cold and indifferent answer.

If it were an ordinary person, he would definitely feel that the other party was too cold, but Ye Shenyue was used to it. After all, this is the only person in his heart.A little colder a little colder.

It's just that she's not good at expressing emotions...

Yuko-san's storefront.


Ye Shenyue stood in front of the pool, hesitating for a moment and just wanted to jump down, but Miss Yuko suddenly appeared.

"Are you going to Lingshan?"

Miss Yuko definitely asked, if it wasn't for him, he would definitely report it to her and let her cast a spell to let him pass through the water of the pure and clear pool to another world, but this time he didn't need it.

Because the water in this pool is the same as that of Lingshan, you can go to Lingshan through the 700 water here.

"It should be looking for Jing's lost eyes...but...the [-]st of April..."

Miss Yuko suddenly raised Ye Shenyue's chin and pressed it very close to her face, "You have to think about are a fragrant bun in that world...everyone...want to take a bite. Woolen cloth!"

"Xiang Momo?"

Ye Shenyue's brows furrowed. Could it be that he has become a Tang monk?Anyone want to step in?

It's just that Miss Yuko obviously doesn't want to continue this topic.

"Speaking of Lingshan, we don't have enough water in our pool... You have to bring about... well, 1000 kilograms will be fine... Otherwise, you won't be able to support you to go to other worlds."

"So...this time you can work harder...don't say no...I know you have a dimensional pocket!"

Miss Yuko directly asked Yashinyuki not to even give the opportunity to refuse.The agency is exhausted!

Just know it is!It was said that Miss Yuko didn't drink inside and ran out in vain. It turned out that she still wanted to enslave him!

Ye Shenyue nodded dejectedly, and traveled to another place directly with the sound of "touch".

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