However, at this time, the Lord Ye Shenyue who was complaining also appeared.

This is still the scantily clad Yuko-san.

And it seems... is also developing in a more revealing direction.Don't you know that he is a man and a normal man, what if he really turns into a wolf?

Although he couldn't beat her.

07 This is also the part that makes Yashin Yue feel helpless to Miss Yuko in her infinite development.


Yuko-san's gaze fell on Xiao Yu who was in Yagami's arms.The beautiful thin eyebrows frowned slightly, "So it's like this..."

See everything again.

"Then... hurry up and start cooking on April [-]st... I will take care of your little friend..."


This is Miss Yuko.

Ye Shenyue has already accepted her fate.

"Xiaoyu, you follow her first...don't look at Miss Yuko's seemingly harmless fact...she is..."

Ye Shenyue slowly put the little loli down.He leaned into Xiao Yu's ear and continued, "Actually, Miss Yuko is a very scary woman... You can't listen to her, whatever she praises me is the truth, if she deliberately belittles me, then you have to listen to her the other way around. ……Well, that's it……"

That is to say... No matter what, Yagami is establishing a radiant image.

It really is.

"Ha ha……"

Loli, who didn't like to show her expression, smiled softly.


Ye Shenyue felt that her neck... seemed to be entangled in something, and there was a little itching and tingling in her ears.

Just as he was about to turn his head, he heard Miss Yuko's voice.The voice came from his neck, and it was still warm, as if... Miss Yuko was still biting his earlobe as she spoke!

Ye Shenyue is no stranger to biting earlobes or something. He has molested many girls in this way, but now.

Ye Shenyue really felt that her body was going to soften.

Been molested!

Ye Shenyue hurriedly struggled out of Miss Yuko's grasp.

"I'm going to cook first..."

He should go back to the kitchen obediently, and use his current strength to fight against Miss Yuko... Even three of him are not enough!

Ye Shenyue hides shamefully.

From behind, came the queen-like laughter of Miss Yuko, "It's just that he didn't hear the conversation between Xiao Yu and the queen who stayed in the same place.

"you like him?"

The girl with brown curly hair stared at Miss Yuko with her calm eyes.


Miss Yuko touched her bare chin, "Why do you say that?"

As for Mocona and Xiaoduo Xiaoquan, they disappeared automatically and went to the kitchen to bother Ye Shenyue.


Xiao Yu's answer is simple.

Miss Yuko laughed softly, but neither agreed nor refuted, as if time had stopped at this second...

After a meal and a full meal.

Xiaoyu expressed his wish.

A very simple wish.

She wants to make her mother no longer suffer.

This is a very simple and very difficult wish, because the source is Xiao Yu herself.

Xiao Yu confessed to Yagami and Yuko-san.The reason why her parents divorced was actually because of her ability. She was found to have abilities that ordinary people did not have at a very young age. Her father was very afraid of this and even thought it was troublesome, but her mother insisted on accepting her.

Then, the parents divorced.

Mother has embarked on the path of showing her power to the world, but now it has gone further and further and more tortuously.It has deviated from the original track, and the mother has become very miserable.

Every day, every day, she was in contact with people from the TV station, stuffing money or something, and things like that had overwhelmed her.

Xiaoyu is a kind child.

She wanted her mother to stop suffering.

"It's a good wish...but...are you willing?"

Miss Yuko looked at Xiao Yu.

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