
Xiaoyu said with a smile that she was about to quit.


It is now.

When Ye Shenyue was drinking tea with Jing in the yard, she saw a little girl.

The girl with long curly hair is very beautiful.She was wearing a pale yellow goth loli dress.

Loli walked towards him.

"I know, you...you're a lolicon. So...that way, you should be happy."

Xiaoyu moved closer to Ye Shenyue's ear, and then gently kissed his cheek.

On the other hand, Ye Shenyue was completely stunned.

Then, there was a sense of helplessness and loneliness in my heart.

Xiaoyu has become so smart, won't she become the same as Miss Yuko in the future?

If there are two Miss Yuko, what will he do?

"But... I just like this kind of lolicon."

Well, in Xiao Yu's other sentence, Ye Shenyue instantly... recovered.

This is the end.

Koba's incident is over.

Ps: Next is the storm in the garden.Tempest doesn't have much content, but Aihua-chan will appear again in Godslayer.

Chapter 0104 Do not break the love flower


Another hard day.When Ye Shenyue came back from school, he couldn't remember how many years he went to school, no matter when he had to go to school.It was really hard work. Everyone is a Wannian primary school student. Could he be a Wannian high school student?

"April [-]st? April [-]st is back..."

"Back on April [-]st..."

"Hurry up and tell Miss Yuko!"

Just after walking to the entrance, Xiao Duo and Xiao Quan walked over with joy on their faces, reaching out to take Ye Shenyue's schoolbag and glasses, they are really good children.

As for the dark and autumn Mocona, it is still the same naughty.

Immediately he jumped onto his shoulders.

However, the attitude of the three of them seems to be too excited today. Could it be that something good happened?

As soon as she thinks of good things, Ye Shenyue immediately loses interest. Their good things must be their own troubles.

"April [-]st...and a new mission..."

Miss Yuko held a pot of sweet potatoes and spoke quite calmly, but why did Yashenyue feel that there was more or less black belly in her tone.

"Mission? Is it to deal with some monsters and monsters... Don't come here... I don't want to be eaten by those monsters..."

Ye Shenyue was extremely depressed, why did he suddenly become Tang Monk?

After being kidnapped by Spider Woman, Ye Shenyue is no longer interested in her own body, monsters and so on... Absolutely not to mention.Of course, if it's a little more beautiful... it seems to be considered.

"An-la... An-la... This time it's not a monster, a ghost, or a monster... It's a very simple task..."

Holding up a pot of wine, he took a big sip, showing a comfortable expression, Yuko seemed to be in a good mood too.


Makona also rolled over to help Yuko bluff.


It's actually difficult.

Ye Shenyue doesn't believe what these people say anymore, how many times has he been deceived!


Ye Shenyue slowly approached, but Yuko suddenly stopped talking, and changed from a serious tone to a command, "There's no more wine... Let's get a pot of wine first... Then I'll tell you... By the way. Come on, this incident is easier than ever..."

As she said that, Miss Yuko, who was still wearing a kimono, chuckled and continued, "There is a girl who is going to commit suicide... She wants to take another look at her boyfriend before committing suicide."

Miss Yuko's expression seems to be... joking?

Did she think of a way to play with him again?

Before she thought about it, Ye Shenyue was afraid for half a minute.


meet your boyfriend?What's the matter with him?

Is it...

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