He hurriedly swept away the smoke blown by Miss Yuko with a cigarette stick, this is not him!

At this time, Miss Yuko cooperated to put away the cigarette stick, but her coquettish lips moved slightly.

"What happened to you? You need to ask me? No matter how you look at it, ask yourself..."

"Ask myself?"

Ye Shenyue frowned, but he had no memory.How to ask himself?

"Okay... For the sake of you're still confused... I'll tell you..."

The woman's slender fingers tapped his chin, and her bright face came close to him in an instant.

Ye Shenyue had already smelled the strange fragrance of Yuko-san's body.

I couldn't help but spit out saliva.

"The reason why you fainted...appeared here...is actually..."

Miss Yuko's eyes were slightly down... as if she was looking at some parts of his body.

"It's overindulgence to say..."

"It's just overindulgence!"


Hearing such an answer, even if Ye Shenyue had confidence again, she suddenly softened.

This... what kind of explanation!

Is he... that kind of useless person?

How can you faint from overindulgence?

Probably... not.

It seemed that Miss Yuko didn't want to tell him the truth. In her depression, Yashinyuki forgot why she fainted and had a headache, and then thought of his loli.

"How is Xiaoyu? I remember that she hasn't fulfilled her wish... eh... Although her wish seems to be a balloon that can make all dreams come true, it doesn't seem to have anything to do with me... eh... You are definitely I got it wrong...I didn't say anything..."

Muttering, Ye Shenyue saw Miss Yuko's eyes that seemed to be able to see through everything, and immediately shut up. Just now, his mouth was fast and he told the story at once.

To know that his biggest reliance is to know the plot, if this is squeezed out by Miss Yuko, then he can only be enslaved even worse.

However, what is surprising is that Miss Yuko, who always likes to bully him and enslave him, actually ignores this.

"Your little feather has gone back..."


Why didn't you go back before your wish came true?He originally wanted to invite Loli to sleep with her when she was empty and weak.

It seems...everything has come to an end.

"Her wish has come true... but instead of taking her power, her power is still useful."

Miss Yuko asked Makona who jumped in to turn on the TV, "I gave her a balloon that can make her dream come true. As long as the balloon pops, her wish will come true."

"And now... you see... on TV..."

Ye Shenyue's eyes fell on the TV.

There is a program of exorcism on TV.And at this moment, the one who was photographed was Xiao Yu who had already put on a dark blue skirt.

Of course, next to her, there were a few famous slayers and abbots who were rumored to be famous.

At the moment, they are sitting together and watching a video taken by a photographer of a haunted house.The current program is to let these exorcists explain what the ghosts in the haunted house are like.

"I think it should be a post-war soldier... He is walking alone, um... wearing a military uniform..."

One of the abbots said.

Next, you don't need to look anymore.

Ye Shenyue quieted down. He already knew the plot, of course he would know that what Xiao Yu said was different from what everyone said, because if he said the same thing, he would be said to be following the trend, and if he didn't see it, he pretended to see it.

So Xiaoyu said the existence of another person.a murdered woman.Everyone didn't see it, and then suspected her.

"Then, her price is..."

Ye Shenyue looked at the plot that was still going on like the original.Then asked the price.

Miss Yuko is a stingy guy, no matter what it is, there is a price.

Xiaoyu is the same.

"The price...you will know for yourself."

Miss Yuko did not give a specific answer, but stood up slowly, revealing a very tall and feminine figure.

the next day.The news of Xiao Yu's retirement came.

Just like the plot, the other spirit removers saw only one soldier in the haunted house, but she saw another person.

A woman murdered by someone she loves.

In the end, she went to the haunted house and let the murdered girl disappear into reincarnation, and the girl's body was also found, so... everyone thought that Xiao Yu was right.

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