the next day. "Have you heard?"

Ye Shenyue just came to class, Xiaokui smiled and said something to Jing, although Jing still had a straight face, but Xiaokui didn't mind the discussion and was very interested.

"Yishenyue...earn...why do you look so unmotivated early in the morning?"

Xiaokui looked at Ye Shenyue who was yawning and said with concern.

"'s's just that I was enslaved early in the morning..."

Ye Shenyue glanced at Jing, but the other party still kept a rather irritating expressionless face. He was quiet and quiet last night, but this guy forced him to cook early in the morning, and he still had a big appetite. , I don't know his hard work, whether it's her or Miss Yuko, they all like food with complicated production processes, and every time they want to eat until they're full!

And his workload instantly... went up.

He really needs a royal cook, Ye Shenyue is afraid that if this continues, he will become a complete housewife and man!

How can it be repaired!

"Hehe... your relationship is really good..."

Xiaokui covered her mouth and smiled.

" know?"

Ye Shenyue was stunned, but Xiaokui's eyes swayed on him and Jing, which means that this sentence was said to the two of them.Could it be that... Xiaokui already knew about the night he spent at Jing's house last night?

"Yeah... But Yushenyue classmate, although my parents were very lively when they were young, but we are still learning, you can't always pester Jing, let her be like this, if she has a child... ...It's not good to drop out of school at that time...but since it's your child...then that child should be very cute...I think I want to hug~~" Xiaokui still smiled sweetly.Very cute look.

But Ye Shenyue, he found... Xiaokui's words.

"Classmate Ye Shenyue..."

This is what she calls him at the moment, not the usual "Yuejun" that seems to be... suddenly pulled away.

"I just told her."

At this time, Jing shrugged his shoulders and said. seems a little late.

Ye Shenyue was already depressed.

What is the relationship between Jing and Xiaokui so good that she told Xiaokui all the things that such a girl should not say blushing and embarrassed to say?

Or did she have any connection with Xiaokui during his absence?

Of course, now is not the time to investigate who is at fault, Ye Shenyue is completely depressed.

Because Xiaokui Suanshui completely kept a distance from him, from a friend with a little ambiguous friend to a boyfriend of a friend.Being lined up by Xiaokui in this way, it seems that he has to work hard to get close to Xiaokui and get the relationship back.

But now is not the best time.However, he was attentive to the content of Xiaokui and Jing's discussion just now.

"Xiao Kui... If I heard correctly, you were talking about the savior Xiao Yu just now..."

Xiao Yu, isn't that the little girl who made me feel distressed that I saw yesterday?

Xiaoyu just reached his waist, so it can be said that... well... it can be regarded as a loli.

What better news for lolicon than loli?

"En... In a few days, the news of Xiaoyu was reported in magazines or on TV. It is said that Xiaoyu has the ability to remove spirits, but he is very young, and he is still a child, and those who have powerful spirits, But they are all very old people, like the abbot and abbot, so Xiaoyu was suspected by everyone."

"Then I don't know what happened. This time, the TV program that was supposed to report on killing spirits under the cherry trees was terminated."

"Then everyone's suspicions deepened, and there were a lot of malicious and slanderous news uploaded on the Internet... For example, Xiaoyu won't remove the spirit or anything, but just pretends. Because she can't prove it after the spirit is removed, and she can't prove it in front of everyone. Come out... so suspicions are growing..."

Xiaokui almost finished speaking in one breath, and then looked at Ye Shenyue.

"As expected... these ignorant humans..."

Ye Shenyue's eyes changed.He knew why Xiaoyu was suspected, either because those who knew a little bit of spiritual power couldn't understand Xiaoyu being stronger than them, and then hired someone to slander Xiaoyu casually, or it was because of Xiaoyu's ability.

Xiaoyu has the ability, but her way of removing spirits is very different, it is very gentle, not the kind of tough persecution, she always let the souls leave by themselves.Such a gentle way of course removes the evil spirits without anyone knowing it, and people don't even notice it.

... "Idiot...humans?"

Ye Shenyue's voice was not loud, but the two women around her heard it.

"Uh... just talking about those who doubt Xiao Yu... Xiao Kui... What kind of person do you think Xiao Yu is? Are they really the liars they think?"

Ye Shenyue looked at the girl with long brown hair and two pale orange hair with a ponytail on a scale bed and looked very lively and always had a smile on the corner of her mouth.

Nine Xuankui.

"So what do you think, Yashenyue-kun? How do you think I feel... I believe in you..."

Xiaokui did not answer, but asked back with a smile.

I believe you!

This sentence was suddenly repeated.

Ye Shenyue's heart was about to jump. It seemed that even though Xiaokui consciously kept a distance from him, the trust or something had not changed, which meant that the stranger was just a name.

Ye Shenyue's heart suddenly became alive.

"Of course I really have the ability... After all, I saw the soul together yesterday..."

Ye Shenyue murmured.It just seems to have opened another folder accidentally.

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