It's a pity that Little Loli shook her head, then lowered her head slightly.

But Ye Shenyue suddenly hugged her in her arms.


Yagami touched Loli's fluffy hair, and then touched the icy cold bandage.


"If I had remembered sooner, I wouldn't have hurt you..."

Indeed, he is the one who knows the plot. If he had thought earlier that Xiao Yu would be injured, then he would not have... won't let Xiao Loli get wrapped in this bandage.

And... still had a head injury.

How painful this is.

Ye Shenyue herself is a person who is very afraid of pain, otherwise she would not go to become a zombie and would always protect herself from being dismembered. Although she could be resurrected, he didn't want the pain of being killed. try again...

"It's's okay..."

Xiao Yu's small body was completely integrated into Ye Shenyue's embrace.

She is a single-parent child, and her mother divorced her father when she was very young and raised her independently.

She knew that the reason why her mother would use her power to do this and that on TV was to get revenge on her father, in addition to making money.

In order to prove to the original father that the divorce was a wrong decision.

Mother wanted to argue about it.


It seems... now off track.

The mother, who was still ambitious, has become miserable.

And the source of the

Xiao Yu put her body into Ye Shenyue's embrace, which made her feel warm.

The source of the pain is her... the strength of her hands at this moment.

The mother has been caught in the whirlpool of fame and fortune, and the pain is struggling in it.

"Would you like to go with me?"

Ye Shenyue hugged Xiao Yu.


Loli, who was still leaning her head in Ye Shenyue's arms, raised her head and stared at Ye Shenyue with her calm eyes.

"I want to take you to where I live...I think you'd be a better fit there."

Ye Shenyue affectionately touched Loli's smooth, slightly cold cheeks with her face.

This is not deliberately taking advantage, but from the heart, although he is also thinking that Loli's face is very tender 5, and he really wants to go further.

It's just that I have to listen to Loli's opinion now.Ye Shenyue doesn't think his abduction methods can be compared with the master abduction master Orochimaru, but.


Xiao Yu nodded lightly, and then stretched out her small arm around Ye Shenyue's neck.

" you have a wish?"

Ye Shenyue held Little Loli in her arms, and then came to Miss Yuko's store. This is just a deserted place to others, but to those who have a wish... it is a strange store with an ancient history.


Xiao Yu nodded.At the same time, the bandage on her head had completely gone with the wind.Disappear.

This is Ye Shenyue quietly treating her with "Guangdu" along the way.

Chapter 0102 Sealed Things

"Welcome back."

"Welcome back."

x2 Somehow, maybe it was telepathy or something, just when Ye Shenyue didn't want to let go of Xiao Yu and walked towards the house with her in her arms, she found that Mo Ke Na and Xiao Duo Xiao Quan were already very active. The yard was waiting for him.

Could it be because he didn't come back yesterday and missed him?

Ye Shenyue was extremely grateful.

"April [-]st... What did you buy today? Is there any meat? Cabbage is also... It's better to have a hot pot..."

Needless to say, Mocona has ruined all the atmosphere.

Meat meat, cabbage cabbage cabbage.

The eyes of this dark and sluggish little guy only have food and drink, and I don't know how Miss Yuko created it, and he has no temperament at all.

And he wasted his feelings.

"Back on April [-]st?"

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