Ye Shenyue's mind turned quickly, this was a girl who committed suicide, and she wanted to see her boyfriend. Generally speaking, her boyfriend's health was fine, and the girl could bring her boyfriend directly.

Therefore, it is not necessary to pay the price to achieve your wish.

So, this girl is going to commit suicide, why commit suicide?

Is it martyrdom?

Boyfriend has died?But want to meet again?

If so, you have to pay the price.

Only this desired and almost impossible thing can be connected to Miss Yuko's shop, so the agreement is made and the price is paid.

And he, holding a natural tooth in his hand, can revive people's demon knife, and can revive her boyfriend.

In other words, just slash her boyfriend with a knife?

Quite a simple task indeed.

"The price has been paid. It's the blood of her suicide. Hurry up and come back, and you have to go to admire the moon at night... How can you do it without delicious food?"

Satisfied, Miss Yuko put down the jug and pointed to the courtyard.

The pool in the courtyard, which was cast by Gaia, can connect to the entrance of various worlds.

"I really can't help you... I'll go back when I go..."

Ye Shenyue has completely despaired of these foodies. Fortunately, Tohka is not here, otherwise he will have to become a full-time good family man.

It is not the first time that Ye Shenyue has crossed, but this time the fall is still surprisingly similar.

It fell directly from the ceiling and fell directly to the ground.

Ye Shenyue has regained some strength, so there is no pain, she raised her head and looked at the room.

It was a large room with pure white tiles on the floor.

Somehow, when Ye Shenyue walked on the tiles, she felt...a little scary.Do you always feel guilty?


Ye Shenyue's ears moved, and he suddenly wanted to turn his head, but at this moment, he had already felt it. A dagger was pointed at his back. As long as he showed any signs of acting rashly, the other party would stab the dagger mercilessly. into his body.

"This speed..."

This was the first time she had been threatened, but Ye Shenyue was more concerned about the opponent's speed.

The speed of the other party is very fast, and it has already left the range of people!

After all, this kind of thing hangs up... he has not been once or twice.

There's nothing to lose if you get stabbed just hurts!

"you guess!"

She put the knife closer to Ye Shenyue's back, and at the same time, Ye Shenyue felt a little itchy in her ear, which was the girl blowing into his ear.

"A girl who wants to commit suicide?"

It should be called that, but Yagami only heard the request of the girl who was going to commit suicide from Miss Yuko.

So the girl who appeared should be the girl who was about to commit suicide.

It should be like this...and it can only be like this.

Can't go wrong.


A clear, sure and determined voice.

Ye Shenyue didn't have time to figure out the meaning of the girl's heart, he already felt the pain coming from his back.

"Uh...this is..."


After being stabbed, Ye Shenyue's body fell directly to the ground. Is he going to repeat the fate of being killed again?

This time... it's still a bad thing for an unknown girl, Ye Shenyue has already thought about how it will be belittled by Gaia and the others.

"'s so pitiful..."

Ye Shenyue's body has fallen down, and red blood drips on the pure white tiles, like a flower blooming.

The beautiful long brown hair of the girl in a pure white nightdress slipped down on Ye Shenyue's face, and the girl's face got closer.

When he got close to Ye Shenyue, he saw her full face.

From the outside, this is a girl who will not be buried no matter where she is placed. She has fair and abnormal skin that is unique to beauty, has beautiful purple eyes, and a brownish-yellow ancient noble that makes people fall in love at first sight. The princess wore a beautiful bun.

This is a real beauty.

However, Ye Shenyue felt that this girl... seemed to be somewhat similar to Miss Yuko.

Is it a distant relative?

The girl not only squatted beside Ye Shenyue, who was lying on the ground, but also smiled at Ye Shenyue. This smile was like the most peaceful lily in full bloom, but Ye Shenyue seemed to heal here. In his gentle smile, what I see is not sweetness... but... jealousy.

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