"I told you a long time ago that beautiful shaved ice can only be made by me and for you, but once you betray me, then what I grind in my shaved ice machine is not shaved ice but people..."

The girl's smile seemed to be even sweeter, "You know this clearly... you still betrayed!"

"Don't take what I said to heart at all!"

"When did you say it, I don't know anything!"

"Miss Yuko, what terrifying task did you ask me to take on!"

Ye Shenyue's heart trembled. He really didn't want to face someone who could say such terrible things while smiling with a beautiful smile!

This is a more terrifying guy than Yan Ye's hatchet!

Although the other party...seems...well...it seems to be quite beautiful.

But he definitely doesn't want it!

"You... who are you?"

Ye Shenyue struggled to raise her head to look at this beautiful girl with a smile on her face, but she was completely black-hearted and black-eyed. She moved her lips and asked.

"Can't even remember my name? I can't even remember my name..."

"Then... go to hell!"

She suddenly pulled out the dagger that was inserted into Ye Shenyue's back. It was terrifying to say that the dagger in the girl's hand instantly turned into a huge, fiery red, as if it could scorch.

Five horses dismembered.


Now that she was in pain, Ye Shenyue stared at the girl's beautiful and elegant face with burning eyes, and finally shouted out, "Love the flower, don't break the love flower!"

Chapter 0105 Tomorrow's Promise ([-])


When the huge sword that seemed to be burning with flames was about to slash Yagami's neck, it disappeared instantly like a magic trick.


Ye Shenyue felt lucky and breathed a sigh of relief.There was no fluke just now, he really felt that he was going to be completely killed.

Still beheaded, pierced through the heart, at least still able to hang, but beheaded...

It's terrible, that's a super bad ending. He's not Brother Cheng, so he doesn't have two boats.

"Looks like...you still remember your girlfriend's name...otherwise I'd think it was the wrong person..."

The girl with a gentle smile, her beautiful purple eyes seemed to become even brighter.

Absolutely mistaken!

Ye Shenyue was talking loudly in her heart, but it was difficult to say it out of her mouth.

Because the smiling girl at the moment is definitely not as gentle and relaxed as he sees now.

This is someone comparable to Miss Yuko, who can say terrible things with a smile.

However, this girl can only be regarded as Miss Yuko when she was young.

"That... Aihua...why...why did you commit suicide?"

Ye Shenyue once again realized his insignificance, and he felt even more insignificant in front of Bupo Aihua, who had already lost his strength.

Even in the period of his total victory... it seems that he can't match this unbroken love flower...

Ye Shenyue, who noticed this, did not feel much failure.

He has already understood what kind of world he is in now. The whole world is controlled by two big trees, and Bubro Aihua is the representative of the strongest tree, the tree that can destroy the world. the power of.

He is constantly getting stronger, but he has not yet reached the level where he can compete with the power of the world, otherwise he will not be able to beat Ariel and the others at the top of the world.

Just knowing the current situation, Ye Shenyue immediately covered her mouth as soon as she asked.

According to the development of the plot, the reason why Aihua committed suicide should be because the second female lock, Ye Feng, traveled through time and space and told Ye Feng what she knew about the development of the world, so Aihua deduced that she committed suicide by herself, then promoted the development of the world and finally defeated the evil. The boss of the tree of the beginning.

"You still don't understand? Then I'll tell you..."

It's just that the love flower at this moment showed a brilliant smile, and that smile was very bright.

Ye Shenyue, who already knew deeply that "the brighter the girl smiles, the brighter she will become", her heart throbbed.

He seemed to recall at once that Aihua wanted to kill him just now, as if he was talking about his two boats.

A woman's jealous heart!

Jealousy can kill people, kill men.

"The princess of the Hajime clan came to me just now... Then I deduced that I would definitely commit suicide today, so I prepared to commit suicide... It's just that once you commit suicide, you will be kidnapped by other girls... ...I really can't worry about it..."

Bupo Aihua's smile disappeared in an instant, revealing a bloodthirsty and terrifying expression, "So I thought about it, or... In order to avoid future troubles, I should take a good look before committing suicide..."

A sharp dagger appeared in Bupo Aihua's hand, even if she hadn't finished speaking, anyone knew that she was going to kill her boyfriend before committing suicide!

A woman's heart is so scary!

This is to bring people to be buried with you!

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