Ye Shenyue moved her umbrella to Xiao Yu's side, and as a result, half of her body, which had been soaked in the first place, was completely covered.

Now that Xiao Yu has found out, he doesn't need to hide it.

He likes to be an upright man.Then he asked the answer that he already had in his heart.

"May [-]th Xiao Yu."

Taking a deep look at Ye Shenyue, Xiao Yu announced her name.

"Well... I'm called April [-]st Night Shenyue. You can call me Ye in the future, and I'll call you Xiaoyu."

"Even the names are very similar... um... Ye Jun."

Xiaoyu nodded, and Ye Shenyue noticed that her face seemed to be more colorful.

But Xiaoyu on the [-]th of May, and Shenyue on the [-]st of April, the names that go so well together mean that Xiaoyu is destined to belong to him?

Ye Shenyue felt a little more comfortable in her heart. Finally, the title of April [-]st made people feel good...

"Although it's said that idiots don't catch colds, so are idiots."

In the quiet yard, Ye Shenyue watched Xiao Yu's small figure leave little by little, her past flashed in her mind constantly, and she was a little absent-minded in the rain, the sound of rain was still in her ears, and finally the sight in her eyes Xiao Yu's figure is gradually disappearing.

At this time, a slightly heroic voice entered his ears, and then he felt that the rain on his body was blocked by something.

His face is looking to the right, with beautiful broken hair, deep black pure eyes, and an incomparably fair face.

At this moment, Jing held an umbrella and placed the umbrella on top of Ye Shenyue's head. However, seeing the rain on Ye Shenyue's shoulders, she immediately discarded the idea of ​​sharing an umbrella, tilted the handle of the umbrella, and let all the umbrellas fall. Covering Ye Shenyue's body, she herself is independent from the rain.Let the rain fall on the white kimono.

"Who is an idiot!"

Ye Shenyue grabbed the umbrella in her hand and covered both of them.

Ye Shenyue and Jing walked into the house together, opened the window, and silently watched the cherry blossoms in full bloom, and the noble woman who was still floating on the cherry tree.

Xiaoyu said that the woman on the cherry tree has waited for the person she likes. Who is the person she likes who has waited for it?

For some reason, Ye Shenyue was a little irritable.


At this time, Jing came over with a cup of tea and handed it to Ye Shenyue.

"what is this?"

Leaving the window, Ye Shenyue turned around and looked at the green, turbid tea. That's not what normal tea looks like. Besides, Jing doesn't know how to cook. This tea... can it still be called tea? ?

"Ginger tea, made from a mixture of ginger and green tea, can cool off the cold. You just got a lot of rain."

"Thank you."

Ye Shenyue drank the tea in one go, while Jing sat on her knees and looked at Ye Shenyue with no extra expression in her eyes.


After drinking the tea, Ye Shenyue suddenly called out.


"I'm not leaving tonight."


Without the slightest dissatisfaction or blushing, Jing nodded.Still so bland.

It made Ye Shenyue a little surprised. After all, there were only two of them in this room, a man and a woman, and they were still sleeping together. What would go too far in it, do you need to point out?

However, after thinking of Jing Jing's indifferent and cold-hearted temperament, Ye Shenyue was relieved again.

Outside the window, the woman floating on the beautifully blooming cherry tree had opened her beautiful eyes and looked at the two people in the room with a complicated expression.

The beautiful streamers and smooth hair are still flowing, and keep flowing...

"Where are you going again! Hey, I'm talking to you, why don't you listen! What if I catch a cold on a rainy day? What if tomorrow's recording ends because of this!"

On May [-]th, Xiaoyu returned home. As soon as she arrived at the entrance, she was greeted by the angry tone of her mother. Without stopping too much, without changing the expression on her face, Xiaoyu walked directly from her mother up the stairs, with wet Drizzling umbrella.

"Hey, the umbrella is wet and can't be brought into the room..."

There was even more anger in the mother's eyes, and she wanted to scold more, but at this time the phone rang again.

"What? The program that has been booked has been washed out again... Mr. Yamada... and the recording fee is not the same as what was promised..."

At this time, Xiaoyu walked back to her bedroom. There was a table and a vase in the bedroom, but Xiaoyu did not put the umbrella in, but sat down and held the umbrella in her arms.

There was a hint of tenderness that she didn't understand in that unchanging look.That person... In her world, no one really cared about her, and that person was willing to be drenched in the rain and handed her the umbrella.

Is that what it feels like to be loved?

Xiaoyu didn't know, she could only read "April [-]st Night Shenyue" as a spiritual power that ordinary people couldn't have, she was lonely and no one paid attention to her.Even her mother is far, far away from her.

However, today... her calm and even despairing heart... seems to be a little turbulent.

Ps: The woman in the kimono is related to the world of Inuyasha and is the heroine.I wanted to use this woman directly to enter the world of Inuyasha, but it seems that everyone still loves fate too much.

When Xiaoyu's plot is over, it will be a storm in the garden.I hope you will continue to support.The Endless Garden just doesn't get into the chapters too much.There are only about 2 chapters, but Aihuajiang still reappears.

Chapter 0100 Gossip

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